黒点観測望遠鏡 論文リスト

"Solar Eruptions on July 16, 1947"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 92, 1949
"A Short Note on an Expression of sunspot activity and the relation between sunspots and eruptions"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 95, 1949
K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Polar Faculae of the Sun"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 9, 106, 1957
K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Addition to 'Polar Faculae of the Sun'"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 9, 210, 1957
K.Saito and Y.Tanaka
"Polar Faculae of the Sun (3rd Paper)"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 12, 556, 1960
"Polar Faculae of the Sun (The 4th Paper)"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 16, 336, 1964
S.Nagasawa, T.Suzuki, and M.Miyashita
"On Sunspot Relative Numbers"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 199, 2307, 1970
E.Hiei, H.Zirin, and Jingxiu Wang
"White Light Flare of 24-25 April 1984"
Proc. NSO Workshop, The Lower Atmosphere of Solar Flares, ed. D.F.Neidig, p.129, 1986
E.Hiei, T.Natori, M.Miyazawa, K.Yamaguchi, and M.Irie
"A White Light Flare of 24-25 April 1984"
Report USG (NOAA), 96, 4, 1987
M.A.Kambry, J.Nishikawa, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
"Solar Meridional Motions Derived from Sunspot Observations"
Solar Phys., 132, 41-48, 1991
"Solar Differential Rotation Derived from Sunspot Observations"
Thesis, The University of Tokyo, 1992
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, E.Hiei, M.Irie, K.Kumagai, M.Miyashita, Y.Nishino, K.Yamaguchi, G.Fang, M.A.Kambry, Z.W.Zhao, and K.Shinoda
"White-Light Flares of 1991 June in the NOAA Region 6659"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan 44, pp.L7-L13, 1992
T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
"New Observational Facts about Solar Flares from Ground-Based Observations"
Adv. Space Res., 17(4/5), 91-100, 1996
"Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Synoptic Solar Physics, eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin,
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 140, pp.483-495, 1998
"Development of New Solar Optical Observaion System at Mitaka NAOJ"
Proceedings of the Nobeyama Symposium on Solar Physics with Radio Observations, eds. T.S.Bastian, N.Gopalswamy, and K.Shibasaki,
NRO Report 479, pp.443-446, 1999
T.Sakurai and Y.Suematsu
"Observational Solar Cycle Studies at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Adv.Sp.Res. 29(10), pp.1565-1568, 2002
M.Hagino, T.Sakurai, and A.Miyazawa, A.
"Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae"
in 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', ASP Conference Series, 325, ed. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii, 157-162, 2004
"Long-Term Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
J. Phys. Conference Series 440, eds. P.Cally, R.Erdelyi, and A.Norton, 012041, 2013
Y.Hanaoka and Solar Observatory of NAOJ
"Past and Present of the Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 504, eds. I.Dorotovic, C.E.Fischer and M.Temmer, pp.313-315, 2016
X.J.Zhang, L.H.Deng, Y.Fei, C.Li, X.A.Tian, and Z.J.Wan
"Hemispheric Asymmetry of Long-Term Sunspot Activity: Sunspot Relative Numbers for 1939-2019"
Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc., 514, 1140-1147, 2022
小野 実
東京天文台報, 12, 303, 1960
清水保夫、徳家 厚
東京天文台報, 12, 289-295, 1960
名取 正
東京天文台報, 12, 453, 1961
中込慶光、西 恵三
東京天文台報, 13, 559, 1965
東京天文台報, 19, 179, 1980
名取 正
東京天文台報, 20, 471, 1985
東京天文台報, 21, 101, 1987
名取 正、入江 誠
東京天文台報, 21, 120, 1987
東京天文台報, 21, 280, 1988
入江 誠、小原聡子、若林聡子、岡下のぶえ、大谷 玲、左近リベカ、桜井 隆
国立天文台報, 2, 403-415, 1993
国立天文台報, 4, 1-7, 1998
国立天文台報, 4, 149-155, 1999