Hinotori (Astro-A) Satellite

Publication List

K.Akita, K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, H.Miyazaki, K.Kumagai, M.Miyashita, K.Nishi, and F.Moriyama
"Solar Flare Soft X-Ray Spectra from the Hinotori. I - Iron Line Spectra and Their Time Variations of Seven X-Class Flares".
Annals Tokyo Astron. Obs., 18, 237-388, 1982
K.Akita, K.Tanaka, and T.Watanabe
"Polarization Measurements Using the Bragg Crystal Spectrometers on HINOTORI"
Solar Phys., 86, 101-105, 1983
E.Antonucci, M.Dodero, A.Gabriel, K.Tanaka, and J.Dubau
"Ionization Balance for Iron XXV, XXIV and XXIII Derived from Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra"
Astron. Astrophys., 180, 263-268, 1987
"Plausible Mechanisms for Rapid Acceleration of Protons during Solar Flares"
'18-th International Cosmic Ray Conference', Vol.12, pp.26-29, 1983
T.Bai and P.A.Sturrock
"Classification of Solar Flares"
Ann. Rev. Astron. Astrophys., 27, 421-467, 1989
"Interpretation of Rapid Rises in Hard X-Rays and Microwaves with the Thermal Conduction Front Model"
'Rapid Fluctuations in Solar Flares', NASA/GSFC, pp.29-45, 1986
"Chromospheric Evaporation Theory"
'The Many Faces of the Sun : A Summary of the Results from NASA's Solar Maximum Mission', eds. K.T.Strong, J.L.R.Saba, B.M.Haisch, and J.T.Schmelz, Springer, New York, p.301, 1999
T.J.Cao, A.-A.Xu, and Y.-J.Ding
"A Comprehensive Analysis of the Loop Prominence of 1981 April 27"
Chinese Astron. Astrophys., 9, 226-231, 1985
C.-C.Cheng, G.Doschek, and J.T.Karpen
"Numerical Simulations of Loops Heated to Solar Flare Temperatures. III - Asymmetrical Heating"
Astrophys. J., 286, 787-803, 1984
"X-Ray Spectroscopy of High Temperature Plasma in Solar Flares"
Adv. Sp. Res., 8(11), 67-76, 1988
C. de Jager
"Solar Flares and Particle Acceleration"
Sp. Sci. Rev., 44, 43-90, 1986
G.A.Doschek and K.Tanaka
"Transient Ionization and Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra"
Astrophys. J., 323, 799-809, 1987
"Soft X-Ray Spectroscopy of Solar Flares - An Overview"
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 73, 117-130, 1990
G.A.Dulk, T.Bastian, and G.J.Hurford
"Dual Frequency Observations of Flares with the VLA"
Solar Phys., 86, 219-225, 1983
"Energetic Electrons as an Energy Transport Mechanism in Solar Flares"
Solar Phys, 86, 133-145, 1983
"HINOTORI - A Japanese Satellite for Solar Flare Studies"
Adv. Sp. Res., 2(11), 201-202, 1982
"Narrow-Band Decimeter Bursts and X-Ray Emissions - Possible Evidence of Negative Absorption or Maser Effect"
Solar Phys., 86, 421-426, 1983
F.Farnik, B.Valnicek, B.Sylwester, J.Sylwester, and J.Jakimiec
"Comparison of Energy Calibration of Prognoz 5, 6, 7, and 8 and Other Hard-X-Ray Solar Photometers"
Bull. Astron. Inst. Czech., 35, 158-163, 1984
"Temperature and Emission Measure from GOES Soft X-Ray Measurements"
Solar Phys., 154, 275-308, 1994
E.Hiei, T.Okamoto, and K.Tanaka
"Observation of the Flare of 12 June 1982 by Norikura Coronagraph and HINOTORI"
Solar Phys., 86, 185-191, 1983
"Hard X-Ray Imaging and the Relative Contribution of Thermal and Nonthermal Emission in Flares"
'Solar Flares and Coronal Physics Using P/OF as a Research Tool', NASA/MSFC, pp.150-157, 1986
H.S.Hudson, K.Ohki, and S.Tsunet
"An Extended Superhot Solar Flare X-Ray Source"
'19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf.', Vol. 4, pp.50-53, 1985
K.Kai, T.Kosugi, and N.Nitta
"Flux Relations between Hard X-Rays and Microwaves for both Impulsive and Extended Solar Flares"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 155-162, 1985
"The HESP (High Energy Solar Physics) Project"
'Rapid Fluctuations in Solar Flares', NASA/GSFC, pp.467-478, 1986
V.V.Kasinskii, V.Kotov, L.S.Levitskii, and V.P.Fomin
"The Search for a 160-min Period in Sequences of X-Ray Bursts and Chromospheric Flares of the Sun"
Izv. Kryms. Astrophys. Obs., 73, 43-52, 1985
