Hα Full-Disk Observation

Observations are performed with the Solar Flare Telescope at the NAOJ Mitaka campus.

Zeiss FWHM0.25 Å
Halle FWHM0.5 Å (Only used from 2023. Apr. 28 to 2023. May 06)
Camera (The date is the start date of use)
2011. May 31: IMPERX IPX-4M15(081518)
2011. Jul. 22: BITRAN BH-52L(280023)
2012. Aug. 31: IMPERX IPX-4M15(081518)
2012. Dec. 11: BITRAN BH-52L(280023)
2015. Jun. 01: Andor Zyla-4.2(VSC-02594)
2024. Mar. 19: Andor Zyla-4.2(VSC-02052)

Real-time Image

The image orientation is the Sun‘s north at the top and west to the right (Click the images to enlarge). The images are automatically reloaded in every 2.5 minutes.

Ha fulldisk

Hα fulldisk

Ha050 fulldisk

Hα±0.5Å fulldisk

Ha080 fulldisk

Hα±0.8Å fulldisk

Ha+3.5 Cont

Hα+3.5Å fulldisk

Ha050 Doppler

Hα±0.5Å Doppler

Ha080 Doppler

Hα±0.8Å Doppler

Database Calendar

Database Calendar
Latest Hα image
Archived Hα image

Full-Disk Images (jpg file. 512×512, 1024×1024, and 2048×2048 pixels)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

The image orientation is the Sun’s north at the top and west to the right.
Names of data files are

“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}N{nnnn}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{l, m, s}_mov.jpg”

for color images of 512×512 pixels used in an MPEG movie,

“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_i_{000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}_{l, m, s}.jpg”

for monochrome images of 1024×1024 pixels as raw images, and

“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{m, s}_today.jpg”

for color and monochrome images of 2048×2048 pixels (the best resolution in our observations) in the ‘today’ directory. Each word and its meaning in the names above is as follows;

  • {YYYYMMDD}: Date (UT). The YYYY for year, MM for month, and DD for day (in integer).
  • {nnnn}: Four-digit serial number.
  • {hhmmss}: Time (UT). The hh for hour, mm for minute, and ss for second.
  • {i, vl}: Types of images. The i for the intensity and vl for the velocity.
  • {000,050,080,350}: The wave-length for an image in an MPEG. The 000, 050, 080, and 350 mean Hα center(6563 Å), Hα±0.5 Å, Hα±0.8 Å, and Hα+3.5 Å, respectively.
  • {000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}: The wave-length for a raw image. The 000 for Hα center, 05b for Hα-0.5 Å, 05r for Hα+0.5 Å, 08b for Hα-0.8 Å, 08r for Hα+0.8 Å, and 35r for Hα+3.5 Å.
  • {l, m, s}: Classification of an exposure time. The l for long, m for medium, and s for short.

Full-Disk Movies (MPEG and Javascript. 512×512 pixels)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

We have MPEG movies to download and watch, and Javascript movies to watch on the website. Names of files are

“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{l, m, s}.mpeg”
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}_{i, vl}_{000, 050}_{l, m, s}_jsmovie.html”,

respectively. The explanations of {YYYYMMDD}, {i, vl}, {000, 050, 080, 350}, and {l, m, s} are found in the Full-Disk Images (jpg file) table above.

Full-Disk Images (FITS-format data)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Files are named as

“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_i_{000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}_{l, m, s}.fts.gz”.

The explanations of {YYYYMMDD}, {hhmmss}, {000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}, and {l, m, s} are found in the Full-Disk Images (jpg file) table above.
The Dark/flat correction, P-angle correction, and centering of the disk were applied.

Observing Status Plots (png file, 640x640 pixels)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019

Observing Logs (text file)

2020 2021 2022 2023 2024
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019