The conference program :
Chairperson: T. Watanabe
- 09:30-10:05 *Keynote Speech (T. Sakurai)
- 10:05-10:40 *MHD solar wind and astrophysical jets: theory and numerical studies (T. Kudoh)
- 10:40-11:15 *Resonant MHD waves in the solar atmosphere (M. Goossens)
- 11:15-11:50 *3D-Coronal magnetic field (T. Wiegelmann)
- 13:10-13:25 Studies on loop oscillations by MHD numerical simulations (T. Yokoyama)
- 13:25-14:00 *Observation of magnetic fields (J. Chae)
Chairperson: Y. Suematsu
- 14:00-14:35 *Magnetic helicity (H. Zhang)
- 14:35-14:50 Magnetic Helicity and Solar Eruption (K. Kusano)
- 14:50-15:25 *Long term variation of solar activities (S. Solanki)
- 15:25-15:40 Magnetic field measurement: from ground to space (K.Ichimoto)
- 15:40-15:55 NAOJ's synoptic solar observations (Y. Hanaoka)
- 15:55-16:00 Closing Remark (T. Sakurai)
*: invited
Springer sign of appreciation (A. Tokuno) before the afternoon session.
- P1. Particle Acceleration in Solar Flares and Terrestrial Substorms (M. Oka)
- P2. Coronal waves propagating across magnetic field lines (T. Kaneko)
- P3. Chromospheric Sunspots in the Millimeter Range as Observed by the Nobeyama Radioheliograph (S. Nozawa)
- P4. Study of dynamic response in a solar flare based on spectroscopic observations (A. Tei)
- P5. Stastical Distribution of current helicity observed the Solar Flare Telescope (M. Hagino)
- P6. High-Precision Spectro-Polarimetry in the SUNRISE Balloon-Borne Solar Observatory (Y. Katsukawa)
- P7. The Solar-C Mission (H. Hara)
- P8. Initial Results of Chromospheric Lyman-Alpha Spectro-Polarimeter (CLASP) (R. Kano)
- P9. Statistical Analysis of Current Helicity and Twist in Solar Active Regions over the Phases of the Solar Cycle Using the Spectro-Polarimeter Data of Hinode (K. Otsuji)