T.Kato and K.Masai "X-Ray Spectra from Hinotori as Interpreted in Terms of Super-Thermal Electron Population
in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics387, pp.137-140, 1991
K.Kawabata, H.Ogawa, T.Takakura, S.Tsuneta, K.Ohki, M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"Fan-Beam Observations of Millimeter Wave Burst Associated with X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Events Detected from HINOTORI"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.168, 1982
K.Kawabata, H.Ogawa, and I.Suzuki
"A Flare Model Deduced from Hinotori and Millimeter Wave Interferometer Observations"
Solar Phys., 86, 247-252, 1983
"Energetic Particle and Gamma-Ray Generation in the Solar Matter"
'18-th International Cosmic Ray Conference', Vol.12, pp.235-256, 1983
"On the System and Operation of Hinotori"
'Hinotori Symposium on Solar Flares', ed. Y.Tanaka, Institute of Space and Astronautical Science, Tokyo, pp.3-13, 1982
T.Kosugi and S.Tsuneta
"Time Variations of Hard X-Ray Bursts Observed with the Solar X-Ray Telescope Aboard HINOTORI (with a Movie)"
Solar Phys., 86, 333-338, 1983
"Solar Flares Observed in Microwaves - Recent Results from Solar Radio Groups in Japan"
Solar Phys., 113, 327-332, 1987
R.W.Kreplin, G.Doschek, U.Feldman, N.Sheeley, Jr., and J.F.Seely
"High-Resolution X-Ray Spectra of Solar Flares. VII - A Long-Duration X-Ray Flare Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection"
Astrophys. J., 292, 309-318, 1985
H.Kurokawa, T.Takakura, and K.Ohki
"Close Relationship between H-Alpha and Hard X-Ray Emissions at the Impulsive Phase of a Solar Flare"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 40, 357-367, 1988
S.-C.Li and T.-J.Cao
"Positional Measurements on the Eruptive Loop Prominence of 27 April 1981 and Comparison with the X-Ray Sources"
Solar Phys., 86, 197-202, 1983
S.-C.Li and T.-J.Cao
"Positional Fix of the Loop Prominence of 1981 April 27 and Comparison with X-Ray Sources"
Chinese Astron. Astrophys., 8, 190-193, 1984
H.-A.Lin, R.P.Lin, and S.R.Kane
"The Super-Hot Thermal Component in the Decay Phase of Solar Flares"
Solar Phys., 99, 263-275, 1985
R.Loughhead, G.Blows, and J.-L.Wang
"High-Rresolution Photography of the Solar Chromosphere. XXII - Relationship between the H-Alpha and Hard X-Ray Emission from the 3B/X 1.5 Flare of 13 May 1981"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 619-631, 1985
H.Morishita, K.Mizugaki, Y.Nakagomi, M.Miyazawa, T.Natori, and K.Yamaguchi
Bull. Tokyo Astron. Obs., 271, 3107-3121, 1984
F.Moriyama, K.Tanaka, K.Akita, T.Watanabe, H.Miyazaki, M.Miyashita, K.Kumagai, and K.Nishi
"Solar Flare Soft X-Ray Spectra from the Hinotori. II - Iron Line Spectra and Their Time Variations of Eighteen M2-X2 Flares"
Annals Tokyo Astron. Obs., 19, 276-360, 1983
N.Nitta, T.Takakura, K.Ohki, and M.Yoshimori
"Hard X-Ray Dynamic Spectrum of Flares Observed by HINOTORI
Solar Phys., 86, 241-246, 1983
"Comparison of Hard X-Ray Spectra Obtained by Spectrometers on HINOTORI and SMM and Detection of 'Superhot' Component"
Adv. Sp. Res., 8(11), 259-265, 1988
N.Nitta, B.R.Dennis, and A.L.Kiplinger
"X-Ray Observations of Two Short but Intense Solar Flares"
Astrophys. J., 353, 313-322, 1990
K.Ohki, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, T.Takakura, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, and M.Oda
"Solar Hard X-Ray Images Observed by Astro-A"
'Gamma Ray Transients and Related Astrophysical Phenomena', American Institute of Physics, pp.395-399, 1982
K.Ohki, N.Nitta, S.Tsuneta, T.Takakura, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, and M.Oda
"Results from the Hard X-Ray Spectrometer - HXM"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.69, 1982
K.Ohki, S.Tsuneta, T.Takakura, N.Nitta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, M.Oda, and S.Miyamoto
