J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Stray-Light Effect on Magnetograph Observations"
Solar Phys., 183, 229-244, 1998
J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Stray-Light Correction in Magnetigraph Observations Using the Maximum Entropy Method"
Solar Phys., 183, 245-261, 1998
D.A.Falconer, S.D.Jordan, J.W.Brosius, J.M.Davila, R.J.Thomas, V.Andreatta, and H.Hara
"Using Strong Solar Coronal Emission Lines as Coronal Flux Proxies"
Solar Phys., 180, 179-191, 1998
C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, J.-C.Henoux, Y.R.Huang, M.D.Ding, and T.Sakurai
"Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Flare on 2 October 1993"
Solar Phys., 182, 163-177, 1998
H.Hara, S.Koutchmy, and Y.Suematsu
"Properties of H-alpha Spicules from Disk and Limb High-Resolution Observations"
Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes, ed. T.-D. Guyenne,
ESA SP 421, 255-262, 1998
Hara, H.
"Evolution of the Solar Corona from Solar Maximum to Minimum"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 3-12, 1998
T.Harada, H.Sakuma, K.Takahashi, T.Watanabe, H.Hara, and T.Kita
"Design of a High-Resolution Extreme-Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrometer with Aberration-Corrected Concave Gratings"
Applied Optics, 37, 6803-6810, 1998
H.S.Hudson, B.J.LaBonte, A.C.Sterling, and T.Watanabe
"NOAA 7978: The Last Best Old-Cycle Region?"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 237-244, 1998
K.Kodeki, K.Fukushima, T.Kashiwase, M.Inoue, T.Shimizu, T.Yoshida, T.Sakao, H.Hara, S.Nagata, R.Kano, and S.Tsuneta
"Development of the Tip-Tilt Mirror System for the Solar XUV Telescope,"
Proc. SPIE, 3356, 922-933, 1998
S.Koide, K.Shibata, and T.Kudoh
"General Relativistic Magnetohydrodynamic Simulations of Jets from Black Hole Accretions Disks: Two-Component Jets Driven by Nonsteady Accretion of Magnetized Disks"
Astrophys. J. Lett., 495, L63-L66, 1998
S.Koide, K.Shibata, and T.Kudoh
"Numerical Simulation of Relativistic Jet Formation in Black Hole Magnetosphere"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 149-154, 1998
S.Koide, K.Shibata, and T.Kudoh
"Numerical Simulation of Relativistic Jet Formation in Black Hole Magnetosphere"
Hot Universe, eds. K.Koyama, S.Kitamoto, and M.Ito (Kluwer Academic Publ.),
IAU Symp. 188, p.415, 1998
S.Koutchmy, H.Hara, K.Shibata, Y.Suematsu, and K.Reardon
"SXR Coronal Polar Jets and Reccurent Flashes"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 87-94, 1998
T.Kudoh, R.Matsumoto, and K.Shibata
"Magnetically Driven Jets from Accretion Disks. III. 2.5D Nonsteady Simulations for Thick Disk Case"
Astrophys. J.,, 508, 186-199, 1998
T.Kudoh, R.Matsumoto, and K.Shibata
"Magnetically driven jets from accretion disks: Nonsteady 2.5D-MHD simulation"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 143-148, 1998
T.Kudoh and K.Shibata
"Alfven Wave model of Spicules,"
Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes, ed. T.-D. Guyenne,
ESA SP 421, 281-285, 1998
M.R.Kundu, J.-P.Raulin, N.Nitta, K.Shibata, and M.Shimojo
"Two-Sided-Loop Type X-ray Jets and Metric Radio Bursts"
Solar Phys., 178, 173-178, 1998
T.Magara, K.Shibata, and T.Yokoyama
"Plasmoid Formation in Eruptive Flares"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 173-174, 1998
R.Matsumoto, T.Tajima, W.Chou, A.Okubo, and K.Shibata
"Formation of a Kinked Alignment of Solar Active Regions"
Astrophys. J. Lett., 493, L43-L46, 1998
R.Matsumoto, T.Matsuzaki, T.Tajima, and K.Shibata.
