T.Sakurai: List of Papers
- Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
- "Oscillations in Sunspot Umbras due to Trapped Alfven Waves Excited by Overstability"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 27, 259-274, 1975
- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetohydrodynamic Interpretation of the Motion of Prominences"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 28, 177-198, 1976
- Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
- "Heating and Reconnection of the Emerging Magnetic Flux-Tubes and the Role of the Interchange Instability"
- Solar Phys., 51, 413-429, 1977
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- T.Sakurai and Y.Uchida
- "Magnetic Field and Current Sheets in the Corona above Active Regions"
- Solar Phys., 52, 397-416, 1977
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- T.Sakurai
- "A New Approach to the Force-Free Field and Its Application to the Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 31, 209-230, 1979
- T.Sakurai
- "Energy Storage and Instability in Magnetic Flux Tubes"
- in 'Solar and Interplanetary Dynamics' eds. M.Dryer and E.Tandberg-Hanssen,
- IAU Symp.91, 291-294, 1980
- T.Sakurai
- "Calculation of Force-Free Magnetic Field with Non-Constant Alpha"
- Solar Phys., 69, 343-359, 1981
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- R.Pallavicini, T.Sakurai, and G.S.Vaiana
- "X-ray, EUV and Centimetric Observations of Solar Active Regions: An Empirical Model for Bright Radio Sources"
- Astron. Astrophys., 98, 316-327, 1981
- T.Sakurai and R.H.Levine
- "Generation of Coronal Electric Currents due to Convective Motions on the Photosphere"
- Astrophys. J., 248, 817-829, 1981
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- T.Sakurai
- "Green's Function Methods for Potential Magnetic Fields"
- Solar Phys., 76, 301-321, 1982
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- T.Sakurai
- "Computed Magnetic Field Structure of the Flares Observed by HINOTORI Hard X-ray Telescope"
- Solar Phys., 86, 339-344, 1983
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- K.Shibata, Y.Uchida, and T.Sakurai
- "Dynamical Interpretation of the Very Hot Region Appearing at the Top of the Loop"
- Solar Phys., 86, 345-351, 1983
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- Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
- "Interacting Magnetospheres in RS CVn Binaries -- Coronal Heating and Flares"
- in 'Activity in Red Dwarf Stars', eds. P.B.Byrne and M.Rodono,
- IAU Colloq.71, 629-632, 1983
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- T.Sakurai and A.Granik
- "Generation of Electric Currents due to Convective Motions on the Photosphere II. Resonance and Phase Mixing of Alfven Waves"
- Astrophys. J., 277, 404-414, 1984
- T.Takakura, K.Ohki, T.Sakurai, J.L.Wang, J.Y.Xuan, S.C.Li, and R.Y.Zhao
- "Hard X-ray Imaging of a Solar Gradual Hard X-ray Burst on 1981 April 1"
- Solar Phys., 94, 359-367, 1985
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- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Spacecraft"
- The Hydromagnetics of the Sun, ESA SP-220,
- ESA SP220, 283-284, 1984
- Y.Uchida and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetodynamical Processes in Interacting Magnetospheres of RS CVn Binaries"
- in 'Unstable Current Systems and Plasma Instabilities in Astrophysics', eds. M.R.Kundu and G.D.Holman,
- IAU Symp.107, 281-286, 1985
- M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, H.Koyano, T.Sakurai, and H.Komatsu
- "Observations by the Solar Vector Magnetograph of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 561-573, 1984
- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI"
- in 'Proceedings of Kunming Workshop on Solar Physics and Interplanetary Travelling Phenomena', eds.C.de Jager and Chen Biao, 819-824, 1984
- T.Hirayama, K.Tanaka, T.Watanabe, K.Akita, T.Sakurai, and K.Nishi
- "Rocket Observation of the EUV Images of a Solar Flare and Active Regions"
- Solar Phys., 95, 281-295, 1985
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- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Structures of Hard X-ray Flares Observed by HINOTORI Spacecraft"
- Solar Phys., 95, 311-321, 1985
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- R.Berton and T.Sakurai
- "Stereoscopic Determination of the Three Dimensional Geometry of Coronal Magnetic Loops"
- Solar Phys., 96, 93-111, 1985
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- T.Sakurai
- "Phase Mixing of Alfven Waves"
- in 'Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics', ed. H.U.Schmidt, MPA-212,
- MPA212, 263-267, 1985
- T.Sakurai, M.Makita, and K.Shibasaki
- "Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
- in 'Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics', ed. H.U.Schmidt, MPA-212,
- MPA212, 312-315, 1985
- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Stellar Winds: A 2-D Generalization of Weber-Davis Model"
- Astron. Astrophys., 152, 121-129, 1985
- M.Makita, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, S.Hamana, T.Sakurai, V.M.Grigoryev, G.V.Kuklin, and V.L.Selivanov
- "Comparisons of Simultaneous Vector Magnetograms"
- in 'Measurements of Solar Vector Magnetic Fields', ed. M.J.Hagyard, NASA CP-2374,
- NASA CP2374, 399-402, 1985
- M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, T.Sakurai, and K.Shibasaki
- "Solar Vector Magnetograms of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
- Astrophys. Space Sci., 118, 163-167, 1986
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- T.Sakurai
- "Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
- in 'Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in the Sun and the Stars', ed. Y.Osaki, 17-36, 1986
- T.Sakurai and M.Makita
- "Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
- in 'Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in the Sun and the Stars', ed. Y.Osaki, 53-56, 1986
- P.K.Browning, T.Sakurai, and E.R.Priest
- "Coronal Heating in Closely Packed Flux Tubes: a Taylor-Heyvaerts Relaxation Theory"
- Astron. Astrophys., 158, 217-227, 1986
- T.Sakurai
- "Collimation of Stellar Winds by the Magnetic Field"
- in 'Star Forming Regions', IAU Symp. No.115, eds. M.Peinbert and J.Jugaku,
- IAU Symp.115, 383-384, 1987
- M.Makita, S.Hamana, T.Sakurai, and M.Shimizu
- "Measurement of the Magnetic Vector on the Sun at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
- in Liege Colloquium No.27, 'Observational Astrophysics with High Precision Data', 185-190, 1987
- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetically Collimated Winds from Accretion Disks"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 39, 821-835, 1987
- T.Sakurai
- "A Study of Magnetic Energy Build-up Based on Vector Magnetograms"
- Solar Phys., 113, 137-144, 1987
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- T.Sakurai
- "Computational Modeling of Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions"
- Space Sci. Rev., 51, 11-48, 1989
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- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Equilibria and Instabilities"
- Solar Phys., 121, 347-360, 1989
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- T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
- "Structure of the Solar Corona"
- IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 8, 513-516, 1989
- K.Ichimoto, S.Hamana, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
- "Phase Relation between Velocities and Temperature Fluctuations of the Solar 5-Minute Oscillation"
- in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics367, 205-209, 1990
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- T.Sakurai
- "Helioseismology Observations by Solar-A Satellite"
- in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics367, 253-256, 1990
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- T.Sakurai, K.Tanaka, H.Miyazaki, K.Ichimoto, A.Sakata, and S.Wada
- "Construction of Long-Life Magneto-Optical Filters for Helioseismology Observations"
- in 'Progress of Seismology of the Sun and the Stars', eds. Y.Osaki and H.Shibahashi, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics367, 277-279, 1990
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- S.T.Wu, M.T.Sun, and T.Sakurai
- "A Comparison between Progressive Extension Method and Iterative Method for Magnetic Field Extrapolations in the Solar Atmosphere"
- J. Italian Astron. Soc., 61, 477-484, 1990
- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetohydrodynamic Solar/Stellar Wind Models"
- Comp. Phys. Rep., 12, 247-273, 1990
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- T.Sakurai
- "Coronal Observations with Solar-A Satellite"
- Adv. Space Res., 11-1, 349-358, 1991
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- T.Sakurai
- "Helioseismology Observations by Solar-A Satellite"
- Adv. Space Res., 11-4, 89-92, 1991
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- T.Sakurai
- "New Perspectives in Flare Models and Theories"
- Adv. Space Res., 11-5, 17-26, 1991
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- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Structures in the Corona"
- in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics387, 245-258, 1991
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- K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, A.Yamaguchi, K.Kumagai, Y.Nishino, Y.Suematsu, E.Hiei, and T.Hirayama
- "Solar Flare Telescope and 10cm New Coronagraph"
- in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics387, 320-323, 1991
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- M.Semel, Z.Mouradian, I.Soru-Escaut, P.Maltby, D.Rees, M.Makita, and T.Sakurai
- "Active Regions, Sunspots, and Their Magnetic Fields"
