T.Sakurai: List of Papers

Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
"Oscillations in Sunspot Umbras due to Trapped Alfven Waves Excited by Overstability"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 27, 259-274, 1975 [ADS]
"Magnetohydrodynamic Interpretation of the Motion of Prominences"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 28, 177-198, 1976 [ADS]
Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
"Heating and Reconnection of the Emerging Magnetic Flux-Tubes and the Role of the Interchange Instability"
Solar Phys., 51, 413-429, 1977 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and Y.Uchida
"Magnetic Field and Current Sheets in the Corona above Active Regions"
Solar Phys., 52, 397-416, 1977 [ADS], [DOI]
"A New Approach to the Force-Free Field and Its Application to the Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 31, 209-230, 1979 [ADS]
"Energy Storage and Instability in Magnetic Flux Tubes"
in 'Solar and Interplanetary Dynamics' eds. M.Dryer and E.Tandberg-Hanssen,
IAU Symp.91, 291-294, 1980 [ADS]
"Calculation of Force-Free Magnetic Field with Non-Constant Alpha"
Solar Phys., 69, 343-359, 1981 [ADS], [DOI]
R.Pallavicini, T.Sakurai, and G.S.Vaiana
"X-ray, EUV and Centimetric Observations of Solar Active Regions: An Empirical Model for Bright Radio Sources"
Astron. Astrophys., 98, 316-327, 1981 [ADS]
T.Sakurai and R.H.Levine
"Generation of Coronal Electric Currents due to Convective Motions on the Photosphere"
Astrophys. J., 248, 817-829, 1981 [ADS], [DOI]
"Green's Function Methods for Potential Magnetic Fields"
Solar Phys., 76, 301-321, 1982 [ADS], [DOI]
"Computed Magnetic Field Structure of the Flares Observed by HINOTORI Hard X-ray Telescope"
Solar Phys., 86, 339-344, 1983 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Shibata, Y.Uchida, and T.Sakurai
"Dynamical Interpretation of the Very Hot Region Appearing at the Top of the Loop"
Solar Phys., 86, 345-351, 1983 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
"Interacting Magnetospheres in RS CVn Binaries -- Coronal Heating and Flares"
in 'Activity in Red Dwarf Stars', eds. P.B.Byrne and M.Rodono,
IAU Colloq.71, 629-632, 1983 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and A.Granik
"Generation of Electric Currents due to Convective Motions on the Photosphere II. Resonance and Phase Mixing of Alfven Waves"
Astrophys. J., 277, 404-414, 1984
T.Takakura, K.Ohki, T.Sakurai, J.L.Wang, J.Y.Xuan, S.C.Li, and R.Y.Zhao
"Hard X-ray Imaging of a Solar Gradual Hard X-ray Burst on 1981 April 1"
Solar Phys., 94, 359-367, 1985 [ADS], [DOI]
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Spacecraft"
The Hydromagnetics of the Sun, ESA SP-220,
ESA SP220, 283-284, 1984 [ADS]
Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
"Magnetodynamical Processes in Interacting Magnetospheres of RS CVn Binaries"
in 'Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics', eds. M.R.Kundu and G.D.Holman,
IAU Symp.107, 281-286, 1985 [ADS]
M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, H.Koyano, T.Sakurai, and H.Komatsu
"Observations by the Solar Vector Magnetograph of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 561-573, 1984 [ADS]
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI"
in 'Proceedings of Kunming Workshop on Solar Physics and Interplanetary Travelling Phenomena', eds.C.de Jager and Chen Biao, 819-824, 1984 [ADS]
T.Hirayama, K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, K.Akita, T.Sakurai, and K.Nishi
"Rocket Observation of the EUV Images of a Solar Flare and Active Regions"
Solar Phys., 95, 281-295, 1985 [ADS], [DOI]
"Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Spacecraft"
Solar Phys., 95, 311-321, 1985 [ADS], [DOI]
R.Berton and T.Sakurai
"Stereoscopic Determination of the Three Dimensional Geometry of Coronal Magnetic Loops"
Solar Phys., 96, 93-111, 1985 [ADS], [DOI]
"Phase Mixing of Alfven Waves"
in 'Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics', ed. H.U.Schmidt, MPA-212,
MPA212, 263-267, 1985 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, M.Makita, and K.Shibasaki
"Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
in 'Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics', ed. H.U.Schmidt, MPA-212,
MPA212, 312-315, 1985 [ADS]
"Magnetic Stellar Winds: A 2-D Generalization of Weber-Davis Model"
Astron. Astrophys., 152, 121-129, 1985 [ADS]
M.Makita, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, S.Hamana, T.Sakurai, V.M.Grigoryev, G.V.Kuklin, and V.L.Selivanov
"Comparisons of Simultaneous Vector Magnetograms"
in 'Measurements of Solar Vector Magnetic Fields', ed. M.J.Hagyard, NASA CP-2374,
NASA CP2374, 399-402, 1985 [ADS]
M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, T.Sakurai, and K.Shibasaki
"Solar Vector Magnetograms of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
Astrophys. Space Sci., 118, 163-167, 1986 [ADS], [DOI]
"Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
in 'Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in the Sun and the Stars', ed. Y.Osaki, 17-36, 1986 [ADS]
T.Sakurai and M.Makita
"Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
in 'Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in the Sun and the Stars', ed. Y.Osaki, 53-56, 1986 [ADS]
P.K.Browning, T.Sakurai, and E.R.Priest
"Coronal Heating in Closely Packed Flux Tubes: a Taylor-Heyvaerts Relaxation Theory"
Astron. Astrophys., 158, 217-227, 1986 [ADS]
"Collimation of Stellar Winds by the Magnetic Field"
in 'Star Forming Regions', IAU Symp. No.115, eds. M.Peinbert and J.Jugaku,
IAU Symp.115, 383-384, 1987 [ADS]
M.Makita, S.Hamana, T.Sakurai, and M.Shimizu
"Measurement of the Magnetic Vector on the Sun at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
in Liege Colloquium No.27, 'Observational Astrophysics with High Precision Data', 185-190, 1987 [ADS]
"Magnetically Collimated Winds from Accretion Disks"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 39, 821-835, 1987 [ADS]
"A Study of Magnetic Energy Build-up Based on Vector Magnetograms"
Solar Phys., 113, 137-144, 1987 [ADS], [DOI]
"Computational Modeling of Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions"
Space Sci. Rev., 51, 11-48, 1989 [ADS], [DOI]
"Magnetic Equilibria and Instabilities"
Solar Phys., 121, 347-360, 1989 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
"Structure of the Solar Corona"
IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 8, 513-516, 1989 [ADS]
K.Ichimoto, S.Hamana, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
"Phase Relation between Velocities and Temperature Fluctuations of the Solar 5-Minute Oscillation"
in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics367, 205-209, 1990 [ADS], [DOI]
"Helioseismology Observations by Solar-A Satellite"
in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics367, 253-256, 1990 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, K.Tanaka, H.Miyazaki, K.Ichimoto, A.Sakata, and S.Wada
"Construction of Long-Life Magneto-Optical Filters for Helioseismology Observations"
in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics367, 277-279, 1990 [ADS], [DOI]
S.T.Wu, M.T.Sun, and T.Sakurai
"A Comparison between Progressive Extension Method and Iterative Method for Magnetic Field Extrapolations in the Solar Atmosphere"
J. Italian Astron. Soc., 61, 477-484, 1990 [ADS]
"Magnetohydrodynamic Solar/Stellar Wind Models"
Comp. Phys. Rep., 12, 247-273, 1990 [ADS], [DOI]
"Coronal Observations with Solar-A Satellite"
Adv. Space Res., 11-1, 349-358, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
"Helioseismology Observations by Solar-A Satellite"
Adv. Space Res., 11-4, 89-92, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
"New Perspectives in Flare Models and Theories"
Adv. Space Res., 11-5, 17-26, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
"Magnetic Structures in the Corona"
in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics387, 245-258, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, A.Yamaguchi, K.Kumagai, Y.Nishino, Y.Suematsu, E.Hiei, and T.Hirayama
"Solar Flare Telescope and 10cm New Coronagraph"
in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
Lecture Notes in Physics387, 320-323, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Semel, Z.Mouradian, I.Soru-Escaut, P.Maltby, D.Rees, M.Makita, and T.Sakurai
"Active Regions, Sunspots, and Their Magnetic Fields"
in 'Solar Interior and Atmosphere', eds. A.N.Cox, W.C.Livingston, and M.S.Mathews, University of Arizona Press, 844-889, 1991 [ADS]
M.A.Kambry, J.Nishikawa, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
"Solar Meridional Motions Derived from Sunspot Observations"
Solar Phys., 132, 41-48, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, M.Goossens, and J.V.Hollweg
"Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes I. Connection Formulae at the Resonance Surface"
Solar Phys., 133, 247-262, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, M.Goossens, and J.V.Hollweg
"Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes II. Absorption of Sound Waves by Sunspots"
Solar Phys., 133, 227-245, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
