Theoretical and observational approaches to the solar magnetic field:
Achievements and remaining problems
- conference in honor of Prof. Takashi Sakurai's career -

First Announcement and Call for Papers

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to take part in a one-day conference in honor of Prof. Takashi Sakurai's career, "Theoretical and observational approaches to the solar magnetic field: Achievements and remaining problems". The conference will take place on 27 May 2016 at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan.

Needless to say, Prof. Sakurai has energetically worked in the field of solar physics, and produced vast and ingenious research achievements. Upon the retirement of Prof. Sakurai in March this year, to look back on his successful career, and to express our appreciation to his considerable contribution, we organize the commemorative conference as well as a retirement party.

The conference program will include the following invited talks:
  • - Keynote Speech (T. Sakurai)
  • - Solar wind and cosmic jets (T. Kudoh)
  • - Resonant MHD waves in the solar atmosphere (M. Goossens)
  • - 3D-Coronal magnetic field (T. Wiegelmann)
  • - Magnetic helicity (H. Zhang)
  • - Observation of magnetic fields (J. Chae)
  • - Long term variation of solar activities (S. Solanki)
Venue: The Large Seminar Room, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 2-21-1 Osawa, Mitaka, Tokyo, Japan (

Abstract Submission: This is a one-day conference, but a couple of contributions can be accommodated. We invite abstract submissions for the contributed talks and posters. The abstract submission deadline is 20 March 2016.

Those who want to participate in the conference should send an email to "ts2016_reg*" (Please replace * asterisk with @ at mark).

E-mail Subject should be "Registration". The following information is necessary
  • First Name:
  • Family Name:
  • Affiliation:
  • Affiliation (abbreviated):
  • Qualification (General or Student):
  • Application for Presentation (Oral, Poster or None):
  • Title of Presentation:
  • Abstract:
The details of the retirement party for Prof. Sakurai will be announced later.

Best wishes,

T. Watanabe - chair, J. Chae, M. Goossens, Y. Hanaoka, K. Ichimoto, K. Kusano, K. Shibata, S. Solanki, H. Spruit, T. Wiegelmann, and H. Zhang
Y. Hanaoka - chair, M. Hagino, Y. Katsukawa, S. Morita, K. Shinoda, Y. Suematsu, and S. Toriumi