- in 'Solar Interior and Atmosphere', eds. A.N.Cox, W.C.Livingston, and M.S.Mathews, University of Arizona Press, 844-889, 1991
- M.A.Kambry, J.Nishikawa, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
- "Solar Meridional Motions Derived from Sunspot Observations"
- Solar Phys., 132, 41-48, 1991
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- T.Sakurai, M.Goossens, and J.V.Hollweg
- "Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes I. Connection Formulae at the Resonance Surface"
- Solar Phys., 133, 247-262, 1991
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, M.Goossens, and J.V.Hollweg
- "Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes II. Absorption of Sound Waves by Sunspots"
- Solar Phys., 133, 227-245, 1991
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- T.Sakurai
- "Observations from the Hinotori Mission"
- Phil. Trans. Roy. Soc. London, A336, 339-347, 1991
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- H.Zhang, G.Ai, T.Sakurai, and H.Kurokawa
- "Fine Structures of Chromospheric Magnetic Field and Material Flow in a Solar Active Region"
- Solar Phys., 136, 269-293, 1991
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- T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, E.Hiei, M.Irie, K.Kumagai, M.Miyashita, Y.Nishino, K.Yamaguchi, G.Fang, M.A.Kambry, Z.W.Zhao, and K.Shinoda
- "White-Light Flares of 1991 June in the NOAA Region 6659"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan44, L7-L13, 1992
- M.Goossens, J.V.Hollweg, and T.Sakurai
- "Resonant Behavior of MHD Waves on Magnetic Flux Tubes III. Effect of Equilibrium Flow"
- Solar Phys., 138, 233-255, 1992
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- T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, S.Tsuneta, and L.W.Acton
- "Flare-Related Relaxation of Magnetic Shear as Observed with the Soft X-ray Telescope of Yohkoh and with Vector Magnetographs"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L123-L127, 1992
- K.Shibata, Y.Ishido, L.Acton, K.Strong, T.Hirayama, Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, R.Matsumoto, S.Tsuneta, T.Shimizu, H.Hara, T.Sakurai, K,Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, and Y.Ogawara
- "Observations of X-ray Jets Using Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L173-L179, 1992
- T.Sakurai
- "Computational Modeling of Solar Magnetic Fields"
- in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
- IAU Colloq.141, 91-97, 1993
- K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, K.Kumagai, H.Imai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, N.Tanaka, I.Sano, Y.Suematsu, and E.Hiei
- "Magnetic Field Observation with the Solar Flare Telescope"
- in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
- IAU Colloq.141, 166-169, 1993
- M.Makita, T.Sakurai, K.Shibasaki, and H.Koyano
- "Ten Years of the Okayama Vector Magnetograph"
- in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pasific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
- IAU Colloq.141, 180-183, 1993
- K.Shibata, Y.Ishido, L.Acton, K.Strong, T.Hirayama, Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, R.Matsumoto, S.Tsuneta, T.Shimizu, H.Hara, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, and Y.Ogawara
- "Observations of X-ray Jets Using Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
- in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pasific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
- IAU Colloq.141, 343-346, 1993
- H.Washimi and T.Sakurai
- "A Simulation Study of the Solar wind Including the Solar Rotation Effect"
- Solar Phys., 143, 173-186, 1993
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- T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Structures and Flares"
- Adv. Space Res., 13-9, 109-117, 1993
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- T.Takakura, M.Inda, K.Makishima, T.Kosugi, T.Sakao, S.Masuda, and T.Sakurai
- "Time Variation of the Hard X-ray Image during the Early Phase of Solar Impulsive Bursts"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 45, 737-753, 1993
- H.Zhang, G.Ai, T.Sakurai, and H.Kurokawa
- "Chromospheric Fine Structures Inferred from the Observation of Magnetic Fields"
- in 'Proceedings of the First China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. G.X.Ai, E.Hiei, Y.J.Ding, and Z.X.Ling, Kumning TonDar Institute, 56-66, 1993
- T.Sakurai
- "Integrated Force-Balance Equations for the Magnetic Field in Spherical Geometry"
- in 'Solar Active Region Evolution: Comparing Models with Observations', eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam and G.W.Simon, Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 68, 307-313, 1994
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Coronal Activities and Photospheric Magnetic Field Changes"
- in 'Solar Magnetic Fields', eds. M.Schuessler and W.Schmidt, Cambridge Univ. Press, 387-389, 1994
- N.Nitta, L.van Driel-Geztelyi, K.D.Leka, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, R.C.Canfield, J.-P.Wuelser, T.R.Metcalf, and D.L.Mickey
- "Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 111-114, 1994
- Y.Uchida, A.McAllister, J.Khan, T.Sakurai, and K.Jockers
- "Quadrupolar Magnetic Field in Arcade-Type Flares - A Model of "Dark Filament in Neutral Sheet" and "Interchange Collapse-Reconnection" Model for Arcade-Type Flares"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 161-164, 1994
- T.Sakurai
- "Achievement of Yohkoh and the Next Solar Mission"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 231-234, 1994
- T.Takano, S.Enome, H.Nakajima, K.Shjibasaki, M.Nishio, Y.Hanaoka, C.Torii, H.Sekiguchi, T.Bushimata, S.Kawashima, N.Shinohara, Y.Irimajiri, H.Koshiishi, T.Kosugi, Y.Shiomi, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Behavior of Accelerated Electrons in a Small Impulsive Solar Flare on 1992 August 12"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 46, L21-L25, 1994
- J.F. de la Beaujardiere, R.C.Canfield, T.R.Metcalf, E.Hiei, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Electron Precipitation and Mass Motion in the 1991 June 9 White-Light Flare"
- Solar Phys., 151, 389-392, 1994
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- K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, H.Hara, A.Takeda, and Yohkoh SXT Team
- "Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Emission Lines and Their Relation to Soft X-ray Images"
- Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 113-116, 1994
- T.Sakurai
- "A Potential Field Model for Open Field Lines in the Active Region Corona"
- Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 363-366, 1994
- N.Nitta, L.van Driel-Gesztelyi, K.D.Leka, D.L.Mickey, T.R.Metcalf, J.P.Wuelser, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, and K.Shibata
- "Flares in Active Region NOAA 7260 - Role of Emerging Flux"
- Proc. Kofu Symposium on New Look at the Sun with Emphasis on Advanced Observations of Coronal Dynamics and Flares, Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report No.360, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 385-388, 1994
- D.M.Rust, T.Sakurai, V.Gaizauskas, A.Hofmann, S.M.Martin, E.R.Priest, and J.Wang
- "Preflare Stage: Flares 22 Workshop Team 1 Report"
- Solar Phys., 153, 1-17, 1994
- J.L.Culhane, A.T.Phillips, M.Inda-Koide, T.Kosugi, A.Fludra, H.Kurokawa, K.Makishima, C.D.Pike, T.Sakao, T.Sakurai, G.A.Doschek, and R.D.Bentley
- "Yohkoh Observations of the Creation of High-Temperature Plasma in the Flare of 16 December 1991"
- Solar Phys., 153, 307-336, 1994
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- T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, H.Kurokawa, R.Kitai, M.Akioka, I.Tohmura, D.Soltau, D.L.Mickey, H.Zhang, W.Li, H.Zirin, and F.Tang
- "Peculiar Magnetic Field Evolution of Active Region NOAA 7562 in August 1993 - Results from Campaign Observation with Yohkoh -"
- Proc. Second SOHO Workshop on Solar Dynamic Phenomena and Solar Wind Consequences,
- ESA SP373, 337-344, 1994
- K.D.Leka, L.van Driel-Gesztelyi, N.Nitta, R.C.Canfield, D.L.Mickey, T.Sakruai, and K.Ichimoto
- "The Magnetic Evolution of the Activity Complex AR 7260: A Roadmap"
- Solar Phys., 155, 301-338, 1994
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- T.Sakurai
- "Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 11-16, 1994
- M.Takahashi, J.Sakai, T.Watanabe, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, T.Sakurai, S.Enome, S.Tsuneta, N.Nitta, H.S.Hudson, and S.Hashimoto
- "A Flare of 1992 Aug.17 23:58 UT"
- in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 176-181, 1994
- T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, and M.Takata
- "X-ray Activity in Coronal Loops and Its Photospheric/Chromospheric Counterpart"
- in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, 198-202, 1994
- K.Shibata, N.Nitta, R.Kitai, H.Kurokawa, K.Yaji, T.Sakurai, and H.Zhang
- "Flares on Sept.6, 1992 in NOAA 7270: SXT Observations and Comparison with H-alpha and HXT Observations"
- in Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 220-225, 1994
- K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Flare Telescope and Norikura Teams, and Yohkoh SXT Team
- "Optical and X-ray Observations of the X9 Flare on 2nd Nov. 1992"
- 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, 151-156, 1994
- K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, M.Noguchi, K.Shinoda, A.Yamaguchi, K.Kumagai, T.Hirayama, S.Tsuneta, and L.Acton
- "Optical and SXT Observations of the X9 Flare of Nov. 2, 1992"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 259-260, 1994
- T.Takakura, M.Inda, K.Makishima, S.Masuda, T.Kosugi, T.Sakao, T.Sakurai, and Y.Ogawara
- "Time Variation of Hard X-ray Image in the Early Phase of Solar Impulsive Bursts (extended abstract)"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 71-73, 1994