"Observations from the Hinotori Mission"
Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A336, 339-347, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Zhang, G.Ai, T.Sakurai, and H.Kurokawa
"Fine Structures of Chromospheric Magnetic Field and Material Flow in a Solar Active Region"
Solar Phys., 136, 269-293, 1991 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, E.Hiei, M.Irie, K.Kumagai, M.Miyashita, Y.Nishino, K.Yamaguchi, G.Fang, M.A.Kambry, Z.W.Zhao, and K.Shinoda
"White-Light Flares of 1991 June in the NOAA Region 6659"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan44, L7-L13, 1992 [ADS]
M.Goossens, J.V.Hollweg, and T.Sakurai
"Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes III. Effect of Equilibrium Flow"
Solar Phys., 138, 233-255, 1992 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, S.Tsuneta, and L.W.Acton
"Flare-Related Relaxation of Magnetic Shear as Observed with the Soft X-ray Telescope of Yohkoh and with Vector Magnetographs"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L123-L127, 1992 [ADS]
K.Shibata, Y.Ishido, L.Acton, K.Strong, T.Hirayama, Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, R.Matsumoto, S.Tsuneta, T.Shimizu, H.Hara, T.Sakurai, K,Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, and Y.Ogawara
"Observations of X-ray Jets Using Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L173-L179, 1992 [ADS]
"Computational Modeling of Solar Magnetic Fields"
in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
IAU Colloq.141, 91-97, 1993 [ADS]
K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, K.Kumagai, H.Imai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, N.Tanaka, I.Sano, Y.Suematsu, and E.Hiei
"Magnetic Field Observation with the Solar Flare Telescope"
in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
IAU Colloq.141, 166-169, 1993 [ADS]
M.Makita, T.Sakurai, K.Shibasaki, and H.Koyano
"Ten Years of the Okayama Vector Magnetograph"
in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pasific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
IAU Colloq.141, 180-183, 1993 [ADS]
K.Shibata, Y.Ishido, L.Acton, K.Strong, T.Hirayama, Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, R.Matsumoto, S.Tsuneta, T.Shimizu, H.Hara, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, and Y.Ogawara
"Observations of X-ray Jets Using Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pasific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
IAU Colloq.141, 343-346, 1993 [ADS]
H.Washimi and T.Sakurai
"A Simulation Study of the Solar wind Including the Solar Rotation Effect"
Solar Phys., 143, 173-186, 1993 [ADS], [DOI]
"Magnetic Field Structures and Flares"
Adv. Space Res., 13-9, 109-117, 1993 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Takakura, M.Inda, K.Makishima, T.Kosugi, T.Sakao, S.Masuda, and T.Sakurai
"Time Variation of the Hard X-ray Image during the Early Phase of Solar Impulsive Bursts"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 45, 737-753, 1993 [ADS]
H.Zhang, G.Ai, T.Sakurai, and H.Kurokawa
"Chromospheric Fine Structures Inferred from the Observation of Magnetic Fields"
in 'Proceedings of the First China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. G.X.Ai, E.Hiei, Y.J.Ding, and Z.X.Ling, Kumning TonDar Institute, 56-66, 1993
"Integrated Force-Balance Equations for the Magnetic Field in Spherical Geometry"
in 'Solar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models with Observations', eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam and G.W.Simon, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 68, 307-313, 1994 [ADS], [DOI]
"Coronal Activities and Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes"
in 'Solar Magnetic Fields', eds. M.Schuessler and W.Schmidt, Cambridge Univ. Press, 387-389, 1994 [ADS]
N.Nitta, L.van Driel-Geztelyi, K.D.Leka, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, R.C.Canfield, J.-P.Wuelser, T.R.Metcalf, and D.L.Mickey
"Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 111-114, 1994 [ADS]
Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, J.Khan, T.Sakurai, and K.Jockers
"Quadrupolar Magnetic Field in Arcade-Type Flares - A Model of "Dark Filament in Neutral Sheet" and "Interchange Collapse-Reconnection" Model for Arcade-Type Flares"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 161-164, 1994 [ADS]
"Achievement of Yohkoh and the Next Solar Mission"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 231-234, 1994 [ADS]
T.Takano, S.Enome, H.Nakajima, K.Shjibasaki, M.Nishio, Y.Hanaoka, C.Torii, H.Sekiguchi, T.Bushimata, S.Kawashima, N.Shinohara, Y.Irimajiri, H.Koshiishi, T.Kosugi, Y.Shiomi, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Behavior of Accelerated Electrons in a Small Impulsive Solar Flare on 1992 August 12"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 46, L21-L25, 1994 [ADS]
J.F. de la Beaujardiere, R.C.Canfield, T.R.Metcalf, E.Hiei, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Electron Precipitation and Mass Motion in the 1991 June 9 White-Light Flare"
Solar Phys., 151, 389-392, 1994 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, H.Hara, A.Takeda, and Yohkoh SXT Team
"Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Emission Lines and Their Relation to Soft X-ray Images"
Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 113-116, 1994 [ADS]
"A Potential Field Model for Open Field Lines in the Active Region Corona"
Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 363-366, 1994 [ADS]
N.Nitta, L.van Driel-Gesztelyi, K.D.Leka, D.L.Mickey, T.R.Metcalf, J.P.Wuelser, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, and K.Shibata
"Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260 - Role of Emerging Flux"
Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 385-388, 1994 [ADS]
D.M.Rust, T.Sakurai, V.Gaizauskas, A.Hofmann, S.M.Martin, E.R.Priest, and J.Wang
"Preflare Stage: Flares 22 Workshop Team 1 Report"
Solar Phys., 153, 1-17, 1994
J.L.Culhane, A.T.Phillips, M.Inda-Koide, T.Kosugi, A.Fludra, H.Kurokawa, K.Makishima, C.D.Pike, T.Sakao, T.Sakurai, G.A.Doschek, and R.D.Bentley
"Yohkoh Observations of the Creation of High-Temperature Plasma in the Flare of 16 December 1991"
Solar Phys., 153, 307-336, 1994 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, H.Kurokawa, R.Kitai, M.Akioka, I.Tohmura, D.Soltau, D.L.Mickey, H.Zhang, W.Li, H.Zirin, and F.Tang
"Peculiar Magnetic Field Evolution of Active Region NOAA 7562 in August 1993 - Results from Campaign Observation with Yohkoh -"
Proc. Second SOHO Workshop on Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences,
ESA SP373, 337-344, 1994 [ADS]
K.D.Leka, L.van Driel-Gesztelyi, N.Nitta, R.C.Canfield, D.L.Mickey, T.Sakruai, and K.Ichimoto
"The Magnetic Evolution of the Activity Complex AR 7260: A Roadmap"
Solar Phys., 155, 301-338, 1994 [ADS], [DOI]
"Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 11-16, 1994
M.Takahashi, J.Sakai, T.Watanabe, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, T.Sakurai, S.Enome, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, H.S.Hudson, and S.Hashimoto
"A Flare of 1992 Aug.17 23:58 UT"
in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 176-181, 1994
T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, and M.Takata
"X-ray Activity in Coronal Loops and Its Photospheric/Chromospheric Counterpart"
in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 198-202, 1994
K.Shibata, N.Nitta, R.Kitai, H.Kurokawa, K.Yaji, T.Sakurai, and H.Zhang
"Flares on Sept.6, 1992 in NOAA 7270: SXT Observations and Comparison with H-alpha and HXT Observations"
in Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 220-225, 1994
K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Flare Telescope and Norikura Teams, and Yohkoh SXT Team
"Optical and X-ray Observations of the X9 Flare on 2nd Nov. 1992"
'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 151-156, 1994
K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, M.Noguchi, K.Shinoda, A.Yamaguchi, K.Kumagai, T.Hirayama, S.Tsuneta, and L.Acton
"Optical and SXT Observations of the X9 Flare of Nov. 2, 1992"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 259-260, 1994 [ADS]
T.Takakura, M.Inda, K.Makishima, S.Masuda, T.Kosugi, T.Sakao, T.Sakurai, and Y.Ogawara
"Time Variation of Hard X-ray Image in the Early Phase of Solar Impulsive Bursts (extended abstract)"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 71-73, 1994 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, and M.Takata
"X-ray Activity in Coronal Loops and Its Photospheric/Chromospheric Signatures (extended abstract)"
in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 37-37, 1994 [ADS]
Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
"He I ă1083nm Observations and Chromospheric and Coronal Activities"
'Infrared Tools for Solar Astrophysics: What's Next?', eds. J.R.Kuhn and M.J.Penn, World Scientific, Singapore, 413-417, 1995 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, E.Hiei, T.Li, F.He, H.Lu, G.Ai, Z.Zhao, S.Kawakami, and J.C.Chae
"Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 47, 81-92, 1995 [ADS]
