STEP Full-Disk Magnetograph

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Under the framework of the Solar Terrestrial Energy Program (STEP, 1990-1997) organized by SCOSTEP, we have constructed a full-disk magnetograph. The instrument is a video magnetograph designed to have a field of view covering the full solar disk, and is able to make a map of full-disk magnetic fields in about 30 seconds.

The instrument is located in the Mitaka campus, to the west of the Solar Flare Telescope. The observing room is located on the southern side, and the heliostat mirror system is put on the northern side. The solar beam is sent into the observing room by two flat mirrors of the heliostat (20cm diameter), and a solar image of about 5mm diameter is made on a CCD camera by a lens of 6.5cm aperture.

The magnetic field is observed by measuring the polarization of the Fe 5324 Angstrom line through a birefringent filter. The Doppler shift of the spectral line is also measured with this system.

Sample magnetic map
Sample Doppler map

T. Sakurai et al.: "A Full-Disk Magnetograph at Mitaka", J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 1035-1041, 1995