Hα Full-Disk Observation
Observations are performed with the Solar Flare Telescope at the NAOJ Mitaka campus.
Real-time Image
Database Calendar
- Database Calendar
- Latest Hα image
Archived Hα image 2010
Full-Disk Images (jpg file. 512×512, 1024×1024, and 2048×2048 pixels)
The image orientation is the Sun’s north at the top and west to the right.
Names of data files are
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}N{nnnn}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{l, m, s}_mov.jpg”
for color images of 512×512 pixels used in an MPEG movie,
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_i_{000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}_{l, m, s}.jpg”
for monochrome images of 1024×1024 pixels as raw images, and
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{m, s}_today.jpg”
for color and monochrome images of 2048×2048 pixels (the best resolution in our observations) in the ‘today’ directory.
Each word and its meaning in the names above is as follows;
- {YYYYMMDD}: Date (UT). The YYYY for year, MM for month, and DD for day (in integer).
- {nnnn}: Four-digit serial number.
- {hhmmss}: Time (UT). The hh for hour, mm for minute, and ss for second.
- {i, vl}: Types of images. The i for the intensity and vl for the velocity.
- {000,050,080,350}: The wave-length for an image in an MPEG. The 000, 050, 080, and 350 mean Hα center(6563 Å), Hα±0.5 Å, Hα±0.8 Å, and Hα+3.5 Å, respectively.
- {000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}: The wave-length for a raw image. The 000 for Hα center, 05b for Hα-0.5 Å, 05r for Hα+0.5 Å, 08b for Hα-0.8 Å, 08r for Hα+0.8 Å, and 35r for Hα+3.5 Å.
- {l, m, s}: Classification of an exposure time. The l for long, m for medium, and s for short.
Full-Disk Movies (MPEG and Javascript. 512×512 pixels)
We have MPEG movies to download and watch, and Javascript movies to watch on the website. Names of files are
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}_{i, vl}_{000, 050, 080, 350}_{l, m, s}.mpeg”
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}_{i, vl}_{000, 050}_{l, m, s}_jsmovie.html”,
respectively. The explanations of {YYYYMMDD}, {i, vl}, {000, 050, 080, 350}, and {l, m, s} are found in the Full-Disk Images (jpg file) table above.
Full-Disk Images (FITS-format data)
Files are named as
“mtk_ft_ha_fd_{YYYYMMDD}T{hhmmss}_i_{000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}_{l, m, s}.fts.gz”.
The explanations of {YYYYMMDD}, {hhmmss}, {000, 05b, 05r, 08b, 08r, 35r}, and {l, m, s} are found in the Full-Disk Images (jpg file) table above.
The Dark/flat correction, P-angle correction, and centering of the disk were applied.