K.Ichimoto, H.Hara, A.Takeda, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, T.Shimizu, and H.S.Hudson
"Coordinated Observation of the Solar Corona Using the Norikura Coronagraph and the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
Astrophys. J., 445, 978-918, 1995 [ADS], [DOI]
M.R.Kundu, N.Nitta, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, S.Enome, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, and T.Sakurai
"Microwave and Hard X-ray Observations of Footpoint Emission from Solar Flares"
Astrophys. J., 454, 522-530, 1995 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, K.yamaguchi, and Y.Shiomi
"An X12/3B White-Light Flare of 1991 June 4 on NOAA Region 6659"
Proc Second SOLTIP Symposium, STEP GBRSC News No.5, ed. T.Watanabe, 33-36, 1995
N.Miura, N.Baba, F.Tsumuraya, and T.Sakurai
"Solar Imaging by Blind Deconvolution of Segments from Multiple Frames"
Signal Recovery and Synthesis V, OSA Technical Digest Series, 52-53, 1995 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, H.Kurokawa, R.Kitai, M.Akioka, I.Tohmura, D.Soltau, D.L.Mickey, H.Zirin, F.Tang, H.Zhang, and W.Li
"Peculiar Magnetic Field Evolution of Active Region NOAA 7562 in August 1993"
Proc. Third China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics, ed. J.X.Wang, G.X.Ai, T.Sakurai, and T.Hirayama, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 3-10, 1995
Y.Ogawara, T.Sakurai, and the Next Solar Mission Working Group
"The Solar-B Mission"
Proc. Third China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics, ed.J.X.Wang, G.X.Ai, T.Sakurai, and T.Hirayama, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 305-311, 1995
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Okamoto, Y.Kato, Y.Nishino, T.Li, W.Mao, and H.Lu
"A Full-Disk Magnetograph at Mitaka"
J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 1035-1041, 1995 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
"New Observational Facts about Solar Flares from Ground-Based Observations"
Adv. Space Res., 17(4/5), 91-100, 1996 [ADS]
"Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
in 'Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia', Proc. Third East-Asian Meeting on Astronomy, ed. N.Kaifu, National Astronomical Observatory, Japan, 418-420, 1996 [ADS]
"Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
IAU Colloq.153, 579-580, 1996 [ADS]
K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
"Measurement of the Coronal Temperature at the Total Eclipse on 3rd Nov., 1996"
in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
IAU Colloq.153, 413-414, 1996 [ADS]
A.Okubo, R.Matsumoto, S.Miyaji, M.Akioka, H.Zhang, M.Shimojo, Y.Nishino, K.Ichimoto, K.Shibata, and T.Sakurai
"X-ray and Magnetic Features of H-alpha Surges"
in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
IAU Colloq.153, 437-438, 1996 [ADS]
T.Sakurai and J.C.Chae
"Maximum Energy of Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
IAU Colloq.153, 579-580, 1996 [ADS]
R.Brajsa, S.Pohjolainen, V.Ruzdjak, T.Sakurai, S.Urpo, B.Brsnak, and H.Woehl
"Helium 10830 Angstrom Measurements of the Sun"
Solar Phys., 163, 79-91, 1996 [ADS], [DOI]
M.D.Ding, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, T.Sakurai, T.Kosugi, and C.Fang
"Chromospheric Evaporation in Four Solar Flares Observed by Yohkoh"
Astrophys. J., 458, 391-396, 1996 [ADS], [DOI]
P.Venkatakrishnan, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, and K.Ichimoto
"Enhanced He I Absorption at the Feet of X-ray Loops"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, L1-L4, 1996 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Takahashi, T.Watanabe, J.Sakai, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, T.Sakurai, S.Enome, H.S.Hudson, S.Hashimoto, and N.Nitta
"The Solar Flare of 1992 August 17 23:59 UT"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 857-863, 1996 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
"Measurement of Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total Eclipse on 1994 November 3"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 545-554, 1996 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
"Measurement of the Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total Solar Eclipse on 1994 November 3"
'Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses', Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, eds. Z.Mouradian and M.Stavinschi,
NATO Science Serices C, 494, 31-34, 1997 [ADS]
Y.Yan and T.Sakurai
"Analysis of Yohkoh SXT Coronal Loops and Calculated Force-Free Magnetic Field Lines from Vector Magnetographs"
Solar Phys., 174, 65-71, 1997 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Nishio, K.Yaji, T.Kosugi, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
"Magnetic Field Configuration in Impulsive Solar Flares Inferred from Coaligned Microwave/X-ray Images"
Astrophys. J., 489, 976-991, 1997 [ADS], [DOI]
P.Venkatakrishnan, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto
"On the Correlation between Line Width and Line Depth of the Solar HeI 1083 nm Line"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 25, 527-531, 1997 [ADS]
C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, M.D.Ding, J.Zhao, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
"Coronal Loops above a Sunspot Region"
Solar Phys., 176, 267-277, 1997 [ADS], [DOI]
"Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan -- Current Status and a Plan for the Future --"
in 'Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances', eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 27-31, 1997
B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, H.Miyazaki, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
"Prediction of 22nd and 23rd Sunspot Activity Cycle"
'Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances', eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 177-180, 1997
B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, H.Miyazaki, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
"Prediction of 22nd and 23rd Sunspot Activity Cycle"
'Solar-Terrestrial Predictions - V', eds. G.Heckman, K.Marubashi, M.A.Shea, D.F.Smart, and R.Thompson, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 89-92, 1997
"Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan -- Current Status and a Plan for the Future --"
in 'Solar-Terrestrial Predictions - V', eds. G.Heckman, K.Marubashi, M.A.Shea, D.F.Smart, and R.Thompson, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 551-555, 1997
T.Sakurai, H.Nakajima, E.Hiei, and H.Kurokawa
"STEP Project Team 1 (Solar Activity): Team Report"
Solar Terr. Env. Res. Japan, 19, 13-21, 1997
T.Sakurai and Y.Yan
"Coronal Loops and Magnetic Field Modeling -- A New Boundary Intergal Representation for Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
'Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena', Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 1-9, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Tang and T.Sakurai
"The Activation Characteristics of a Disappearing Filament"
'Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena', Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 49-53, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
"Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
in 'Synoptic Solar Physics', Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series 140, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin, 483-495, 1998 [ADS]
"Gradual Opening of Solar/Stellar Magnetic Fields Driven by Surface Shear Flows"
'Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun', Tenth Cambridge Workshop, Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series 154, eds. R.A.Donahue and J.A.Bookbinder, 1154-1160, 1998 [ADS]
M.Nishio, K.Yaji, T.Kosugi, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
"Loop-Loop Interaction in Impulsive Solar Flares Inferred from Microwave and X-ray Images"
in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 207-208, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
"Maximum Energy of Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 345-348, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, M.Akioka, and T.Sakurai
"Non-Linear Evolution of Erupting Coronal Magnetic Fields"
in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 353-356, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Shin, T.Sakurai, and N.Miura
"Deconvolution of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Images"
in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 361-364, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, H.Kurokawa,S.Morita, and Y.Uchida
"Magnetic Reconnection in the Active Region Inferred by Homologous Soft X-ray Flares in February 1992"
in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 391-396, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
"Summary of Session A: Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration"
IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 11B, 869-872, 1998 [ADS]
H.N.Wang and T.Sakurai