"Hard X-Ray Imaging by SXT - Comparisons with H-Alpha Data"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.102, 1982
K.Ohki, T.Takakura, S.Tsuneta, and N.Nitta
"General Aspects of Hard X-Ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Gradual Burst and Impulsive Burst"
Solar Phys., 86, 301-311, 1983
K.-I.Oyama, S.Watanabe, Y.Su, T.Takahashi, and K.Hirao
"Season, Local Time, and Longitude Variations of Electron Temperature at the Height of ~600 km in the Low Latitude Region"
Adv. Sp. Res., 18(6), 269-278, 1996
"On the Role of Energetic Particles in Solar Flares"
Solar Phys., 97, 131-144, 1985
"Computed Magnetic Field Structure of the Flares Observed by HINOTORI Hard X-Ray Telescope"
Solar Phys., 86, 339-344, 1983
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-Ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI"
in 'Proceedings of Kunming Workshop on Solar Physics and Interplanetary Travelling Phenomena', eds.C.de Jager and Chen Biao, pp.819-824, 1984
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-Ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Spacecraft"
The Hydromagnetics of the Sun, ESA SP-220,
ESA SP220, pp.283-284, 1984
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-Ray Flares Observed by Hinotori Spacecraft"
Solar Phys., 95, 311-321, 1985
"Observations from the Hinotori Mission"
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A336, 339-347, 1991
Y.Z.Su, K.I.Oyama, G.J.Bailey, T.Takahashi, and S.Watanabe
"Spatial and Temporal Variations of the Electron Temperature at Equatorial Anomaly Latitudes"
Adv. Sp. Res., 18(6), 83-86, 1996
"On the Varieties of Solar Flares"
'The Lower Atmosphere of Solar Flares', Proceedings of the Solar Maximum Mission Symposium, pp.332-355, 1986
T.Takakura, N.Nitta, S.Tsuneta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, M.Oda, Y.Ogawara, K.Ohki, N.Shibuya, and S.Miyamoto
"Hard X-Ray Imaging of Solar Flares with HINOTORI SXT"
'13-th International Symposium on Space Technology and Science', AGNE Publishing, pp. 1597-1598, 1982
T.Takakura, K.Ohki, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, and M.Oda
"Hard X-Ray Imaging by SXT - Extended Sources"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.142, 1982
T.Takakura, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, M.Oda, K.Ohki, and S.Miyamoto
"Hard X-Ray Imaging of a Solar Limb Flare with the X-Ray Telescope Aboard the HINOTORI Satellite"
Astrophys. J., 270, L83-L87, 1983
T.Takakura, K.Ohki, T.Kosugi, S.Enome, and S.S.Degaonkar
"Long Time Delay between the Peaks of Intense Solar Hard X-Ray and Microwave Bursts"
Solar Phys., 89, 379-390, 1983
T.Takakura, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, and K.Ohki
"Hard X-Ray Images of Impulsive Bursts"
Solar Phys., 86, 323-331, 1983
T.Takakura, N.Nitta, P.Kaufmann, J.E.R.Costa, S.S.Degaonkar, and K.Ohki
"Sub-Second Pulsations Simultaneously Observed at Microwaves and Hard X-Rays in a Solar Burst"
Nature, 302, 317-319, 1983
T.Takakura, N.Nitta, K.Ohki, and J.L.Wang
"Hard X-Ray Imaging of a Solar Two-Ribbon Flare on 1981 August 21"
Astrophys. J., 281, L51-L53, 1984
T.Takakura, K.Tanaka, and E.Hiei
"High Temperature Phenomena in Flares"
Adv. Space Res., 4, 143-152, 1984
T.Takakura, M.R.Kundu, D.McConnell, and K.Ohki
"Simultaneous Observations of Hard X-Ray and Microwave Burst Sources in a Limb Flare"
Astrophys. J., 298, 431-436, 1985
T.Takakura, K.Ohki, T.Sakurai, J.L.Wang, J.Y.Xuan, S.C.Li, and R.Y.Zhao
"Hard X-Ray Imaging of a Solar Gradual Hard X-Ray Burst on 1981 April 1"
Solar Phys., 94, 359-367, 1985
T.Takakura, K.Tanaka, N.Nitta, K.Kai, and K.Ohki
"X-Ray Imaging of a Solar Limb Flare on 1982 January 22"
Solar Phys., 107, 109-121, 1987
"Soft X-Ray Line Emission from Solar Flares"
'Proceedings of the Japan-France Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. F.Moriyama and J.C. Henoux, Tokyo Astronomical Observatory, pp.219-228, 1980
