Date : 2004 10 24 Observer= Jagdev singh 3rd order 6374 A Norikura camera and 2th order 10747 A KKL camera Grating position = 14.876 Filters : 6374 IF (Asahi does not need IR cut off) RM 90 filter Solar limb and occulting disk were focussed using spectral image. Lambda = 325 ( It is different than last year) Focus = 44 mm Slit = 160 microns G3 lens = No ROI 6374 (NORI) 5 72 500 405 1 1 1 1 ROI 10747(KKL) 354 162 285 565 1 1 1 1 1. Area scan mode Time = 07: 13 JST Region= West limb Step= 5 arcsec x 51 Exposure = 40 sec for both Bin = 1 x 1 ( i.e. no binning) Prism Position = 198 degree Inversion = No Files r1_*** and ir1_*** 2. Area scan mode Time = 08: 00 JST Region= West limb Larger height Step= 10 arcsec x 21 + 150 arcsec Exposure = 100 sec for both Bin = 1 x 1 ( i.e. no binning) Prism Position = 198 degree Inversion = No Files r2_*** and ir2_*** 3. Area scan mode Time = 09: 20 JST Region= East limb Step= 5 arcsec x 51 Exposure = 40 sec for both Bin = 1 x 1 ( i.e. no binning) Prism Position = 194 degree Inversion = No Files r3_*** and ir3_*** 4. Area scan mode Time = 10: 03 JST Region= West limb Larger height Step= 10 arcsec x 11 + 200 arcsec Exposure = 120 sec for both Bin = 1 x 1 ( i.e. no binning) Prism Position = 194 degree Inversion = No Files r4_*** and ir4_*** rwire ND= 0.3 EXP = 2 sec. iwire ND= 0.3 EXP = 500 m sec. rdisk1 ND= 0.3 EXP = 2 sec. idisk1 ND= 0.3 EXP = 500 m sec. rdarks1 idarks1 EXP = 2 sec. rdarks40 idarks40 EXP = 40 sec. 5. Time sequence North pole coronal hole region GC = 14.876 Lambda = 325 Focus = 44 mm Slit = 160 microns Exposure = 40 sec Step = 0 x 200 rdisk2 ND= 0.3 EXP = 2 sec. idisk2 ND= 0.3 EXP = 500 m sec. rflats1 to rfalts5 ND= 0.3+.13 EXP = 1 sec. iflats1 to ifalts5 ND= 0.3+.13 EXP = 500 m sec. rflat1 to rfalt5 ND= 0.3+.13 EXP = 1 sec. iflat1 to ifalt5 ND= 0.3+.13 EXP = 500 m sec. rdisk3 ND= 0.3 EXP = 500 sec. rdisk3 ND= 0.3 EXP = 2 sec. rdark1 idark1 EXP = 2 sec. rdark40 idark40 EXP = 40 sec. rdark100 idark100 EXP = 100 sec. rdark120 idark120 EXP = 120 sec. NOTE During the time sequence cloudsappeared suddenly. So no flats and disk spectra could be taken. On 25th disk and flats were taken and copied in 24th data file.