"Cross-Section Variations of Coronal Magnetic Loops"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 50, 111-123, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, J.-C.Henoux, Y.R.Huang, M.D.Ding, and T.Sakurai
"Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Flare on 2 October 1993"
Solar Phys., 182, 163-177, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Wang, T.Sakurai, and Y.Yan
"Solar Atmospheric Heating and Topology of Solar Magnetic Field"
Astrophysics Reports, Beijing Astron. Obs., 4, 54-61, 1998 [ADS]
J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Stray-Light Correction in Magnetigraph Observations Using the Maximum Entropy Method"
Solar Phys., 183, 245-261, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Stray-Light Effect on Magnetograph Observations"
Solar Phys., 183, 229-244, 1998 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, M.Irie, H.Imai, H.Miyazaki, and J.Sykora
"Emission Line Intensities of the Solar Corona and Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura: 1950-1997"
Publ. Natl. Astron. Obs. Japan, 5, 121-137, 1999 [ADS]
Y.H.Tang, Z.Mouradian, B.Schmieder, C.Fang, and T.Sakurai
"Analysis of the Disappearing Filament and Flare of 7 May 1992"
Solar Phys., 185, 143-155, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, K.Ichimoto, H.Imai, T.Sakurai, and A.Takeda
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona I. Spatial Variations in Line Parameters of Green and Red Coronal Lines"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 269-276, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Ichimoto, M.Noguchi, N.Tanaka, K.Kumagai, K.Shinoda, T.Nishino, T.Fukuda, T.Sakurai, and N.Takeyama
"A New Observing System of the Corona at Norikura"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 383-391, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
N.Miura, N.Baba, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, D.Soltau, and P.Brandt
"Resolution Improvement of Solar Images"
Solar Phys., 187, 347-356, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
N.Miura, N.Baba, and T.Sakurai
"Superresolution Applied to Solar Granulation Images"
'18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics', eds. A.J.Glass, J.W.Goodman, M.Chang, A.H.Guenther, and T.Asakura,
Proc. SPIE, 3749, 116-117, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
N.Baba, N.Miura, and T.Sakurai
"Application of Shift-and-Add Method to Reconstruction of Solar Granulation"
'18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics', eds. A.J.Glass, J.W.Goodman, M.Chang, A.H.Guenther, and T.Asakura,
Proc. SPIE, 3749, 168-169, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
N.Baba, N.Miura, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, D.Soltau, and P.Brandt
"Shift-And-Add Reconctruction of Solar Granulation Images"
Solar Phys., 188, 41-46, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and H.Wang
"Magnetic Separatrix and Coronal Loop Heating in an Active Region"
'Solar Physics with Radio Observations', eds. T.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy, and K.Shibasaki,
Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report, 479, 77-81, 1999 [ADS]
C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, M.D.Ding, J.Zhao, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
"Coronal Loops above a Sunspot Region"
The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 37-43, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, H.Kurokawa, S.Morita, and Y.Uchida
"Magnetic Reconnection in an Active Region Inferred by Homologous Soft X-ray Flares in February 1992"
The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 58-61, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Tang and T.Sakurai
"Activation of a Disappearing Filament and Flare Eruption"
The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 62-65, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
H.N.Wang, T.Sakurai, Y.Yan, and Y.Liu
"The Extrapolated 3-D Solar Magnetic Fields in AR 7321"
'Numerical Astrophysics', eds. S.M.Miyama, K.Tomisaka, and T.Hanawa, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 333-334, 1999
K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and J.Singh
"The Distribution of Emission Line Widths in a Polar Coronal Hole from Norikura Coronagraphic Observations"
Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 18-22, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and H.Li
"Importance of Magnetic Shear in Flare Activity Inferred from Vector Magnetograph Observations"
Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 51-53, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, J.Sato, and N.Gopalswamy
"CMEs Caused by Emerging Flux Activity"
Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 99-100, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and H.Li
"Importance of Magnetic Shear in Flare Activity Inferred from Vector Magnetograph Observations"
'International Workshop on Space Weather Research and Operation in the 23rd Solar Activity Maximum', ed. E.Sagawa, Communications Research Laboratory, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Laboratory, Science and Technology Agency, 69-71, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
S.Masuda, K.Fujiki, T.Sakao, and T.Sakurai
"Magnetic Configuration and Particle Acceleration in the 28 November 1998 Flare"
'International Workshop on Space Weather Research and Operation in the 23rd Solar Activity Maximum', ed. E.Sagawa, Communications Research Laboratory, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Laboratory, Science and Technology Agency, 75, 1999 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and J.Shin
"Determination of the Point Spread Function of Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope"
'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1761-1764, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Restoration and Interpretation of the Images of Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope"
'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1765-1768, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Wang, T.Sakurai, and Y.Yan
"Enhanced Coronal Heating and 3D Solar Magnetic Fields in AR 7321"
'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1769-1772, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Nishio, T.Kosugi, K.Yaji, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
"Magnetic Field Configuration in Impulsive Solar Flares Revealed with Yohkoh and Nobeyama Radioheliograph"
'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1791-1800, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Tang, Y.N.Li, B.Schmieder, G.Aulanier, P.DeMoulin, C.Fang, and T.Sakurai
"Brightening Event in Hα and Soft X-Ray on May 18, 1994"
'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1829-1832, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.UeNo
"Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares I. Cases with Low Magnetic Shear and Flux Emergence"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 465-481, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.UeNo
"Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares II. Cases with High Magnetic Shear and Flare-Related Shear Changes"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 483-497, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and J.Singh
"The Physical Conditions in a Polar Coronal Hole and Neaby Regions from Norikura and SOHO Observations"
Astrophys. J., 543, 1044-1050, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
"Comments on Axisymmetric Steady MHD Winds"
'Outflows from Astrophysical Objects: Present Status and Future Prospect', eds. K.Tanikawa, S.Nitta, T.Kudoh, and O.Kaburaki, National Astronomical Observatory, Japan, 77-80, 2000
M.R.Kundu, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, and T.Sakurai
"Nonthermal Flare Emission from MEV-Energy Electrons at 17, 34, and 86 GHZ"
Astrophys. J. Letters, 545, 1084-1088, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Tang, Y.N.Li, C.Fang, G.Aulanier, B.Schmieder, P.Demoulin, and T.Sakurai
"Hα and Soft X-Ray Brightening Events Caused by Emerging Flux"
Astrophys. J., 534, 482-489, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, and H.Kurokawa
"Soft X-Ray Flares and Magnetic Configuration in a Solar Active Region in February 1992"
Astron. Astrophys., 357, 725-734, 2000 [ADS]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
"On the Formation of a Helmet Streamer on January 24, 19992 at the South-West Limb"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 28, 33-45, 2000 [ADS]
Y.Yan and T.Sakurai
"New Boundary Integral Equation Representation for Finite Energy Force-Free Magnetic Fields in Open Space above the Sun"
Solar Phys., 195, 89-109, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
H.N.Wang, Y.Yan, T.Sakurai, and M.Zhang
"Topology of Magnetic Field and Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions II. The Role of Quasi-Separatrix Layers"
Solar Phys., 197, 263-273, 2000 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Ohneda, N.Baba, N.Miura, and T.Sakurai
"Multiresolution Approach to Image Reconstruction of Solar Granulation with Phase-Diversity Technique"