- T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, and M.Takata
- "X-ray Activity in Coronal Loops and Its Photospheric/Chromospheric Signatures (extended abstract)"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Univeral Academy Press, Tokyo, 37-37, 1994
- Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
- "He I ă1083nm Observations and Chromospheric and Coronal Activities"
- 'Infrared Tools for Solar Astrophysics: What's Next?', eds. J.R.Kuhn and M.J.Penn, World Scientific, Singapore, 413-417, 1995
- T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, E.Hiei, T.Li, F.He, H.Lu, G.Ai, Z.Zhao, S.Kawakami, and J.C.Chae
- "Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 47, 81-92, 1995
- K.Ichimoto, H.Hara, A.Takeda, K.Kumagai, T.Sakurai, T.Shimizu, and H.S.Hudson
- "Coordinated Observation of the Solar Corona Using the Norikura Coronagraph and the Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope"
- Astrophys. J., 445, 978-918, 1995
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- M.R.Kundu, N.Nitta, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, S.Enome, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, and T.Sakurai
- "Microwave and Hard X-ray Observations of Footpoint Emission from Solar Flares"
- Astrophys. J., 454, 522-530, 1995
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- T.Sakurai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, K.yamaguchi, and Y.Shiomi
- "An X12/3B White-Light Flare of 1991 June 4 on NOAA Region 6659"
- Proc Second SOLTIP Symposium, STEP GBRSC News No.5, ed. T.Watanabe, 33-36, 1995
- N.Miura, N.Baba, F.Tsumuraya, and T.Sakurai
- "Solar Imaging by Blind Deconvolution of Segments from Multiple Frames"
- Signal Recovery and Synthesis V, OSA Technical Digest Series, 52-53, 1995
- T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto, H.Kurokawa, R.Kitai, M.Akioka, I.Tohmura, D.Soltau, D.L.Mickey, H.Zirin, F.Tang, H.Zhang, and W.Li
- "Peculiar Magnetic Field Evolution of Active Region NOAA 7562 in August 1993"
- Proc. Third China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics, ed. J.X.Wang, G.X.Ai, T.Sakurai, and T.Hirayama, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 3-10, 1995
- Y.Ogawara, T.Sakurai, and the Next Solar Mission Working Group
- "The Solar-B Mission"
- Proc. Third China-Japan Seminar on Solar Physics, ed.J.X.Wang, G.X.Ai, T.Sakurai, and T.Hirayama, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 305-311, 1995
- T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Okamoto, Y.Kato, Y.Nishino, T.Li, W.Mao, and H.Lu
- "A Full-Disk Magnetograph at Mitaka"
- J. Geomag. Geoelectr., 47, 1035-1041, 1995
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
- "New Observational Facts about Solar Flares from Ground-Based Observations"
- Adv. Space Res., 17(4/5), 91-100, 1996
- T.Sakurai
- "Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- in 'Ground-Based Astronomy in Asia', Proc. Third East-Asian Meeting on Astronomy, ed. N.Kaifu, National Astronomical Observatory, Japan, 418-420, 1996
- T.Sakurai
- "Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
- in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
- IAU Colloq.153, 579-580, 1996
- K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
- "Measurement of the Coronal Temperature at the Total Eclipse on 3rd Nov., 1996"
- in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
- IAU Colloq.153, 413-414, 1996
- A.Okubo, R.Matsumoto, S.Miyaji, M.Akioka, H.Zhang, M.Shimojo, Y.Nishino, K.Ichimoto, K.Shibata, and T.Sakurai
- "X-ray and Magnetic Features of H-alpha Surges"
- in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
- IAU Colloq.153, 437-438, 1996
- T.Sakurai and J.C.Chae
- "Maximum Energy of Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
- in 'Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere - Prototypes of Stellar Activity', eds. Y.Uchida, T.Kosugi, and H.S.Hudson, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
- IAU Colloq.153, 579-580, 1996
- R.Brajsa, S.Pohjolainen, V.Ruzdjak, T.Sakurai, S.Urpo, B.Brsnak, and H.Woehl
- "Helium 10830 Angstrom Measurements of the Sun"
- Solar Phys., 163, 79-91, 1996
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.D.Ding, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, T.Sakurai, T.Kosugi, and C.Fang
- "Chromospheric Evaporation in Four Solar Flares Observed by Yohkoh"
- Astrophys. J., 458, 391-396, 1996
[ADS], [DOI]
- P.Venkatakrishnan, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, and K.Ichimoto
- "Enhanced He I Absorption at the Feet of X-ray Loops"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, L1-L4, 1996
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Takahashi, T.Watanabe, J.Sakai, T.Sakao, T.Kosugi, T.Sakurai, S.Enome, H.S.Hudson, S.Hashimoto, and N.Nitta
- "The Solar Flare of 1992 August 17 23:59 UT"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 857-863, 1996
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
- "Measurement of Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total Eclipse on 1994 November 3"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 48, 545-554, 1996
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, I.Sano, T.Kobiki, T.Sakurai, and A.Munoz
- "Measurement of the Coronal Electron Temperature at the Total Solar Eclipse on 1994 November 3"
- 'Theoretical and Observational Problems Related to Solar Eclipses', Proc. NATO Advanced Research Workshop, eds. Z.Mouradian and M.Stavinschi,
- NATO Science Serices C, 494, 31-34, 1997
- Y.Yan and T.Sakurai
- "Analysis of Yohkoh SXT Coronal Loops and Calculated Force-Free Magnetic Field Lines from Vector Magnetographs"
- Solar Phys., 174, 65-71, 1997
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Nishio, K.Yaji, T.Kosugi, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Configuration in Impulsive Solar Flares Inferred from Coaligned Microwave/X-ray Images"
- Astrophys. J., 489, 976-991, 1997
[ADS], [DOI]
- P.Venkatakrishnan, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, K.Ichimoto
- "On the Correlation between Line Width and Line Depth of the Solar HeI 1083 nm Line"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 25, 527-531, 1997
- C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, M.D.Ding, J.Zhao, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
- "Coronal Loops above a Sunspot Region"
- Solar Phys., 176, 267-277, 1997
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan -- Current Status and a Plan for the Future --"
- in 'Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances', eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 27-31, 1997
- B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, H.Miyazaki, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
- "Prediction of 22nd and 23rd Sunspot Activity Cycle"
- 'Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances', eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 177-180, 1997
- B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, H.Miyazaki, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
- "Prediction of 22nd and 23rd Sunspot Activity Cycle"
- 'Solar-Terrestrial Predictions - V', eds. G.Heckman, K.Marubashi, M.A.Shea, D.F.Smart, and R.Thompson, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 89-92, 1997
- T.Sakurai
- "Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan -- Current Status and a Plan for the Future --"
- in 'Solar-Terrestrial Predictions - V', eds. G.Heckman, K.Marubashi, M.A.Shea, D.F.Smart, and R.Thompson, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, Communications Research Laboratory, 551-555, 1997
- T.Sakurai, H.Nakajima, E.Hiei, and H.Kurokawa
- "STEP Project Team 1 (Solar Activity): Team Report"
- Solar Terr. Env. Res. Japan, 19, 13-21, 1997
- T.Sakurai and Y.Yan
- "Coronal Loops and Magnetic Field Modeling -- A New Boundary Intergal Representation for Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
- 'Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena', Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 1-9, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Tang and T.Sakurai
- "The Activation Characteristics of a Disappearing Filament"
- 'Advances in Solar Connection with Transient Interplanetary Phenomena', Proceedings of the Third SOLTIP Symposium, eds. X.Feng, F.Wei, and M.Dryer, International Academic Publishers, Beijing, 49-53, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- in 'Synoptic Solar Physics', Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series 140, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin, 483-495, 1998
- T.Sakurai
- "Gradual Opening of Solar/Stellar Magnetic Fields Driven by Surface Shear Flows"
- 'Cool Stars, Stellar Systems, and the Sun', Tenth Cambridge Workshop, Astron.Soc.Pacific Conference Series 154, eds. R.A.Donahue and J.A.Bookbinder, 1154-1160, 1998
- M.Nishio, K.Yaji, T.Kosugi, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
- "Loop-Loop Interaction in Impulsive Solar Flares Inferred from Microwave and X-ray Images"
- in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 207-208, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Maximum Energy of Force-Free Magnetic Fields"
- in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 345-348, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- B.Setiahadi, B.Anwar, M.Akioka, and T.Sakurai
- "Non-Linear Evolution of Erupting Coronal Magnetic Fields"
- in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 353-356, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Shin, T.Sakurai, and N.Miura
- "Deconvolution of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Images"
- in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 361-364, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, H.Kurokawa,S.Morita, and Y.Uchida
