Sept. 29, 2005 Obs.= jagdev singh 2nd order 10747 Filter = RM 80 3rd order 7892 Filter = R 65 4th order 5303 Filter = Asahi 530 nm Focus = 47 lambda = 335 Slit = 160 microns GC = 17.117 No G3 lens ROI IR = 233 86 254 896 1 1 1 1 G = 04 55 490 450 1 1 1 1 XI = 161 166 241 307 1 1 1 1 Scan 1 Region = West limb PA = 38 Step size = 5 arcsec No. of steps = 41 EXP = 50 s for IR, XI & 5303 line (for all) Inversion = No Start at 06 35 Files are ir1_*** , xi1_*** , g1_*** Scan 2 Region = West limb (High Altitude) PA = 38 Step size = 20 arcsec No. of steps = 11 + 200 arcsec EXP = 250 s for IR & XI & = 90 s for 5303 line Inversion = No Start at 07 16 Files are ir2_*** , xi2_*** , g2_*** Scan 3 Region = North polar PA = 114 Step size = 5 arcsec No. of steps = 21 EXP = 90 s for IR XI & 5303 line ( for each) Inversion = No Start at 08 10 Files are xi3_*** , g3_*** & ir3_*** gdisc idisc & xdisc ND 0.3 Exp= 300 ms iwire gwire & xwire ND= 0.3 Exp = 300ms These disc spectra can be used for absolute calibration as the sky was absolutly clear Scan 4 Region = South polar PA = 294 Step size = 5 arcsec No. of steps = 41 EXP = 150 s for IR & XI & = 90 sec for 5303 lines Inversion = No Start at 08 56 Files are Xi4, ir4_*** & g4_*** 009 spectra may be replced by 008 after checking it. iflat1 to iflat5 ND= .3+ .25+.04 EXP = 5@sec gflat1 to gflat7 ND= .3+ .25+.04 EXP = 1 sec xflat1 to xflat7 ND= .3+ .25+.04 EXP = 400 ms Flats are good. gflats & xflats were taken by moving grating by small amounts for each flat. The absorption line effect is expected to reduce by this way. Falling at different portions of the CCD camera. Slit was alligned again after the flats. idisc1 gdisc1 & xdisc1 ND= 0.3 Exp = 300ms idisc2 gdisc2 & xdisc2 ND= 0.3 Exp = 300ms *disc2 spectra can be used for absolute calibration as the sky was absolutly clear. *disc1 spectra may be through thin clouds. Respective darks were taken.