Optical Review, 8, 32-36, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Wang, Y.Yan, and T.Sakurai
"Magnetic Field Reconstruction in a Solar Active Region"
'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions', eds.P.Brekke, B.Fleck, and J.B.Gurman,
IAU Symp., 203, 328-330, 2001 [ADS]
K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"A Spectroscopic Study of the Solar Corona from Norikura and SOHO data"
'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions', eds.P.Brekke, B.Fleck, and J.B.Gurman,
IAU Symp. 203, p.488, 2001 [ADS]
"Stokes Profile Inversion without Resort to Specific Atmospheric Models"
'Advanced Solar Polarimetry - Theory, Observation, and Instrumentation', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 236, ed. M.Sigwarth, 535-542, 2001 [ADS]
M.R.Kundu, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, T.Sakurai, and V.V.Grechnev
"Spatial Structure of Simple Spiky Bursts at Microwave/Millimeter Wavelengths"
Astrophys. J., 547, 1090-1099, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and J.Shin
"Interpolation of One- and Two-Dimensional Images with Pixelwise Photon Number Conservation"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 53, 361-380, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
"Determination of the Magnetic Loop Configuration of a Solar Flare"
Earth Planets Space, 53, 593-596, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Wang, Y.Yan, and T.Sakurai
"Topology of Magnetic Field and Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions"
Solar Phys., 201, 323-336, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"On the Disappearance of Hα Filaments and Soft X-Ray Enhancements as Seen from Yohkoh"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 29, 193-202, 2001 [ADS]
D.P.Choudhary, T.Sakurai, and P.Venkatakrishnan
"Chromospheric Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions"
Astrophys. J., 560, 439-444, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, K.Yanagisawa, T.Kobiki, S.Kasahara, and K.Nakakubo
"Sunspot Magnetic Fields Observed with a Large-Format Infrared Array"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 53, 923-930, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
J.You, H.Li, Z.Fan, and T.Sakurai
"Multi-Wavelength Observation of the 3N/X3.3 Flare of 28 November 1998"
Solar Phys., 203, 107-117, 2001 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and Y.Suematsu
"Observational Solar Cycle Studies at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Adv. Space Res. 29(10), 1565-1568, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, and T.Maeshiro
"Magnetic Helicity Injection, Free Energy Loading, and Solar Flares"
Proceedings of the IAU 8-th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II, eds. S.Ikeuchi, J.Hearnshaw, and T.Hanawa, Astron. Soc. Japan, 459-460, 2002 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, D.P.Choudhary, and P.Venkatakrishnan
"Useful Aspects of Chromospheric Magnetic Field Data"
'Solar-Terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment', eds. H.N.Wang and R.L.Xu, Pergamon,
Cospar Colloquia Series 14, 37-40, 2002 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, K.P.Raju, and J.Singh
"Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Oscillations"
'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 25-26, 2002 [ADS]
M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
"Hemispheric Helicity Asymmetry in Active Regions for Solar Cycles 21-23"
'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 147-148, 2002 [ADS]
K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Helicity Injection into the Solar Corona"
'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 151-152, 2002 [ADS]
Y.Hanaoka, M.Noguchi, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
"High-Speed Hα Camera for Solar Flare Observations"
'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 427-428, 2002 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, M.Noguchi, K.Shinoda, N.Tanaka, K.Aoki, M.Hagino, and H.Mochizuki
"A Flexible Prism Used as an Image Stabilizer"
Solar Phys., 205, 201-208, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
"Eleven-Year Solar Cycle Periodicity in Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura, Japan"
Earth Planets Space, 54, 153-157, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Yamauchi, S.T.Suess, and T.Sakurai
"Relation between Pressure Balance Structures and Polar Plumes from Ulysses High Latitude Observations"
Geophys. Res. Letters, 29(10), 21-1-21-4, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
S.D.Bao, T.Sakurai, and Y.Suematsu
"The Sources of Magnetic Field Twist in Solar Active Regions"
Astrophys. J., 577, 445-453, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Measurement of Magnetic Helicity Injection and Free Energy Loading into the Solar Corona"
Astrophys. J., 577, 501-512, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, and A.Takeda
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona II. Properties of Green and Red Emission Lines in Open and Closed Structures"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 793-806, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and A.Takeda
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona III. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Intensity Ratio of Infrared Lines of Fe XIII"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 807-816, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, K.P.Raju, and J.Singh
"Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Waves"
Solar Phys., 209, 265-286, 2002 [ADS], [DOI]
K,Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Measurement of Magnetic Helicity Flux into the Solar Corona"
Adv. Space Res., 32, 1917-1922, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Kusano, T.Yokoyama, T.Maeshiro, and T.Sakurai
"Annihilation of Magnetic Helicity: A New Model for Solar Flare Onset"
Adv. Space Res., 32, 1931-1936, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and M.Hagino
"Magnetic Helicity and Flare Activity"
Adv. Space Res., 32, 1943-1948, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, and T.Sakurai
"Relation between Magnetic Helicity Injection and Flare Activities in Active Region NOAA 8100"
Adv. Space Res., 32, 1949-1952, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.Muneer
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona V. Physical Properties of Coronal Structures"
Solar Phys., 212, 343-359, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka, M.Noguchi, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"High-Speed Hα Camera and the Real-Time Image Processing System for Solar Observations"
'Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics'. eds. S.L.Keil and S.V.Avakyan,
Proc. SPIE 4853, 576-583, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, and S.Muneer
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona IV. Physical Properties of Coronal Structure"
Astrophys. J., 585, 516-523, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Zhang, B.LaBonte, J.Li, and T.Sakurai
"Analysis of Vector Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions by Huairou, Mees, and Mitaka Vector Magnetographs"
Solar Phys., 213, 87-102, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Minarovjech, V.Rusin, M.Rybansky, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Oscillations in Coronal Green Line Intensity"
Solar Phys., 213, 269-290, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai and M.Hagino
"Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions and its Implications"
J. Korean Astron. Soc., 36, S7-S12, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Point Spread Function of the Soft X-ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh"
J. Korean Astron. Soc., 36, S117-S124, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Yamauchi, S.Suess, and T.Sakurai
"Relation Between Polar Plumes and Fine Structure in the Solar Wind from Ulysses High-Latitude Observations"
Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference,
AIP Conference Proceedings 679, 255-258, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Sakurai, V.Rusin, and M.Minarovjech
"Solar Cycle Variation of Near-Sun Sky Brightness Observed with Coronagraphs"
'Solar Variability and Climate Change',
Adv. Space Res. 34(2), 297-301, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, M.Noguchi, and K.Ichimoto
"High-cadence Hα imaging of solar flares"
Adv. Space Res., 34(12), 2753-2757, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Yamauchi, S.T.Suess, J.T.Steinberg, and T.Sakurai
"Differential Velocity between Solar Wind Protons and Alpha Particles in Pressure Balance Structures"
J. Geophys. Res., 109A, 3104, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Yamauchi, R.L.Moore, S.T.Suess, H.Wang, and T.Sakurai
"The Magnetic Structure of Hα Macrospicules in Solar Coronal Holes"
Astrophys. J., 605, 511-520, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, M.Hagino, and T.T.Yamamoto
"Existence of Nanoparticle Dust Grains in the Inner Solar Corona?"