- "Magnetic Reconnection in the Active Region Inferred by Homologous Soft X-ray Flares in February 1992"
- in 'Observational Plasma Astrophysics: Five Years of Yohkoh and Beyond', eds. T.Watanabe, T.Kosugi, and A.C.Sterling, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 391-396, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Summary of Session A: Coronal Heating and Solar Wind Acceleration"
- IAU Highlights of Astronomy, 11B, 869-872, 1998
- H.N.Wang and T.Sakurai
- "Cross-Section Variations of Coronal Magnetic Loops"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 50, 111-123, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, J.-C.Henoux, Y.R.Huang, M.D.Ding, and T.Sakurai
- "Multi-Wavelength Analysis of the Flare on 2 October 1993"
- Solar Phys., 182, 163-177, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Wang, T.Sakurai, and Y.Yan
- "Solar Atmospheric Heating and Topology of Solar Magnetic Field"
- Astrophysics Reports, Beijing Astron. Obs., 4, 54-61, 1998
- J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Stray-Light Correction in Magnetigraph Observations Using the Maximum Entropy Method"
- Solar Phys., 183, 245-261, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Chae, H.S.Yun, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Stray-Light Effect on Magnetograph Observations"
- Solar Phys., 183, 229-244, 1998
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, M.Irie, H.Imai, H.Miyazaki, and J.Sykora
- "Emission Line Intensities of the Solar Corona and Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura: 1950-1997"
- Publ. Natl. Astron. Obs. Japan, 5, 121-137, 1999
- Y.H.Tang, Z.Mouradian, B.Schmieder, C.Fang, and T.Sakurai
- "Analysis of the Disappearing Filament and Flare of 7 May 1992"
- Solar Phys., 185, 143-155, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, K.Ichimoto, H.Imai, T.Sakurai, and A.Takeda
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona I. Spatial Variations in Line Parameters of Green and Red Coronal Lines"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 269-276, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Ichimoto, M.Noguchi, N.Tanaka, K.Kumagai, K.Shinoda, T.Nishino, T.Fukuda, T.Sakurai, and N.Takeyama
- "A New Observing System of the Corona at Norikura"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 383-391, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- N.Miura, N.Baba, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, D.Soltau, and P.Brandt
- "Resolution Improvement of Solar Images"
- Solar Phys., 187, 347-356, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- N.Miura, N.Baba, and T.Sakurai
- "Superresolution Applied to Solar Granulation Images"
- '18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics', eds. A.J.Glass, J.W.Goodman, M.Chang, A.H.Guenther, and T.Asakura,
- Proc. SPIE, 3749, 116-117, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- N.Baba, N.Miura, and T.Sakurai
- "Application of Shift-and-Add Method to Reconstruction of Solar Granulation"
- '18th Congress of the International Commission for Optics', eds. A.J.Glass, J.W.Goodman, M.Chang, A.H.Guenther, and T.Asakura,
- Proc. SPIE, 3749, 168-169, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- N.Baba, N.Miura, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, D.Soltau, and P.Brandt
- "Shift-And-Add Reconctruction of Solar Granulation Images"
- Solar Phys., 188, 41-46, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and H.Wang
- "Magnetic Separatrix and Coronal Loop Heating in an Active Region"
- 'Solar Physics with Radio Observations', eds. T.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy, and K.Shibasaki,
- Nobeyama Radio Observatory Report, 479, 77-81, 1999
- C.Fang, Y.H.Tang, M.D.Ding, J.Zhao, T.Sakurai, and E.Hiei
- "Coronal Loops above a Sunspot Region"
- The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 37-43, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, H.Kurokawa, S.Morita, and Y.Uchida
- "Magnetic Reconnection in an Active Region Inferred by Homologous Soft X-ray Flares in February 1992"
- The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 58-61, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Tang and T.Sakurai
- "Activation of a Disappearing Filament and Flare Eruption"
- The Sun and Human Environment, eds. H.Q.Zhang, K.Y.Tang, et al., Science Press, Beijing, 62-65, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.N.Wang, T.Sakurai, Y.Yan, and Y.Liu
- "The Extrapolated 3-D Solar Magnetic Fields in AR 7321"
- 'Numerical Astrophysics', eds. S.M.Miyama, K.Tomisaka, and T.Hanawa, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 333-334, 1999
- K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and J.Singh
- "The Distribution of Emission Line Widths in a Polar Coronal Hole from Norikura Coronagraphic Observations"
- Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 18-22, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and H.Li
- "Importance of Magnetic Shear in Flare Activity Inferred from Vector Magnetograph Observations"
- Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 51-53, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, J.Sato, and N.Gopalswamy
- "CMEs Caused by Emerging Flux Activity"
- Proceedings of the Yohkoh 8-th Anniversary Symposium 'Explosive Phenomena in Solar and Space Plasmas', eds. T.Kosugi, T.Watanabe, and M.Shimojo, 99-100, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and H.Li
- "Importance of Magnetic Shear in Flare Activity Inferred from Vector Magnetograph Observations"
- 'International Workshop on Space Weather Research and Operation in the 23rd Solar Activity Maximum', ed. E.Sagawa, Communications Research Laboratory, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Laboratory, Science and Technology Agency, 69-71, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- S.Masuda, K.Fujiki, T.Sakao, and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Configuration and Particle Acceleration in the 28 November 1998 Flare"
- 'International Workshop on Space Weather Research and Operation in the 23rd Solar Activity Maximum', ed. E.Sagawa, Communications Research Laboratory, Solar-Terrestrial Environment Research Laboratory, Science and Technology Agency, 75, 1999
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and J.Shin
- "Determination of the Point Spread Function of Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope"
- 'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
- Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1761-1764, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Restoration and Interpretation of the Images of Yohkoh Soft X-Ray Telescope"
- 'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
- Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1765-1768, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Wang, T.Sakurai, and Y.Yan
- "Enhanced Coronal Heating and 3D Solar Magnetic Fields in AR 7321"
- 'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
- Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1769-1772, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Nishio, T.Kosugi, K.Yaji, H.Nakajima, and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Configuration in Impulsive Solar Flares Revealed with Yohkoh and Nobeyama Radioheliograph"
- 'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
- Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1791-1800, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Tang, Y.N.Li, B.Schmieder, G.Aulanier, P.DeMoulin, C.Fang, and T.Sakurai
- "Brightening Event in Hα and Soft X-Ray on May 18, 1994"
- 'Coronal Structure and Dynamics near Solar Activity Minimum', eds. T.Watanabe and R.Schwenn,
- Adv. Space Res. 25(9), 1829-1832, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.UeNo
- "Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares I. Cases with Low Magnetic Shear and Flux Emergence"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 465-481, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.UeNo
- "Magnetic Field Evolution Leading to Solar Flares II. Cases with High Magnetic Shear and Flare-Related Shear Changes"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 52, 483-497, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and J.Singh
- "The Physical Conditions in a Polar Coronal Hole and Neaby Regions from Norikura and SOHO Observations"
- Astrophys. J., 543, 1044-1050, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Comments on Axisymmetric Steady MHD Winds"
- 'Outflows from Astrophysical Objects: Present Status and Future Prospect', eds. K.Tanikawa, S.Nitta, T.Kudoh, and O.Kaburaki, National Astronomical Observatory, Japan, 77-80, 2000
- M.R.Kundu, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, and T.Sakurai
- "Nonthermal Flare Emission from MEV-Energy Electrons at 17, 34, and 86 GHZ"
- Astrophys. J. Letters, 545, 1084-1088, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Tang, Y.N.Li, C.Fang, G.Aulanier, B.Schmieder, P.Demoulin, and T.Sakurai
- "Hα and Soft X-Ray Brightening Events Caused by Emerging Flux"
- Astrophys. J., 534, 482-489, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Q.Zhang, T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, M.Shimojo, and H.Kurokawa
- "Soft X-Ray Flares and Magnetic Configuration in a Solar Active Region in February 1992"
- Astron. Astrophys., 357, 725-734, 2000
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
- "On the Formation of a Helmet Streamer on January 24, 19992 at the South-West Limb"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 28, 33-45, 2000
- Y.Yan and T.Sakurai
- "New Boundary Integral Equation Representation for Finite Energy Force-Free Magnetic Fields in Open Space above the Sun"
