Study of dynamic response in a solar flare based on spectroscopic observations
A.Tei Although it is known that dynamic phenomena occur in the chromosphere in relation to a flare, its real nature and origin are still unknown observationally and theoretically. Detailed study of flare kernels is important since it will leads to the understanding of heating mechanism of chromosphere and energy release process in the corona. To obtain a data set of flare in multi-wavelength with ever highest temporal and spatial resolutions, we performed a coordinated observation with Hida/IRIS/Hinode, in 2014 November 11. With Domeless Solar Telescope at Hida Observatory of Kyoto University in Japan, we performed slit scan spectroscopic observation of Ca II K, Ca IIR 8542A and H-alpha simultaneously. With IRIS, in the sit-n-stare mode, we got spectrum data including Mg II k/h, Mg triplet, C II, SiIV, Fe XXI, and other chromospheric lines. In our analysis, the red asymmetry was detected during the impulsive phase of the flare in most lines showing flare emission, Mg II h/k, Mg II triplet, C II and SiIV, Ca II K , Ca II IR 8542A and H-alpha. Resulting peak velocities are in a range from 40 to 80km/sec. Additionally, there were no detectable difference in the start time of the red asymmetry between any lines which show the asymmetry with a time resolution of 10 sec. Red asymmetry, which lasts for 1 min or so, consists of short lived multiple components with a life time of nearly our temporal resolution. In addition to these results, the blue asymmetry which proceeds the red asymmetry, was also observed in Mg II k/h lines. We will show these observational results and discuss them. Back to Poster |