"Magnetohydrodynamics of Accretion Disks"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 115-120, 1998
T.Matsuzaki, R.Matsumoto, K.Shibata, and T.Tajima
"Local Three-Dimensional MHD Simulations of the Parker Instability in Differentially Rotating Disks"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 321-324, 1998
M.Ohyama and K.Shibata
"X-ray Plasma Ejection Associated with an Impulsive Flare on 1992 October 5 -- Physical Conditions of X-ray Plasma Ejections --"
Astrophys. J., 499, 934-944, 1998
M.Ohyama, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, and T.Yokoyama
"X-ray Plasma Ejections and Jets from Solar Compact Flares Observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 333-336, 1998
"Maximum Energy of Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 345-348, 1998
"Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Synoptic Solar Physics, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin,
ASP Conf 140, 483-495, 1998
"National Report 1997 - Japan"
National Report 1997 - Japan, 37-41, 1998
T.Sakurai and Y.Yan
"Coronal Loops and Magnetic Field Modeling -- A New Boundary Intergal Representation for Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena, Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 1-9, 1998
B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, M.Akioka, and T.Sakurai
"Non-Linear Evolution of Erupting Coronal Magnetic Fields"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 353-356, 1998
"Theory of Flares and MHD Jets,"
Hot Universe, eds. K.Koyama, S.Kitamoto, and M.Ito (Kluwer Academic Publ.),
IAU Symp 188, 9-12, 1998
"X-ray Jets and X-ray Plasmoids (invited talk)"
Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes, ed. T.-D. Guyenne,
ESA SP 421, 137-146, 1998
"A Unified Model of Solar Flares"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 187-196, 1998
T.Shimizu and S.Tsuneta
"Deep Survey of Solar Nano-Flares with Yohkoh"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 27-28, 1998
"Scientific Objectives of the SOLAR-B Mission"
A Crossroads for European Solar and Heliospherics Physcis -- Recent Achievements and Future Mission Possibilities,
ESA SP 417, 169-178, 1998
M.Shimojo, K.Shibata, and K.L.Harvey
"Magnetic Field Properties of Solar X-ray Jets"
Solar Phys., 178, 379-392, 1998
M.Shimojo, K.Shibata, K.Hori, and T.Yokoyama
"Physical Parameters of Solar X-ray Jets - Observation and Simulation -"
Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes, ed. T.-D. Guyenne,
ESA SP 421, p.163, 1998
M.Shimojo and K.Shibata
"Study of Solar X-Ray Jets Observed by Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 357-360, 1998
J.Shin, T.Sakurai, and N.Miura
"Deconvolution of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Images"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 361-364, 1998
"Solar Spicules: A Brief Review of Recent High-Resolution Obsevations"
Solar Jets and Coronal Plumes, ed. T.-D. Guyenne,
ESA SP 421, 19-28, 1998
H.Tonooka, R.Matsumoto, S.Miyaji, S.F.Martin, R.C.Canfield, K.Reardon, A.McAllister, and K.Shibata
"Soft X-ray Features of Prominence Eruption and Disappearance"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 371-374, 1998
Y.H.Tang and T.Sakurai
"The Activation Characteristics of a Disappearing Filament"
Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena, Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 49-53, 1998
H.N.Wang and T.Sakurai
"Cross-Section Variations of Coronal Magnetic Loops"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 50, 111-123, 1998
S.Yashiro, K.Shibata, and M.Shimojo
"Early Evolution of Coronal Active Regions Observed with Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope. I. Expanding Velocity"
Astrophys. J., 493, 970-977, 1998
S.Yashiro, K.Shibata, and M.Shimojo
"Evolution of Coronal Active Regions Observed with the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 379-382, 1998
T.Yoshida, H.Hara, R.Kano, S.Nagata, T.Sakao, T.Shimizu, and S.Tsuneta
"XUV Doppler Telescope aboard a Sounding Rocket"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 383-390, 1998
H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, H.Kurokawa, S.Morita, and Y.Uchida
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Active Region Inferred by Homologous Soft X-ray Flares in February 1992"
Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond, eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling (Kluwer Academic Publ.), 391-396, 1998