- Solar Phys., 195, 89-109, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.N.Wang, Y.Yan, T.Sakurai, and M.Zhang
- "Topology of Magnetic Field and Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions II. The Role of Quasi-Separatrix Layers"
- Solar Phys., 197, 263-273, 2000
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Ohneda, N.Baba, N.Miura, and T.Sakurai
- "Multiresolution Approach to Image Reconstruction of Solar Granulation with Phase-Diversity Technique"
- Optical Review, 8, 32-36, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Wang, Y.Yan, and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Field Reconstruction in a Solar Active Region"
- 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions', eds.P.Brekke, B.Fleck, and J.B.Gurman,
- IAU Symp., 203, 328-330, 2001
- K.P.Raju, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "A Spectroscopic Study of the Solar Corona from Norikura and SOHO data"
- 'Recent Insights into the Physics of the Sun and Heliosphere: Highlights from SOHO and Other Space Missions', eds.P.Brekke, B.Fleck, and J.B.Gurman,
- IAU Symp. 203, p.488, 2001
- T.Sakurai
- "Stokes Profile Inversion without Resort to Specific Atmospheric Models"
- 'Advanced Solar Polarimetry - Theory, Observation, and Instrumentation', Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 236, ed. M.Sigwarth, 535-542, 2001
- M.R.Kundu, S.M.White, K.Shibasaki, T.Sakurai, and V.V.Grechnev
- "Spatial Structure of Simple Spiky Bursts at Microwave/Millimeter Wavelengths"
- Astrophys. J., 547, 1090-1099, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and J.Shin
- "Interpolation of One- and Two-Dimensional Images with Pixelwise Photon Number Conservation"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 53, 361-380, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
- "Determination of the Magnetic Loop Configuration of a Solar Flare"
- Earth Planets Space, 53, 593-596, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Wang, Y.Yan, and T.Sakurai
- "Topology of Magnetic Field and Coronal Heating in Solar Active Regions"
- Solar Phys., 201, 323-336, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "On the Disappearance of Hα Filaments and Soft X-Ray Enhancements as Seen from Yohkoh"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 29, 193-202, 2001
- D.P.Choudhary, T.Sakurai, and P.Venkatakrishnan
- "Chromospheric Magnetic Field of Solar Active Regions"
- Astrophys. J., 560, 439-444, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, K.Yanagisawa, T.Kobiki, S.Kasahara, and K.Nakakubo
- "Sunspot Magnetic Fields Observed with a Large-Format Infrared Array"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 53, 923-930, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.You, H.Li, Z.Fan, and T.Sakurai
- "Multi-Wavelength Observation of the 3N/X3.3 Flare of 28 November 1998"
- Solar Phys., 203, 107-117, 2001
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and Y.Suematsu
- "Observational Solar Cycle Studies at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- Adv. Space Res. 29(10), 1565-1568, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, and T.Maeshiro
- "Magnetic Helicity Injection, Free Energy Loading, and Solar Flares"
- Proceedings of the IAU 8-th Asian-Pacific Regional Meeting, Volume II, eds. S.Ikeuchi, J.Hearnshaw, and T.Hanawa, Astron. Soc. Japan, 459-460, 2002
- T.Sakurai, D.P.Choudhary, and P.Venkatakrishnan
- "Useful Aspects of Chromospheric Magnetic Field Data"
- 'Solar-Terrestrial Magnetic Activity and Space Environment', eds. H.N.Wang and R.L.Xu, Pergamon,
- Cospar Colloquia Series 14, 37-40, 2002
- T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, K.P.Raju, and J.Singh
- "Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Oscillations"
- 'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
- Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 25-26, 2002
- M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
- "Hemispheric Helicity Asymmetry in Active Regions for Solar Cycles 21-23"
- 'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
- Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 147-148, 2002
- K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Helicity Injection into the Solar Corona"
- 'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
- Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 151-152, 2002
- Y.Hanaoka, M.Noguchi, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
- "High-Speed Hα Camera for Solar Flare Observations"
- 'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman, Pergamon,
- Cospar Colloquia Series 13, 427-428, 2002
- T.Sakurai, M.Noguchi, K.Shinoda, N.Tanaka, K.Aoki, M.Hagino, and H.Mochizuki
- "A Flexible Prism Used as an Image Stabilizer"
- Solar Phys., 205, 201-208, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Eleven-Year Solar Cycle Periodicity in Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura, Japan"
- Earth Planets Space, 54, 153-157, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Yamauchi, S.T.Suess, and T.Sakurai
- "Relation between Pressure Balance Structures and Polar Plumes from Ulysses High Latitude Observations"
- Geophys. Res. Letters, 29(10), 21-1-21-4, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- S.D.Bao, T.Sakurai, and Y.Suematsu
- "The Sources of Magnetic Field Twist in Solar Active Regions"
- Astrophys. J., 577, 445-453, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Measurement of Magnetic Helicity Injection and Free Energy Loading into the Solar Corona"
- Astrophys. J., 577, 501-512, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, and A.Takeda
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona II. Properties of Green and Red Emission Lines in Open and Closed Structures"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 793-806, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and A.Takeda
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona III. Spatial and Temporal Variations of Intensity Ratio of Infrared Lines of Fe XIII"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 807-816, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, K.P.Raju, and J.Singh
- "Spectroscopic Observations of Coronal Waves"
- Solar Phys., 209, 265-286, 2002
[ADS], [DOI]
- K,Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Measurement of Magnetic Helicity Flux into the Solar Corona"
- Adv. Space Res., 32, 1917-1922, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Kusano, T.Yokoyama, T.Maeshiro, and T.Sakurai
- "Annihilation of Magnetic Helicity: A New Model for Solar Flare Onset"
- Adv. Space Res., 32, 1931-1936, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and M.Hagino
- "Magnetic Helicity and Flare Activity"
- Adv. Space Res., 32, 1943-1948, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, and T.Sakurai
- "Relation between Magnetic Helicity Injection and Flare Activities in Active Region NOAA 8100"
- Adv. Space Res., 32, 1949-1952, 2003 [ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.Muneer
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona V. Physical Properties of Coronal Structures"
- Solar Phys., 212, 343-359, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka, M.Noguchi, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "High-Speed Hα Camera and the Real-Time Image Processing System for Solar Observations"
- 'Innovative Telescopes and Instrumentation for Solar Astrophysics'. eds. S.L.Keil and S.V.Avakyan,
- Proc. SPIE 4853, 576-583, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, and S.Muneer
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona IV. Physical Properties of Coronal Structure"
- Astrophys. J., 585, 516-523, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Zhang, B.LaBonte, J.Li, and T.Sakurai
- "Analysis of Vector Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions by Huairou, Mees, and Mitaka Vector Magnetographs"
- Solar Phys., 213, 87-102, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Minarovjech, V.Rusin, M.Rybansky, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Oscillations in Coronal Green Line Intensity"
- Solar Phys., 213, 269-290, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai and M.Hagino
- "Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions and its Implications"
- J. Korean Astron. Soc., 36, S7-S12, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Point Spread Function of the Soft X-ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh"
- J. Korean Astron. Soc., 36, S117-S124, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Yamauchi, S.Suess, and T.Sakurai
- "Relation Between Polar Plumes and Fine Structure in the Solar Wind from Ulysses High-Latitude Observations"
- Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference,
- AIP Conference Proceedings 679, 255-258, 2003
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, V.Rusin, and M.Minarovjech
- "Solar Cycle Variation of Near-Sun Sky Brightness Observed with Coronagraphs"
- 'Solar Variability and Climate Change',
- Adv. Space Res. 34(2), 297-301, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, M.Noguchi, and K.Ichimoto
- "High-cadence Hα imaging of solar flares"
- Adv. Space Res., 34(12), 2753-2757, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Yamauchi, S.T.Suess, J.T.Steinberg, and T.Sakurai
- "Differential Velocity between Solar Wind Protons and Alpha Particles in Pressure Balance Structures"
- J. Geophys. Res., 109A, 3104, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Yamauchi, R.L.Moore, S.T.Suess, H.Wang, and T.Sakurai
- "The Magnetic Structure of Hα Macrospicules in Solar Coronal Holes"
- Astrophys. J., 605, 511-520, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, M.Hagino, and T.T.Yamamoto
- "Existence of Nanoparticle Dust Grains in the Inner Solar Corona?"