Astrophys. J., 608, L69-L72, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"The Trigger Mechanism of Solar Flares in a Coronal Arcade with Reversed Magnetic Shear"
Astrophys. J., 610, 537-549, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
"Latitude Variation of Helicity in Solar Active Regions"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 56, 831-843, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and T.Watanabe
"Complex Variations in Line-Intensity Ratio of Coronal Emission Lines"
Astrophys. J., 617, L81-L84, 2004 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto, T.Sakurai, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, and T.Yokoyama
"Magnetic Helicity Injection and Sigmoidal Coronal Loops"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 145-149, 2004 [ADS]
M.Hagino, T.Sakurai, and A.Miyazawa
"Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 157-162, 2004 [ADS]
K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Study of Magnetic Helicity in the Solar Corona"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 175-184, 2004 [ADS]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and T.Watanabe
"Spectroscopic Studies of Steady Coronal Structures -- Line Width Variations with Height of Fe X--XIV Emission Lines"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 235-240, 2004 [ADS]
Y.Yamauchi, R.L.Moore, S.T.Suess, H.Wang, and T.Sakurai
"Macrospicules, Coronal Heating, and Solar-B"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 301-306, 2004 [ADS]
K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, and NOGIS Team
"Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura ``NOGIS'' Coronagraph: A CME Onset"
'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 415-420, 2004 [ADS]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Detection of Cooler Loop-Tops in a Coronal Structure"
Asian J. Phys., 13, 245-250, 2004 [ADS]
T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, H.Nakajima,and H.Kurokawa
"The Source of Energy and Disturbances Affecting the Earth"
'Advances in Solar-Terrestrial Physics', ed. H.Oya, Terrapub, Tokyo, 1-100, 2004
K.Hori, K,Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
"Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph"
'Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejections', eds. K.P.Dere, J.Wang, and Y.Yan, Cambridge University Press,
IAU Symp, 226, 36-41, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Muraki, H.Tsuchiya, P.Evenson, K.Fujiki, Y.Matsubara, H.Menjo, S.Masuda, T.Sako, K.Watanabe, S.Ohnishi, T.Yuda, Y.Katayose, N.Hotta, T.Sakurai, T.Sakai, and Y.H.Tan
"Highest Energy Neutrons Detected by a Solar Neutron Telescope in Association with the November 28th 1998, Solar Flare"
eds. B.Sripathi Acharya, S.Gupta, P.Jagadeesan, A.Jain, S.Karthikeyan, S.Morris, and S.Tonwar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai,
29th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., 1, 25-28, 2005 [ADS]
K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
"Flare-Associated Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph I: A CME Onset"
Astrophys. J., 618, 1001-1011, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Maeshiro, K.Kusano, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"A Statistical Study of the Correlation between Magnetic Helicity Injection and Soft X-ray Activity in Solar Active Regions"
Astrophys. J., 620, 1069-1084, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Yamamoto, and M.Hagino
"Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VII. Formation of a Coronal Loop by Evaporation"
Solar Phys., 226, 201-221, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Magnetic Helicity Injection and Sigmoidal Coronal Loops"
Astrophys. J., 624, 1072-1079, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
"Solar-Cycle Variation of Magnetic Helicity in Active Regions"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 57, 481-485, 2005 [ADS], [DOI]
K.Kusano, S.Inoue, T.Yamamoto, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
"Simulation Study on the Self-Organization of Sigmoidal Structure and the Onset of Solar Flares"
Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields, ESA SP-596, eds. D.E.Innes, A.Lagg, and S.K.Solanki, p.301, 2005 [ADS]
T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
"Upward Velocities of the Reconnection Points and Coronal Magnetic Field Strengths in Flaring Regions Derived from the GOES X-ray Light Curves"
'Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin', eds. V.Bothmer and A.Hady,
IAU Symp. 233, 128-129, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Observation of CMEs with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 58, 165-175, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
T.Wiegelmann, B.Inhester, and T.Sakurai
"Preprocessing of Vector Magnetograph Data for a Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Reconstruction"
Solar Phys., 233, 215-232, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Do the Line-Widths of Coronal Emission Lines Increase with Height above the Limb?"
Astrophys. J., 639, 475-483, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh T.Sakurai, I.Ichimoto, S.Muneer, and A.V.Raveendran
"Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona VIII. Temperature and Non-Thermal Variations in Steady Coronal Structures"
Solar Phys., 236, 245-262, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.Muneer
"Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VI: Trend in Line-width Variation of Coronal Emission Lines with Height Independent of the Structure of Coronal Loops"
J. Astron. Astrophys., 27, 115-125, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
R.Jain, V.Joshi, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and N.Upadhyay
"Study of Microflares through SOXS Mission"
J. Astron. Astrophys., 27, 339-346, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
N.Miura, N.Kodama, H.Ohkama, H.Odagiri, N.Baba, H.Kita, R.Kitai, S.Ueno, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
"Image Acquisition and Processing Using a PC Cluster toward Real-Time Solar Image Improvement"
'ICO20: Optical Information Processing'. ed. Y.Sheng, S.Zhuang, and Y.Zhang,
Proc. SPIE, 6027, 1234-1270, 2006 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Xu, Y.Gao, H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, A.A.Pevtsov, and D.Sokoloff
"Helicity Comparison among Three Magnetographs"
Adv. Space Res., 39(11), 1715-1722, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Takeda, Kawanomoto, S., Honda, S., Ando, H., and Sakurai, T.
