Proceedings of the Japan-France Seminar on Solar Physics
1980 October 15-18, Tokyo

Sponsored by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique

edited by F. Moriyama and J.C. Heoux

Tokyo Astronomial Observatory, The University of Tokyo

Whole Volume (33 MB)

Table of Contents

Preface i
List of Participants ii
Session I. Introductory Discourse
The Active Sun as a Star .....
J.C. Pecker 1
Session II. The MHD Approach to the Solar Atmosphere
The Solar Cycle - Its Interpretation in Terms of a Dynamo Theory
H. Yoshimura 19
Theoretical Prediction of Eigen Frequencies of the Solar Five Minute Oscillation
C. Berthomieu, A.J. Cooper, D.O. Gough, Y. Osaki, J. Provost and A. Rocca 32
Solar Phenomena as MHD Manifestations
W. Unno 36
Some Evidence for Dominantly Horizontal Velocities in the Photosphere
J. Rayrole 41
The Magnetic Fields in the Stellar Photospheres
K. Nariai 46
Numerical Simulations of Active Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere
K. Shibata 50
Numerical Hydrodynamic Simulations of Spicules
Y. Suematsu 66
Observational Proof of the Inefficiency of the Chromospheric Heating by Acoustic Waves
P. Mein, N. Mein and B. Schmieder 70
Electro Magnetic Heating of Coronae
J. Heyvaerts and E. Schatzman 77
Magnetic Fields and Currents in the Corona
Y. Uchida 83
An Analytical Approach to the Three Dimensional Stellar (Solar) Wind Solutions with Magnetic Field
O. Kaburaki 96
Session III. Long-Lived Features
Wide-Band Polarization of Sunspots
M. Makita 99
Three Component Magnetic Fields of Sunspots
H. Kawakami and M. Makita 107
Preliminary Observations on the Global Energy Balance of Sunspots and Photospheric Faculae
T. Hirayama 116
Discussion of the Semi-Empirical Determinations of the Optical Depth of Chromosphere-Corona Transition C IV Lines
J.C. Pecker, S. Dumont, Z. Mouradian and E.G. Chipman 118
The Magnetic Field Flux in Facular Regions
Z. Mouradian, C. Chapman, S. Dumont, Ch. Fang, Y. Feng and J.C. Pecker 121
Coronal Magnetic Fields and Forbidden Emission Line Polarization
D. Rees 125
Small Scale Unresolved Solar Magnetic Fields
E. Ribes and M. Semel 129
Morphological and Dynamic Properties of Magnetic Bright Points in the Quiet Photosphere
R. Muller 142
Observational Test for Hydrodynamical Models of Solar Faculae
M. Semel, E. Ribes and D. Rees 149
Mass Balance and Magnetic Structure in Quiescent Prominences
J.L. Leroy 155
Motions and Oscillations in Filaments
J.M. Malherbe, M.J. Martres, P. Mein, B. Schmieder and I. Soru-Escaut 166
A Model of Magnetic Fields and Mass Flows in Dark Filaments
Y. Uchida 169
The Vertical Motion of Matter in Quiescent Prominences
J. Kubota 178
Lyman Continuum Optical Depth of Prominences Derived from EUV Spectroheliograms
M. Kanno 181
Session IV. Violent Features
Pre-Flare Evolution and the Beginning of Flares
E. Hiei 185
A Spatial Description of an Elementary Eruptive Phenomenon
M.J. Martres, Z. Mouradian and I. Soru-Escaut 188
An Unexpected Event in the Study of Repetitive Events
M.J. Martres and I. Soru-Escaut 191
Is the "Disparition Brusque" Phenomenon Always an Effective Disappearance?
Z. Mouradian, M.J. Martres and I. Soru-Escaut 195
The Brightening of Very Short Duration Observed in the Wing of Hα Line
I. Kawaguchi 199
On the Emission Spectra of Moustasches
R. Kitai 202
Some Observational Results on Ellerman Bomb
H. Kurokawa 206
Energy Release and Energy Transfer in Flares
J.C. Henoux 210
Soft X-Ray Line Emission from Solar Flares
K. Tanaka 219
35 GHz Observations of Solar Flares
K. Kawabata and H. Ogawa 229
Pulsating Type IV Bursts at Metric Wavelengths and Corresponding Optical and Microwave Features
T. Kosugi 233
Stellar Activity
A. Mangeney 235
Some Comments on the Propagation of Alfven waves in an Atmosphere
B. Leroy 251
On the Existence of Hot Coronae in Hot Star Winds
J.P.J. Lafon 255
Session V. Solar Observations, Present and Future
Magnetic Field Observations in Meudon Observatory
J. Rayrole 258
The Solar Instruments of the Pic du Midi Observatory
J. Rösch 269
The New Solar Spectrograph at Pic du Midi Observatory
Z. Mouradian, F. Chauveau, F. Colson, G. Darré, P. Kerlirzlin and G. Olivieri 271
New Domeless Solar Telescope in Hida Observatory
Y. Nakai 275
Multi-Channel Subtractive Double Pass Spectrograph
P. Mein 285
Three Interesting Properties of Birefringent Filters
J.L. Leroy 288
Solar Diameter Measurements, A New Approach
J. Rösch and R. Yerle 292
Attempts to Detect Emerging Twisted Flux Tube
K. Tanaka 304
On-Axis Stellar Magnetograph
K. Nariai 311
Solar Research from Space
R. Bonnet 312
Space Observations of the Sun at TAO
K. Nishi 332