K.Tanaka, K.Akita, T.Watanabe, and K.Nishi
"Results from Soft X-Ray Crystal Spectrometers on HINOTORI"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.43, 1982
K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, K.Nishi, and K.Akita , K. 1982
"High-Resolution Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra Obtained with Rotating Spectrometers on the Hinotori Satellite"
Astrophys. J., 254, L59-L63, 1982
"Flares on the Sun - Selected Results from HINOTORI"
'Activity in Red-dwarf Stars', IAU Colloq. 71, pp.307-319, 1983
K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, N.Nitta, and K.Akita
"Interpretation of the Soft X-Ray Spectra from HINOTORI
Solar Phys., 86, 91-100, 1983
K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, and N.Nitta
"Solar Flare Iron K-alpha Emission Associated with a Hard X-Ray Burst
Astrophys. J., 282, 793-798, 1984
K.Tanaka and H.Zirin
"The Great Flare of 1982 June 6"
Astrophys. J., 299, 1036-1046, 1985
"Solar Flare X-Ray Spectra of Fe XXVI and Fe XXV from the Hinotori Satellite"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 38, 225-249, 1986
"High-Energy Observations of Solar Flares"
Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 118, 101-113, 1986
K.Tanaka , K. 1987
"Impact of X-Ray Observations from the Hinotori Satellite on Solar Flare Research
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 39, 1-45, 1987
"Introduction - HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.1, 1982
"Introduction to HINOTORI"
Solar Phys., 86, 3-6, 1983
S.Tsuneta, K.Ohki, T.Takakura, N.Nitta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, Y.Ogawara, M.Oda, and I.Kondo
"Hard X-Ray Imaging by SXT - Compact Sources"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.130, 1982
S.Tsuneta, T.Takakura, N.Nitta, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, M.Oda, Y.Ogawara, and K.Ohki
"Vertical Structure of Hard X-Ray Flare"
Solar Phys., 86, 313-320, 1983
S.Tsuneta, T.Takakura, N.Nitta, K.Ohki, K.Tanaka, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, M.Oda., Y.Ogawara, and I.Kondo
"Hard X-Ray Imaging of the Solar Flare on 1981 May 13 with the Hinotori Spacecraft"
Astrophys. J., 280, 887-891, 1984
S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, K.Ohki, T.Takakura, K.Tanaka, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, M.Oda, and Y.Ogawara
"Hard X-Ray Imaging Obserations of Solar Hot Thermal Flares with the Hinotori Spacecraft"
Astrophys. J., 284, 827-832, 1984
S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, T.Takakura, K.Makishima, T.Murakami, M.Oda, Y.Ogawara, K.Ohki, and K.Tanaka
"Hard X-Ray Imaging Observations of Solar Hot Thermal Flares with the HINOTORI Spacecraft"
Astrophys. J., 284, 827-832, 1984
"A Review of HINOTORI Results - Part 1 - Hard X-Ray Observations of Solar Flares - Recent Results from HINOTORI Spacecraft"
'Proceedings of the Japan-France Seminar on Active Phenomena in the Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars', eds. J.-C. Pecker and Y.Uchida, CNRS/Observatoire de Paris, p.243, 1984
"Image Processing Software System of the X-Ray Telescope Aboard the HINOTORI Spacecraft"
Annals Tokyo Astron. Obs., 20, 1-50, 1984
"Heating and Acceleration Processes in Hot Thermal and Impulsive Solar Flares"
Astrophys. J., 290, 353-358, 1985
"Impulsive and Hot Thermal Solar Flares"
Solar Phys., 113, 35-45, 1987
"X-Ray Observations of Solar Flares"
'Activity in Cool Star Envelopes', Kluwer, Dordrecht, pp.325-340, 1988
V.K.Verma, G.C.Joshi, and D.C.Paliwal
"Study of Periodicities of Solar Nuclear Gamma Ray Flares and Sunspots"
Solar Phys., 138, 205-208, 1992
"On the Solar Surge Association with Microwave and Hard X-Ray Emission Bursts"
Solar Phys., 97, 381-385, 1985
V.K.Verma and M.C.Pande
"Longitudinal Distribution of the Hard X-Ray Bursts on the Sun"
