Oct.12, 2006 Obs.= jagdev singh 2nd order 10747 Filter = RM 90 KKL CCD Fujmi 3rd order 7892 Filter = R 64 Norikura old ccd Hotoku 4th order 5303 Filter = Asahi 530 nm Norikura new CCD Cirrus Focus = 42 lambda = 221 Slit = 150 microns GC = 17.051 No G3 lens ROI IR = 358 98 288 870 1 1 1 1 G = 111 154 390 331 1 1 1 1 XI = 201 37 256 291 1 1 1 1 gdisk1 & idisk1 ND 03 Exp= 1 s ;clear sky xdisk1 ND 03 exp = 400 ms ; clear sky gwire & iwire ND= 03 Exp= 1 s ; clear sky xwire ND 03 exp = 400 ms ; clear sky NOTE : High clouds appeared and observations could not be taken. Sky cleared at about 13:30 7892 spectra was focused gdisk2 & idisk2 ND 03 Exp= 1 s ;clear sky xdisk2 ND 03 exp = 400 ms ; clear sky gwire1 & iwire1 ND= 03 Exp= 1 s ; clear sky xwire1 ND 03 exp = 400 ms ; clear sky Scan 1 Region = West limb(South) PA = 334 Step size = 5 arcsec No. of steps = 41 EXP = 80 s for IR,& XI lines exp = 50 sec 5303 line Inversion = No Start at 14 02 Files are ir1_*** , xi1_*** , g1_*** NOTE: The cloth on CCD camera cast shadow in green line image. It was corrected after about 20 spectra Scan 2 Region = West limb PA = 10 Step size = 5 arcsec No. of steps = 41 EXP = 50 s for IR, & XI line exp = 20 sec for 5303 line Inversion = No Start at 15 08 Files are ir2_*** , xi2_*** , g2_*** Scan 3 Region = West limb + 200 arcsec (Higher height) PA = 10 Step size = 10 arcsec No. of steps =11 EXP = 120 s for IR & XI line exp = 70 sec 5303 line Inversion = No Start at 15 49 Files are xi3_*** , g3_*** & ir3_*** iflat1 to iflat5 ND= .3+ .13 +.04 EXP = 5 sec gflat1 to gflat5 ND= .3+ .13 +.04 EXP = 1.5 sec xflat1 to xflat5 ND= .3+ .13 +.04 EXP = 500 ms Flats are alright. gflats were taken by moving grating by small amounts for each flat. The absorption line effect is expected to reduce by this way. Falling at different portions of the CCD camera. xdark & xdark1 exp = 1 sec xdark50 exp = 50 sec xdark80 exp = 80 sec xdark120 exp = 120 sec gdark & gdark1 exp = 1 sec gdark20 exp = 20 sec gdark50 exp = 50 sec gdark70 exp = 70 sec idark & idark1 exp = 1 sec idark5 exp = 5 sec ; for flats idark50 exp = 50 sec idark80 exp = 80 sec idark120 exp = 120 sec Respective darks were taken.