- Astrophys. J., 608, L69-L72, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "The Trigger Mechanism of Solar Flares in a Coronal Arcade with Reversed Magnetic Shear"
- Astrophys. J., 610, 537-549, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
- "Latitude Variation of Helicity in Solar Active Regions"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 56, 831-843, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and T.Watanabe
- "Complex Variations in Line-Intensity Ratio of Coronal Emission Lines"
- Astrophys. J., 617, L81-L84, 2004
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto, T.Sakurai, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, and T.Yokoyama
- "Magnetic Helicity Injection and Sigmoidal Coronal Loops"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 145-149, 2004
- M.Hagino, T.Sakurai, and A.Miyazawa
- "Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 157-162, 2004
- K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Study of Magnetic Helicity in the Solar Corona"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 175-184, 2004
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and T.Watanabe
- "Spectroscopic Studies of Steady Coronal Structures -- Line Width Variations with Height of Fe X--XIV Emission Lines"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 235-240, 2004
- Y.Yamauchi, R.L.Moore, S.T.Suess, H.Wang, and T.Sakurai
- "Macrospicules, Coronal Heating, and Solar-B"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 301-306, 2004
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, and NOGIS Team
- "Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura ``NOGIS'' Coronagraph: A CME Onset"
- 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, 415-420, 2004
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Detection of Cooler Loop-Tops in a Coronal Structure"
- Asian J. Phys., 13, 245-250, 2004
- T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, H.Nakajima,and H.Kurokawa
- "The Source of Energy and Disturbances Affecting the Earth"
- 'Advances in Solar-Terrestrial Physics', ed. H.Oya, Terrapub, Tokyo, 1-100, 2004
- K.Hori, K,Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
- "Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph"
- 'Coronal and Stellar Mass Ejections', eds. K.P.Dere, J.Wang, and Y.Yan, Cambridge University Press,
- IAU Symp, 226, 36-41, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Muraki, H.Tsuchiya, P.Evenson, K.Fujiki, Y.Matsubara, H.Menjo, S.Masuda, T.Sako, K.Watanabe, S.Ohnishi, T.Yuda, Y.Katayose, N.Hotta, T.Sakurai, T.Sakai, and Y.H.Tan
- "Highest Energy Neutrons Detected by a Solar Neutron Telescope in Association with the November 28th 1998, Solar Flare"
- eds. B.Sripathi Acharya, S.Gupta, P.Jagadeesan, A.Jain, S.Karthikeyan, S.Morris, and S.Tonwar, Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai,
- 29th Int. Cosmic Ray Conf., 1, 25-28, 2005
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
- "Flare-Associated Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph I: A CME Onset"
- Astrophys. J., 618, 1001-1011, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Maeshiro, K.Kusano, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "A Statistical Study of the Correlation between Magnetic Helicity Injection and Soft X-ray Activity in Solar Active Regions"
- Astrophys. J., 620, 1069-1084, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Yamamoto, and M.Hagino
- "Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VII. Formation of a Coronal Loop by Evaporation"
- Solar Phys., 226, 201-221, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto, K.Kusano, T.Maeshiro, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Magnetic Helicity Injection and Sigmoidal Coronal Loops"
- Astrophys. J., 624, 1072-1079, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
- "Solar-Cycle Variation of Magnetic Helicity in Active Regions"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 57, 481-485, 2005
[ADS], [DOI]
- K.Kusano, S.Inoue, T.Yamamoto, T.Yokoyama, and T.Sakurai
- "Simulation Study on the Self-Organization of Sigmoidal Structure and the Onset of Solar Flares"
- Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Chromospheric and Coronal Magnetic Fields,
ESA SP-596, eds. D.E.Innes, A.Lagg, and S.K.Solanki, p.301, 2005
- T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Upward Velocities of the Reconnection Points and Coronal Magnetic Field Strengths in Flaring Regions Derived from the GOES X-ray Light Curves"
- 'Solar Activity and its Magnetic Origin', eds. V.Bothmer and A.Hady,
- IAU Symp. 233, 128-129, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Observation of CMEs with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 58, 165-175, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Wiegelmann, B.Inhester, and T.Sakurai
- "Preprocessing of Vector Magnetograph Data for a Nonlinear Force-Free Magnetic Field Reconstruction"
- Solar Phys., 233, 215-232, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Do the Line-Widths of Coronal Emission Lines Increase with Height above the Limb?"
- Astrophys. J., 639, 475-483, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh T.Sakurai, I.Ichimoto, S.Muneer, and A.V.Raveendran
- "Spectroscopic Studies of the Solar Corona VIII. Temperature and Non-Thermal Variations in Steady Coronal Structures"
- Solar Phys., 236, 245-262, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and S.Muneer
- "Spectroscopic Studies of Solar Corona VI: Trend in Line-width Variation of Coronal Emission Lines with Height Independent of the Structure of Coronal Loops"
- J. Astron. Astrophys., 27, 115-125, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- R.Jain, V.Joshi, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and N.Upadhyay
- "Study of Microflares through SOXS Mission"
- J. Astron. Astrophys., 27, 339-346, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- N.Miura, N.Kodama, H.Ohkama, H.Odagiri, N.Baba, H.Kita, R.Kitai, S.Ueno, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
- "Image Acquisition and Processing Using a PC Cluster toward Real-Time Solar Image Improvement"
- 'ICO20: Optical Information Processing'. ed. Y.Sheng, S.Zhuang, and Y.Zhang,
- Proc. SPIE, 6027, 1234-1270, 2006
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Xu, Y.Gao, H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, A.A.Pevtsov, and D.Sokoloff
- "Helicity Comparison among Three Magnetographs"
- Adv. Space Res., 39(11), 1715-1722, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Takeda, Kawanomoto, S., Honda, S., Ando, H., and Sakurai, T.
- "Behavior of Li Abundances in Solar-Analog Stars: Evidence for Line-Width Dependence"
- Astron. Astrophys., 468, 663-677, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Muraki, H.Tsuchiya, K.Fujiki, S.Masuda, Y.Matsubara, H.Menjyo, T.Sako, K.Watanabe, M.Ohnishi, A.Shiomi, M.Takita, T.Yuda, Y.Katayose, N.Hotta, S.Ozawa, T.Sakurai, Y.H.Tan, J.L.Zhang
- "A Solar Neutron Telescope in Tibet and its Capability Examined by the 1998 November 28th Event"
- Astroparticle Phys., 28, 119-131, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Hagino, Y.J.Moon, and T.Sakurai
- "Skew Angle and Magnetic Helicity in Solar Active Regions"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 163-166, 2007
- T.T.Yamamoto, T.Sakurai, K.Kusano, and T.Yokoyama
- "Helicity Injection in Regions of Various Magnetic Fluxes"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 179-182, 2007
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
- "Flare-Associated Oscillations in Coronal Multiple-Loops Observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 213-220, 2007
- S.Notoya, T.Yokoyama, K.Kusano, T.Sakurai, T.Miyagoshi, H.Isobe, T.Yamamoto
- "Three-Dimensional Filament Eruption Driven by an Emerging Flux"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 381-384, 2007
- I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Source Region with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 543-546, 2007
- T.Sakurai
- "Two Fundamental MHD Problems in Solar Physics"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, 587-592, 2007
- S.Morinaga, S.Nagata, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, and T.Sakurai
- "Center-to-Limb Variation of Stokes V Asymmetries in Solar Pores Observed with the Spectro-Polarimeter"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S613-S617, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.C.Chae, M.J.Moon, Y.D.Park, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, S.Nagata, and T.Yokoyama
- "Initial Results on Line-of-Sight Field Calibrations of SP/NFI Data Taken by SOT/Hinode"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S619-S624, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.J.Moon, Y.H.Kim, Y.D.Park, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Cho, S.Bong, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, M.Shimojo, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, M.Kubo, S.Nagata, and T.Yokoyama
