Polar Faculae Observed at NAOJ : 1951-1998 Polar faculae have been recorded on the sunspot sketches made with the Zeiss 20cm refractor at Mitaka. The following files contain monthly-averaged daily polar faculae counts in the following latitude zones. n50-60.txt : north 50-60 deg n60-70.txt : north 60-70 deg n70-90.txt : north 70-90 deg s50-60.txt : south 50-60 deg s60-70.txt : south 60-70 deg s70-90.txt : south 70-90 deg The files '*r.txt' (e.g. n50-60r.txt) contain 13 months running averages. Twelve vertical columns are from January(1) to December(12). The thirteenth columns in the *.dat files represent yearly averages. Rows run from 1951 to 1998. ref. Irie et al., Rep. NAOJ, 2, 403, 1993 (in Japanese)