Solar Phys., 99, 285-289, 1985
"High-Energy Continuum Emission from Solar Flares"
Solar Phys., 118, 95-121, 1988
L.Vlahos, M.E.Machado, R.Ramaty, R.J.Murphy, C.Alissandrakis, T.Bai, D.Batchelor, A.O.Benz, E.Chupp, and D.Ellison
"Particle Acceleration"
'Energetic Phenomena on the Sun: The Solar Maximum Mission Flare Workshop'
S.Watanabe, K.-I.Oyama, and M.A.Abdu
"Computer Simulation of Electron and Ion Densities and Temperatures in the eEquatorial F Region and Comparison with Hinotori Results"
J. Geophys. J., 100, 14581-14590, 1995
T.Watanabe, K.Tanaka, K.Akita, and N.Nitta
"Thermal Evolution of Flare Plasma"
Solar Phys., 86, 107-113, 1983
"A Review of HINOTORI Results - Part One - the Soft X-Rays Results"
'Proceedings of the Japan-France Seminar on Active Phenomena in the Outer Atmosphere of the Sun and Stars', eds. J.-C. Pecker and Y.Uchida, CNRS/Observatoire de Paris, p.230, 1984
"Plasma Motions in the Flare of 1982 June 6 (X12)"
Solar Phys., 126, 351-366, 1990
A.A.Xu and Y.H.Tang
"Dynamical Problems in H-Alpha Flare Loops on Solar Disc"
Science in China, Series A, 35, 463-471, 1992
Y.X.Xu and Y.G.Cao
"Coronal Oscillations as Revealed by Solar Hard X-Ray Bursts"
Chinese Astronomy and Astrophysics, 10, 306-312, 1986
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"Observations of Gamma-Ray Emission from Solar Flares by HINOTORI"
'HINOTORI Symposium on Solar Flares', Univ.Tokyo, p.230, 1982
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"Gamma-ray Observations from Hinotori"
Solar Phys., 86, 375-382, 1983
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"Solar Gamma-ray Observations by the HINOTORI Satellite"
'18-th International Cosmic Ray Conference', Vol.4, pp.85-88, 1983
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"The Limb Darkening of Neutron Capture Line at 2.22 MeV and Gamma-Ray Line Emission Model in Solar Flares"
'18-th International Cosmic Ray Conference', Vol.12, pp.89-92, 1983
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirasima, and I.Kondo
"Cosmic Gamma-ray Bursts Observed by the HINOTORI Satellite"
'18-th International Cosmic Ray Conference', Vol.4, pp.39-42, 1983
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, Y.Hirashima, and I.Kondo
"Gamma-ray Bursts Observed from the HINOTORI Satellite"
Astrophy. Sp. Sci, 105, 379-392, 1984
"Ratios of the Fluence of 2.22 MeV Gamma-Ray Line to the Fluence of 4.44 MeV Gamma-Ray Line in Solar Flares"
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 54, 487-489, 1985
"Solar Gamma-Ray Lines and Interplanetary Solar Protons"
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 54, 1205-1213, 1985
M.Yoshimori and H.Watanabe
"Observations of Solar Flare Gamma-Rays and Protons"
'19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Vol. 4', NASA/GSFC, pp.90-93, 1985
M.Yoshimori, H.Watanabe, and N.Nitta
"Observations of Solar Flare Photon Energy Spectra from 20 keV to 7 MeV"
'19th Intern. Cosmic Ray Conf. Vol. 4', NASA/GSFC, pp.54-57, 1985
M.Yoshimori, H.Watanabe, and N.Nitta
"Observations of Solar Flare Photon Spectra from 20 keV to 7 MeV"
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 54, 4462-4467, 1985
M.Yoshimori, K.Okudaira, and T.Yanagimachi
"Unusual Time History of Hard X-Ray and Gamma-Ray Emissions from the 1981 April 4 Flare"
J. Phys. Soc. Japan, 55, 3683-3688, 1986
"Observational Studies of Gamma-Rays and Neutrons from Solar Flares"
Sp. Sci. Rev., 51, 85-115, 1989
"Observations of Solar Flare Gamma-ray Spectra with the HINOTORI Satellite"
Astrophys. J. Suppl., 73, 227-234,1990
A.M.Zodivaz, P.Kaufmann, E.Correia, J.E.R.Costa, T.Takakura, E.W.Cliver, and K.F.Tapping
"Rapid Spectral and Flux Time Variations in a Solar Burst Observed at Various dm-mm Wavelengths and at Hard X-Rays"
'Rapid Fluctuations in Solar Flares', NASA/GSFC, pp.467-478, 1986

Last updated: 2014 June 1