Initial Results of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP)
R. Kano(1), R. Ishikawa(1), A. Winebarger(2), F. Auchere(3), J. Trujillo Bueno(4), N. Narukage(1), K. Kobayashi(2), T. Bando(1), Y. Katsukawa(1), M. Kubo(1), S. Ishikawa(5), G. Giono(1), H. Hara(1), Y. Suematsu(1), T. Shimizu(5), T. Sakao(5), S. Tsuneta(5), K. Ichimoto(6), M. Goto(7), J. Cirtain(2), B. De Pontieu(8), R. Casini(9), R. Manso Sainz(4), A. Asensio Ramos(4), J. Stepan(10), L. Belluzzi(11) and M. Carlsson(12) (1) NAOJ, (2) NASA/MSFC, (3) IAS, (4) IAC, (5) ISAS/JAXA, (6) Kyoto U., (7) NIFS, (8) LMSAL, (9) HAO, (10) ASU/ASCR, (11) IRSOL, (12) U. Oslo The Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) is a NASA sounding-rocket experiment that was performed in White Sands in the US on September 3, 2015. During its 5-minute ballistic flight, CLASP successfully made the first spectro-polarimetric observation in the Lyman-alpha line (121.57 nm) originating in the chromosphere and transition region. Since the Lyman-alpha polarization is sensitive to magnetic field of 10-100 G by the Hanle effect, we aim to infer the magnetic field information in such upper solar atmosphere with this experiment. The obtained CLASP data showed that the Lyman-alpha scattering polarization is about a few percent in the wings and the order of 0.1% in the core near the solar limb, as it had been theoretically predicted, and that both polarization signals have a conspicuous spatio-temporal variability. In this presentation, we would like to show how the upper chromosphere and transition region are seen in the polarization of these UV lines and discuss the possible source of these complicated polarization signals. Back to Poster |