The Solar-C Mission
H. Hara

The SOLAR-C is a planned satellite mission that is led by the JAXA SOLAR-C working group as the 4th Japanese space solar observatory that follows the 3rd satellite mission, Hinode. To elucidate the active solar phenomena that have newly been found by Hinode and the problems that have been tackled for a long time in solar physics, we try to understand the causal linkage between solar magnetic fields and active phenomena on the Sun with 0.1-0.3 arcsecs high-resolution instruments in space. SOLAR-C will observe photospheric and chromospheric activity by imaging and measure chromospheric magnetic fields by spectropolarimetry with photospheric magnetic fields. It visualizes the site of dynamical events for chromospheric and coronal heating by imaging and spectroscopy with comparable resolution and by high-resolution chromospheric magnetometry. SOLAR-C essentially contributes to space weather by estimating the stored magnetic energy in the corona via measurements of chromospheric m agnetic fields. We will prepare the mission plan for the next opportunity of the JAXA strategic medium-class science mission.

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