"Behavior of Li Abundances in Solar-Analog Stars: Evidence for Line-Width Dependence"
Astron. Astrophys., 468, 663-677, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Muraki, H.Tsuchiya, K.Fujiki, S.Masuda, Y.Matsubara, H.Menjyo, T.Sako, K.Watanabe, M.Ohnishi, A.Shiomi, M.Takita, T.Yuda, Y.Katayose, N.Hotta, S.Ozawa, T.Sakurai, Y.H.Tan, J.L.Zhang
"A Solar Neutron Telescope in Tibet and its Capability Examined by the 1998 November 28th Event"
Astroparticle Phys., 28, 119-131, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Hagino, Y.J.Moon, and T.Sakurai
"Skew Angle and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 163-166, 2007 [ADS]
T.T.Yamamoto, T.Sakurai, K.Kusano, and T.Yokoyama
"Helicity Injection in Regions of Various Magnetic Fluxes"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 179-182, 2007 [ADS]
K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
"Flare-Associated Oscillations in Coronal Multiple-Loops Observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 213-220, 2007 [ADS]
S.Notoya, T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, T.Sakurai, T.Miyagoshi, H.Isobe, T.Yamamoto
"Three-Dimensional Filament Eruption Driven by an Emerging Flux"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 381-384, 2007 [ADS]
I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Source Region with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 543-546, 2007 [ADS]
"Two Fundamental MHD Problems in Solar Physics"
'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 587-592, 2007 [ADS]
S.Morinaga, S.Nagata, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, and T.Sakurai
"Center-to-Limb Variation of Stokes V Asymmetries in Solar Pores Observed with the Spectro-Polarimeter"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S613-S617, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
J.C.Chae, M.J.Moon, Y.D.Park, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, S.Nagata, and T.Yokoyama
"Initial Results on Line-of-Sight Field Calibrations of SP/NFI Data Taken by SOT/Hinode"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S619-S624, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.J.Moon, Y.H.Kim, Y.D.Park, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Cho, S.Bong, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, M.Shimojo, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, S.Nagata, and T.Yokoyama
"Hinode SP Vector Magnetogram of AR10930 and Its Cross-Comparison with MDI"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S625-S630, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, S.Nagata, J.Kotoku, K.Shibasaki, S.H.Saar, and M.Bobra
"Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Magnetic Flux Emergence from Hinode Observations"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S643-S648, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Kim, Y.J.Moon, Y.D.Park, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Cho, S.C.Bong
"Small-Scale X-ray/EUV Jets Seen in Hinode XRT and TRACE"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S763-S769, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.H.Yan, J.Huang, C.Chen, and T.Sakurai
"Diagnostics of Radio Fine Structures around 3 GHz with Hinode Data in the Impulsive Phase of an X3.4/4B Flare Event on 2006 December 13"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S815-S821, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
S.Kim, Y.J.Moon, K.H.Kim, Y.H.Kim, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Kim, and G.Choe
"Two-Step Reconnections in a C3.3 Flare and Its Preflare Activity Observed by Hinode XRT"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S831-S836, 2007 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Singh, S.Muneer, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Magnetic Nature of Coronal Loops"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 35, 437-445, 2007 [ADS]
A.K.Srivastava, J.Singh, B.N.Dwivedi, S.Muneer, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Fe XIV Green/Fe XIII Infrared Line Ratio Diagnostics"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 35, 457-463, 2007 [ADS]
S.Morinaga, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Yokoyama, M.Shimojo, and Y.Katsukawa
"Suppression of Convection around Small Magnetic Concentrations"
Astron. Astrophys., 481, L29-L32, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
A.A.Pevtsov, R.C.Canfield, T.Sakurai, and M.Hagino
"On the Solar Cycle Variation of the Hemispheric Helicity Rule"
Astrophys. J., 677, 719-722, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
J.C.Chae, Y.E.Litvinenko, and T.Sakurai
"Determination of Magnetic Diffusivity from High-Resolution Solar Magnetograms"
Astrophys. J., 683, 1153-1159, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
S.Inoue, K.Kusano, S.Masuda, T.Miyoshi, T.Yamamoto, T.Magara, S.Tsuneta, T.Sakurai, and T.Yokoyama
"Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis of Coronal Magnetic Field in AR NOAA 10930 Based on Vector Magnetogram Observations with Hinode/SOT"
'First Results from Hinode', eds. S.A.Matthews, J.M.Davis, and L.K.Harra,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 397, 110-114, 2008 [ADS]
J.C.Chae and T.Sakurai
"A Test of Three Optical Flow Techniques-LCT, DAVE, and NAVE"
Astrophys. J., 689, 593-612, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
J.C.Chae, K.S.Ahn, Y.K.Lim, G.S.Choe, and T.Sakurai
"Persistent Horizontal Flows and Magnetic Support of Vertical Threads in a Quiescent Prominence"
Astrophys. J., 689, L73-L76, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
S.Pohjolainen, K.Hori, and T.Sakurai
"Radio Bursts Associated with Flare and Ejecta in the 13 July 2004 Event"
Solar Phys., 253, 291-303, 2008 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Studies on the Imaging Characteristics of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope: Optical Aberration and Scattering"
Adv. Space Res., 43, 101-107, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
"Correlations between Flare Parameters and Magnetic Parameters in Solar Flares"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 61, 75-84, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Optical Characteristics of the Soft X-Ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh . I. Interpretation of the Undersampled Point Spread Function"
Solar Phys., 254, 357-384, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
"Forecasting Maximum Solar Flare Magnitudes from Photospheric Magnetograms"
Space Weather, 7, 04007, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
J.Su, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, M.Hagino, and Y.Liu
"Local Twist and Current Helicity Distributions of Active Region NOAA 10930"
Astrophys. J., 697, L103-L107, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
"Time Variation and Statistical Studies of Magnetic Helicity Injection in Solar Magnetic Regions"
Astrophys. J., 698, 928-937, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
M.Hagino, Y.Nakatani, T.T.Ishii, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, E.Hiei, and D.Suzuki
"Comparison of the Vector Magnetograms taken with the SFT/MTK and the SST/KSW"
'Solar Polarization 5', eds. S.V.Berdyugina, K.N.Nagendra, and R.Ramelli,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 405, 393-396, 2009 [ADS]
N.Gopalswamy, G.Eichhorn, T.Sakurai, and H.J.Haubold
"Preface to the Proceedings of the European General Assembly and the United Nations Workshop"
Earth Moon Planets, 104, 139-140, 2009 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, A.Pevtsov, Y.Gao, H.Xu, D.D.Sokoloff, and K.Kuzanyan
"A New Dynamo Pattern Revealed by Solar Helical Magnetic Fields"
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 402, L30-L33, 2010 [ADS], [DOI]
Y.Takeda, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
"Behavior of Li Abundances in Solar-Analog Stars. II. Evidence of the Connection with Rotation and Stellar Activity"
Astron. Astrophys., 515, A93, 2010 [ADS], [DOI]
T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
"Thermal and Magnetic Parameters in Solar Flares Derived from GOES X-Ray Light Curves"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 62, 755-767, 2010 [ADS], [DOI]
"Conference Summary: Asia-Pacific Region in the World and in Astronomy"
'Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting', eds. A.R.Choudhury and D.Banerjee,
Astron. Soc. India Conf. Ser. 2, 411-417, 2011 [ADS]
M.Hagino, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"Quantitative Comparison between the Polarization Data Taken with the Solar Flare Telescope and with the Hinode SOT Spectro-Polarimeter"
'Solar Polarization 6', eds. J.R.Kuhn, D.M.Harrington, H.Lin, S.V.Berdyugina, J.Trujillo-Bueno, S.L.Keil, and T.Rimmele,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 437, 359-363, 2011 [ADS]
Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, M.Miyashita, T.Fukuda, I.Suzuki, M.Hagino, T.Arai, T.Yamasaki, and N.Takeyama
"Infrared Stokes Spectro-Polarimeter at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
'Solar Polarization 6', eds. J.R.Kuhn, D.M.Harrington, H.Lin, S.V.Berdyugina, J.Trujillo-Bueno, S.L.Keil, and T.Rimmele,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 437, 371-378, 2011 [ADS]
Y.Takeda, A.Tajitsu, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