- "Hinode SP Vector Magnetogram of AR10930 and Its Cross-Comparison with MDI"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S625-S630, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Li, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Suematsu, S.Tsuneta, Y.Katsukawa, T.Shimizu, R.A.Shine, T.D.Tarbell, A.M.Title, B.Lites, S.Nagata, J.Kotoku, K.Shibasaki, S.H.Saar, and M.Bobra
- "Response of the Solar Atmosphere to Magnetic Flux Emergence from Hinode Observations"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S643-S648, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Kim, Y.J.Moon, Y.D.Park, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Cho, S.C.Bong
- "Small-Scale X-ray/EUV Jets Seen in Hinode XRT and TRACE"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S763-S769, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.H.Yan, J.Huang, C.Chen, and T.Sakurai
- "Diagnostics of Radio Fine Structures around 3 GHz with Hinode Data in the Impulsive Phase of an X3.4/4B Flare Event on 2006 December 13"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S815-S821, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- S.Kim, Y.J.Moon, K.H.Kim, Y.H.Kim, T.Sakurai, J.Chae, K.S.Kim, and G.Choe
- "Two-Step Reconnections in a C3.3 Flare and Its Preflare Activity Observed by Hinode XRT"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, S831-S836, 2007
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Singh, S.Muneer, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Magnetic Nature of Coronal Loops"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 35, 437-445, 2007
- A.K.Srivastava, J.Singh, B.N.Dwivedi, S.Muneer, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Fe XIV Green/Fe XIII Infrared Line Ratio Diagnostics"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India, 35, 457-463, 2007
- S.Morinaga, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, T.Yokoyama, M.Shimojo, and Y.Katsukawa
- "Suppression of Convection around Small Magnetic Concentrations"
- Astron. Astrophys., 481, L29-L32, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- A.A.Pevtsov, R.C.Canfield, T.Sakurai, and M.Hagino
- "On the Solar Cycle Variation of the Hemispheric Helicity Rule"
- Astrophys. J., 677, 719-722, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.C.Chae, Y.E.Litvinenko, and T.Sakurai
- "Determination of Magnetic Diffusivity from High-Resolution Solar Magnetograms"
- Astrophys. J., 683, 1153-1159, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- S.Inoue, K.Kusano, S.Masuda, T.Miyoshi, T.Yamamoto, T.Magara, S.Tsuneta, T.Sakurai, and T.Yokoyama
- "Three-Dimensional Structure Analysis of Coronal Magnetic Field in AR NOAA 10930 Based on Vector Magnetogram Observations with Hinode/SOT"
- 'First Results from Hinode', eds. S.A.Matthews, J.M.Davis, and L.K.Harra,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 397, 110-114, 2008
- J.C.Chae and T.Sakurai
- "A Test of Three Optical Flow Techniques-LCT, DAVE, and NAVE"
- Astrophys. J., 689, 593-612, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.C.Chae, K.S.Ahn, Y.K.Lim, G.S.Choe, and T.Sakurai
- "Persistent Horizontal Flows and Magnetic Support of Vertical Threads in a Quiescent Prominence"
- Astrophys. J., 689, L73-L76, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- S.Pohjolainen, K.Hori, and T.Sakurai
- "Radio Bursts Associated with Flare and Ejecta in the 13 July 2004 Event"
- Solar Phys., 253, 291-303, 2008
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Studies on the Imaging Characteristics of Yohkoh Soft X-ray Telescope: Optical Aberration and Scattering"
- Adv. Space Res., 43, 101-107, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Correlations between Flare Parameters and Magnetic Parameters in Solar Flares"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 61, 75-84, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Optical Characteristics of the Soft X-Ray Telescope Aboard Yohkoh . I. Interpretation of the Undersampled Point Spread Function"
- Solar Phys., 254, 357-384, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Forecasting Maximum Solar Flare Magnitudes from Photospheric Magnetograms"
- Space Weather, 7, 04007, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- J.Su, T.Sakurai, Y.Suematsu, M.Hagino, and Y.Liu
- "Local Twist and Current Helicity Distributions of Active Region NOAA 10930"
- Astrophys. J., 697, L103-L107, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Time Variation and Statistical Studies of Magnetic Helicity Injection in Solar Magnetic Regions"
- Astrophys. J., 698, 928-937, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- M.Hagino, Y.Nakatani, T.T.Ishii, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, E.Hiei, and D.Suzuki
- "Comparison of the Vector Magnetograms taken with the SFT/MTK and the SST/KSW"
- 'Solar Polarization 5', eds. S.V.Berdyugina, K.N.Nagendra, and R.Ramelli,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 405, 393-396, 2009
- N.Gopalswamy, G.Eichhorn, T.Sakurai, and H.J.Haubold
- "Preface to the Proceedings of the European General Assembly and the United Nations Workshop"
- Earth Moon Planets, 104, 139-140, 2009
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, A.Pevtsov, Y.Gao, H.Xu, D.D.Sokoloff, and K.Kuzanyan
- "A New Dynamo Pattern Revealed by Solar Helical Magnetic Fields"
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 402, L30-L33, 2010
[ADS], [DOI]
- Y.Takeda, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
- "Behavior of Li Abundances in Solar-Analog Stars. II. Evidence of the Connection with Rotation and Stellar Activity"
- Astron. Astrophys., 515, A93, 2010
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.T.Yamamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Thermal and Magnetic Parameters in Solar Flares Derived from GOES X-Ray Light Curves"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 62, 755-767, 2010
[ADS], [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Conference Summary: Asia-Pacific Region in the World and in Astronomy"
- 'Proceedings of the First Asia-Pacific Solar Physics Meeting', eds. A.R.Choudhury and D.Banerjee,
- Astron. Soc. India Conf. Ser. 2, 411-417, 2011
- M.Hagino, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Quantitative Comparison between the Polarization Data Taken with the Solar Flare Telescope and with the Hinode SOT Spectro-Polarimeter"
- 'Solar Polarization 6', eds. J.R.Kuhn, D.M.Harrington, H.Lin, S.V.Berdyugina, J.Trujillo-Bueno, S.L.Keil, and T.Rimmele,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 437, 359-363, 2011
- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, M.Miyashita, T.Fukuda, I.Suzuki, M.Hagino, T.Arai, T.Yamasaki, and N.Takeyama
- "Infrared Stokes Spectro-Polarimeter at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- 'Solar Polarization 6', eds. J.R.Kuhn, D.M.Harrington, H.Lin, S.V.Berdyugina, J.Trujillo-Bueno, S.L.Keil, and T.Rimmele,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 437, 371-378, 2011
- Y.Takeda, A.Tajitsu, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
- "Beryllium Abundances of Solar-Analog Stars"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 63, 697-713, 2011
[ADS] , [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka, I.Suzuki, and T.Sakurai
- "Practical Method to Derive Nonlinear Response Functions of Cameras for Scientific Imaging"
- Appl. Opt., 50, 2401-2407, 2011
[ADS], [DOI]
- H.Xu, Y.Gao, H.Zhang, T.Sakurai, M.Hagino, D.Sokoloff, and A.A.Pevtsov
- "Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions as Revealed by Vector Magnetograms and Coronal X-Ray Images"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 64, 54, 2012
[ADS] , [DOI]
- T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai
- "The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting"
- 'The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting', eds. T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 454, 2012
- T.Sakurai
- "Sixty Years of Norikura Solar Observatory"
- 'The 3rd Hinode Science Meeting', eds. T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 454, 439-446, 2012
- T.Sakurai
- "Helioseismology, Dynamo, and Magnetic Helicity"
- 'Progress in Solar/Stellar Physics with Helio- and Asteroseismology', eds. H.Shibahashi, M.Takata, and A.E.Lynas-Gray,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser.462,247-260
- T.Wiegelmann and T.Sakurai
- "Solar Force-free Magnetic Fields"
- Living Rev. Solar Phys., 9 (5), 1-49, 2012
[ADS] , [DOI]
- Y.Takeda, A.Tajitsu, S.Honda, S.Kawanomoto, H.Ando, and T.Sakurai
- "Detection of Low-Level Activities in Solar-Analog Stars from Emission Strengths of the Ca II 3934 Line