"Beryllium Abundances of Solar-Analog Stars"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 63, 697-713, 2011 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka, I.Suzuki, and T.Sakurai
"Practical Method to Derive Nonlinear Response Functions of Cameras for Scientific Imaging"
Appl. Opt., 50, 2401-2407, 2011 [ADS], [DOI]
H.Xu, Y.Gao, H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, M.Hagino, D.Sokoloff, and A.A.Pevtsov
"Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions as Revealed by Vector Magnetograms and Coronal X-Ray Images"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 64, 54, 2012 [ADS] , [DOI]
T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai
"The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting"
'The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting', eds. T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 454, 2012
"Sixty Years of Norikura Solar Observatory"
'The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting', eds. T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 454, 439-446, 2012 [ADS]
"Helioseismology, Dynamo, and Magnetic Helicity"
'Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology', eds. H.Shibahashi, M.Takata, and A.E.Lynas-Gray,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser.462,247-260 [ADS]
T.Wiegelmann and T.Sakurai
"Solar Force-free Magnetic Fields"
Living Rev. Solar Phys., 9 (5), 1-49, 2012 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Takeda, A.Tajitsu, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
"Detection of Low-Level Activities in Solar-Analog Stars from Emission Strengths of the Ca II 3934 Line
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan,64,130(12pp), 2012 [ADS] , [DOI]
T.Sakurai, Y.Gao, and K.Kuzanyan
"Magnetic Helicity as a Probe of Magnetic Flux-Tube Dynamics in the Solar Interior"
'Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity', eds. A.G.Kosovichev, E.de Gouveia Dal Pino, and Y.Yan,
IAU Symp. 294, 301-306, 2013 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Gao, T.Sakurai, H.Zhang, K.M.Kuzanyan, and D.Sokoloff
"Statistical Distribution of Current Helicity in Solar Active Regions over the Magnetic Cycle"
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 433, 1648-1658, 2013 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
"Infrared Stokes Polarimeter at NAOJ/Mitaka"
'Nature of Prominences and Their Role in Space Weather'. eds. B.Schmieder, J.M.Malherbe, and S.T.Wu,
IAU Symp. 300, 515-516, 2014 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"The Effect of the CCD Gate Structure in the Determination of the Undersampled Point Spread Function"
Solar Phys., 289, 2803-2821, 2014 [ADS] , [DOI]
K.Otsuji, T.Sakurai, and K.Kuzanyan
"Statistical Analysis of Current Helicity and Twist in Solar Active Regions over the Phases of the Solar Cycle Using the Spectro-Polarimeter Data of Hinode"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 67, 69, 2015 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Vignetting Effect in the Soft X-Ray Telescope Onboard Yohkoh: I. Numerical Simulation"
Solar Phys., 290, 1531-1546, 2015 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and IRMag Group
"Solar Full-Disk Polarization Measurement with the Fe I 15648 A Line"
'Polarimetry from the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments', eds. K.N.Nagendra, S.Bagnulo, R.Centeno and M.J. Martinez Gonzalez,
IAU Symp. 305, 92-96, 2015 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin and T.Sakurai
"Vignetting Effect in the Soft X-Ray Telescope Onboard Yohkoh: II. Pre-Launch Data Analysis"
Solar Phys., 291, 705-725, 2016 [ADS] , [DOI]
H.Xu, H.Zhang, K.Kuzanyan, and T.Sakurai
"On the Origin of Differences in Helicity Parameters Derived from Data of Two Solar Magnetographs"
Solar Phys., 291, 2253-2267, 2016 [ADS] , [DOI]
"Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
Proc. Japan Acad. Ser.B, 93, 87-97, 2017 [ADS] , [DOI]
Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
"Statistical Study of the Magnetic Field Orientation in Solar Filaments"
Astrophys. J., 851, 130 (11pp), 2017 [ADS] , [DOI]
T.J.Okamoto and T.Sakurai
"Super-strong Magnetic Field in Sunspots"
Astrophys. J. Lett., 852, L16 (6pp), 2018 [ADS] , [DOI]
"Hinode's Contributions to Solar Physics"
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T.Sakurai, Y.Hanaoka, T.Arai, M.Hagino, T.Kawate, N.Kitagawa, T.Kobiki, M.Miyashita, S.Morita, K.Otsuji, K.Shinoda, I.Suzuki, K.Yaji, T.Yamasaki, T.Fukuda, M.Noguchi, N.Takeyama, Y.Kanai, and T.Yamamuro
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M.Y.Zhao, Y.Liu, T.F.Song, X.F.Zhang, M.Hagino, amd T.Sakurai
"Image Enhancement for the Observation of the Solar Corona"
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Hinode Review Team, K. Al-Janabi, P. Antolin, D. Baker, L.R. Bellot Rubio, L. Bradley, D.H. Brooks, R. Centeno, L. Culhane, G. Del Zanna, G.A. Doschek, L. Fletcher< H. Hara, L.K. Harra, A.S. Hillier, S. Imada, J.A. Klimchuk, J.T. Mariska, T.M.D. Pereira, K.K. Reeves, T. Sakao, T. Sakurai, T. Shimizu, M. Shimojo, D. Shiota, S.K. Solanki, A.S. Sterling, Y. Su, Y. Suematsu, T.D. Tarbell, S.K. Tiwari, S. Toriumi, I. Ugarte-Urra, H.P. Warren, T. Watanabe, and P.R. Young
"Achievements of Hinode in the First Eleven Years"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 71, R1 (118pp), 2019 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin, R.Kano, T.Sakurai, Y.-H.Kim, and Y.-J.Moon
"Determination of Large Scale Plasma Properties of Solar Corona Using the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode: II. Correction for the Scattered Lights"
21st EGU General Assembly, EGU2019, Proceedings, id.9726, 2019 [ADS]
Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and IRMag Group
"Statistical Study of the Magnetic Field in Solar Filaments"
in 'Solar Polarization Workshop 8, eds. L. Belluzzi, R. Casini, M. Romoli, and J. Trujillo Bueno,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser., 526, 275-278, 2019 [ADS]
M.Demidov, Y.Hanaoka, and T.Sakurai
"Large-scale solar magnetic fields from observations in the visible and infrared spectral lines and some space weather issues"
in 'Proceedings of the 9th Solar Polarization Workshop SPW9, eds. A.M.Gandorfer, A.Lagg, and K.Raab,
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M.Demidov, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and X.F.Wang
"Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields Observed with the Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter IRmag at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan: Comparison of Measurements Made in Different Spectral Lines and Observatories"
Solar Phys., 295, id.54, 2020 [ADS] , [DOI]
T.Chatzistergos, I.Ermolli, N.A.Krivova, S.K.Solanki, D.Banerjee, T.Barata, M.Belik, R.Gafeira, A.Garcia, Y.Hanaoka, M.Hegde, J.Klimes, V.V.Korokhin, A.Lourenco, J.-M.Malherbe, G.P.Marchenko, N.Peixinho, T.Sakurai, and A.G.Tlatov
"Analysis of full-disc Ca II K spectroheliograms. III. Plage area composite series covering 1892-2019"
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T.Chatzistergos, I.Ermolli, N.A.Krivova, S.K.Solanki, D.Banerjee, T.Barata, M.Belik, R.Gafeira, A.Garcia, Y.Hanaoka, M.Hegde, J.Klimes, V.V.Korokhin, A.Lourenco, J.-M.Malherbe, G.P.Marchenko, N.Peixinho, T.Sakurai, and A.G.Tlatov
"VizieR Online Data Catalog: Plage area composite series (Chatzistergos+, 2020)"
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Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, K.Otsuji, I.Suzuki, and S.Morita
"Synoptic solar observations of the Solar Flare Telescope focusing on space weather"
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Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
"Internetwork Magnetic Fields Seen in Fe I 1564.8 nm Full-disk Images"
Astrophys. J., 904, id.63 (12pp), 2020 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.J.Moon, and Y.H.Kim
"Detailed Calibration of the Off-Axis Optical Characteristics for the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode"
22nd EGU General Assembly, id 10225, 2020 [ADS] , [DOI]
T.Wiegelmann and T.Sakurai
"Solar force-free magnetic fields"
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J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.H.Kim, and Y.J.Moon
"Detailed Calibration of the Off-Axis Optical Characteristics for the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode"
23rd EGU General Assembly, id EGU21-13004, 2021 [ADS] , [DOI]
J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.H.Kim, and Y.J.Moon
"Determination of Large Scale Plasma Properties of Solar Corona Using the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode: III. PSF and Image Calibration"
43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, id p.1049, 2021 [ADS]
K.Kusano, K.Ichimoto, M.Ishii, Y.Miyoshi, S.Yoden, H.Akiyoshi, A.Asai, Y.Ebihara, H.Fujiwara, T.Goto, Y.Hanaoka, H.Hayakawa, K.Hosokawa, H.Hotta, K.Hozumi, S.Imada, K.Iwai, T.Iyemori, H.Jin, R.Kataoka, Y.Katoh, T.Kikuchi, Y.Kubo, S.Kurita, H.Matsumoto, T.Mitani, H.Miyahara, Y.Miyoshi, T.Nagatsuma, A.Nakamizo, S.Nakamura, H.Nakata, N.Nishizuka, Y.Otsuka, S.Saito, S.Saito, T.Sakurai, T.Sato, T.Shimizu, H.Shinagawa, K.Shiokawa, D.Shiota, T.Takashima, C.Tao, S.Toriumi, S.Ueno, K.Watanabe, S.Watari, S.Yashiro, K.Yoshida, and A.Yoshikawa
"PSTEP: Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction"
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Last updated: 2022 September 30