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan,64,130(12pp), 2012
[ADS] , [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, Y.Gao, and K.Kuzanyan
- "Magnetic Helicity as a Probe of Magnetic Flux-Tube Dynamics in the Solar Interior"
- 'Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity', eds. A.G.Kosovichev, E.de Gouveia Dal Pino, and Y.Yan,
- IAU Symp. 294, 301-306, 2013
[ADS] , [DOI]
- Y.Gao, T.Sakurai, H.Zhang, K.M.Kuzanyan, and D.Sokoloff
- "Statistical Distribution of Current Helicity in Solar Active Regions over the Magnetic Cycle"
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 433, 1648-1658, 2013
[ADS] , [DOI]
- Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
- "Infrared Stokes Polarimeter at NAOJ/Mitaka"
- 'Nature of Prominences and Their Role in Space Weather'. eds. B.Schmieder, J.M.Malherbe, and S.T.Wu,
- IAU Symp. 300, 515-516, 2014
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- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "The Effect of the CCD Gate Structure in the Determination of the Undersampled Point Spread Function"
- Solar Phys., 289, 2803-2821, 2014
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- K.Otsuji, T.Sakurai, and K.Kuzanyan
- "Statistical Analysis of Current Helicity and Twist in Solar Active Regions over the Phases of the Solar Cycle Using the Spectro-Polarimeter Data of Hinode"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 67, 69, 2015
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- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Vignetting Effect in the Soft X-Ray Telescope Onboard Yohkoh: I. Numerical Simulation"
- Solar Phys., 290, 1531-1546, 2015
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- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and IRMag Group
- "Solar Full-Disk Polarization Measurement with the Fe I 15648 A Line"
- 'Polarimetry from the Sun to Stars and Stellar Environments', eds. K.N.Nagendra, S.Bagnulo, R.Centeno and M.J. Martinez Gonzalez,
- IAU Symp. 305, 92-96, 2015
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- J.Shin and T.Sakurai
- "Vignetting Effect in the Soft X-Ray Telescope Onboard Yohkoh: II. Pre-Launch Data Analysis"
- Solar Phys., 291, 705-725, 2016
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- H.Xu, H.Zhang, K.Kuzanyan, and T.Sakurai
- "On the Origin of Differences in Helicity Parameters Derived from Data of Two Solar Magnetographs"
- Solar Phys., 291, 2253-2267, 2016
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- T.Sakurai
- "Heating Mechanisms of the Solar Corona"
- Proc. Japan Acad. Ser.B, 93, 87-97, 2017
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- Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
- "Statistical Study of the Magnetic Field Orientation in Solar Filaments"
- Astrophys. J., 851, 130 (11pp), 2017
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- T.J.Okamoto and T.Sakurai
- "Super-strong Magnetic Field in Sunspots"
- Astrophys. J. Lett., 852, L16 (6pp), 2018
[ADS] , [DOI]
- T.Sakurai
- "Hinode's Contributions to Solar Physics"
- in 'First Ten Years of Hinode Solar On-Orbit Observatory', eds. T.Shimizu, S.Imada, and M.Kubo,
- Astrophysics and Space Science Library, Springer, 19-26, 2018
[ADS] , [DOI]
- T.Sakurai, Y.Hanaoka, T.Arai, M.Hagino, T.Kawate, N.Kitagawa, T.Kobiki, M.Miyashita, S.Morita, K.Otsuji, K.Shinoda, I.Suzuki, K.Yaji, T.Yamasaki, T.Fukuda, M.Noguchi, N.Takeyama, Y.Kanai, and T.Yamamuro
- "Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter on the Solar Flare Telescope at NAOJ/Mitaka
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 70, 58, 2018
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- M.Y.Zhao, Y.Liu, T.F.Song, X.F.Zhang, M.Hagino, amd T.Sakurai
- "Image Enhancement for the Observation of the Solar Corona"
- Proc. SPIE, 10701, 1070129 (8pp), 2018
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- Hinode Review Team, K. Al-Janabi, P. Antolin, D. Baker, L.R. Bellot Rubio, L. Bradley, D.H. Brooks, R. Centeno, L. Culhane, G. Del Zanna, G.A. Doschek, L. Fletcher< H. Hara, L.K. Harra, A.S. Hillier, S. Imada, J.A. Klimchuk, J.T. Mariska, T.M.D. Pereira, K.K. Reeves, T. Sakao, T. Sakurai, T. Shimizu, M. Shimojo, D. Shiota, S.K. Solanki, A.S. Sterling, Y. Su, Y. Suematsu, T.D. Tarbell, S.K. Tiwari, S. Toriumi, I. Ugarte-Urra, H.P. Warren, T. Watanabe, and P.R. Young
- "Achievements of Hinode in the First Eleven Years"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 71, R1 (118pp), 2019
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- J.Shin, R.Kano, T.Sakurai, Y.-H.Kim, and Y.-J.Moon
- "Determination of Large Scale Plasma Properties of Solar Corona Using the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode: II. Correction for the Scattered Lights"
- 21st EGU General Assembly, EGU2019, Proceedings, id.9726, 2019
- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and IRMag Group
- "Statistical Study of the Magnetic Field in Solar Filaments"
- in 'Solar Polarization Workshop 8, eds. L. Belluzzi, R. Casini, M. Romoli, and J. Trujillo Bueno,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conf. Ser., 526, 275-278, 2019
- M.Demidov, Y.Hanaoka, and T.Sakurai
- "Large-scale solar magnetic fields from observations in the visible and infrared spectral lines and some space weather issues"
- in 'Proceedings of the 9th Solar Polarization Workshop SPW9, eds. A.M.Gandorfer, A.Lagg, and K.Raab,
- id.2, doi:10.17617/2.3213520, 2019
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- M.Demidov, Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, and X.F.Wang
- "Large-Scale Solar Magnetic Fields Observed with the Infrared Spectro-Polarimeter IRmag at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan: Comparison of Measurements Made in Different Spectral Lines and Observatories"
- Solar Phys., 295, id.54, 2020
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- T.Chatzistergos, I.Ermolli, N.A.Krivova, S.K.Solanki, D.Banerjee, T.Barata, M.Belik, R.Gafeira, A.Garcia, Y.Hanaoka, M.Hegde, J.Klimes, V.V.Korokhin, A.Lourenco, J.-M.Malherbe, G.P.Marchenko, N.Peixinho, T.Sakurai, and A.G.Tlatov
- "Analysis of full-disc Ca II K spectroheliograms. III. Plage area composite series covering 1892-2019"
- Astron. Astrophys., 639, id.A88 (22pp), 2020
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- T.Chatzistergos, I.Ermolli, N.A.Krivova, S.K.Solanki, D.Banerjee, T.Barata, M.Belik, R.Gafeira, A.Garcia, Y.Hanaoka, M.Hegde, J.Klimes, V.V.Korokhin, A.Lourenco, J.-M.Malherbe, G.P.Marchenko, N.Peixinho, T.Sakurai, and A.G.Tlatov
- "VizieR Online Data Catalog: Plage area composite series (Chatzistergos+, 2020)"
- VizieR On-line Data Catalog, J/A+A/639/A88, 2020
- Y.Hanaoka, T.Sakurai, K.Otsuji, I.Suzuki, and S.Morita
- "Synoptic solar observations of the Solar Flare Telescope focusing on space weather"
- J. Space Weather and Space Climate, 10, id.41 (11pp), 2020
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- Y.Hanaoka and T.Sakurai
- "Internetwork Magnetic Fields Seen in Fe I 1564.8 nm Full-disk Images"
- Astrophys. J., 904, id.63 (12pp), 2020
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- J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.J.Moon, and Y.H.Kim
- "Detailed Calibration of the Off-Axis Optical Characteristics for the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode"
- 22nd EGU General Assembly, id 10225, 2020
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- T.Wiegelmann and T.Sakurai
- "Solar force-free magnetic fields"
- Living Rev. Solar Phys., 18, id.1 (2021)
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- J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.H.Kim, and Y.J.Moon
- "Detailed Calibration of the Off-Axis Optical Characteristics for the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode"
- 23rd EGU General Assembly, id EGU21-13004, 2021
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- J.Shin, T.Sakurai, R.Kano, Y.H.Kim, and Y.J.Moon
- "Determination of Large Scale Plasma Properties of Solar Corona Using the X-Ray Telescope onboard Hinode: III. PSF and Image Calibration"
- 43rd COSPAR Scientific Assembly, id p.1049, 2021
- K.Kusano, K.Ichimoto, M.Ishii, Y.Miyoshi, S.Yoden, H.Akiyoshi, A.Asai, Y.Ebihara, H.Fujiwara, T.Goto, Y.Hanaoka, H.Hayakawa, K.Hosokawa, H.Hotta, K.Hozumi, S.Imada, K.Iwai, T.Iyemori, H.Jin, R.Kataoka, Y.Katoh, T.Kikuchi, Y.Kubo, S.Kurita, H.Matsumoto, T.Mitani, H.Miyahara, Y.Miyoshi, T.Nagatsuma, A.Nakamizo, S.Nakamura, H.Nakata, N.Nishizuka, Y.Otsuka, S.Saito, S.Saito, T.Sakurai, T.Sato, T.Shimizu, H.Shinagawa, K.Shiokawa, D.Shiota, T.Takashima, C.Tao, S.Toriumi, S.Ueno, K.Watanabe, S.Watari, S.Yashiro, K.Yoshida, and A.Yoshikawa
- "PSTEP: Project for Solar-Terrestrial Environment Prediction"
- Earth, Planets and Space, 73, id.159, 2021
[ADS] , [DOI]
Last updated: 2022 September 30