岡山天体物理観測所太陽マグネトグラフ 論文リスト

M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, H.Koyano, T.Sakurai, and H.Komatsu
"Observations by the Solar Vector Magnetograph of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory."
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 37, 561-573, 1985
T.Sakurai, M.Makita, and K.Shibasaki
"Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
in 'Theoretical Problems in High Resolution Solar Physics', ed. H.U.Schmidt,
MPA 212, pp.312-315, 1985
M.Makita and Y.Ohki
"The Broad-Band Polarization of Sunspots Observed from 8 Feburuary 1981 to 30 August 1982"
Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs., 21, 1, 1986
M.Makita, S.Hamana, K.Nishi, M.Shimizu, T.Sakurai, and K.Shibasaki
"Solar Vector Magnetograms of the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
Astrophys. Sp. Sci., 118, 163-167, 1986
"A Detection of the Faraday Rotation by the Solar Vector Magnetograph"
Solar Phys., 103, 1-10, 1986
"An Interpretation of the Broad-Band Circular Polarization of Sunspots"
Solar Phys., 106, 269-286, 1986
T.Sakurai and M.Makita
"Observation of Magnetic Field Vector in Solar Active Regions"
in 'Hydrodynamic and Magnetohydrodynamic Problems in the Sun and the Stars', ed. Y.Osaki, pp.53-56, 1986
M.Makita, S.Hamana, T.Sakurai, and M.Shimizu
"Measurement of the Magnetic Vector on the Sun at the Okayama Astrophysical Observatory"
in Liege Colloquium No.27, 'Observational Astrophysics with High Precision Data', pp.185-190, 1987
"A Study of Magnetic Energy Build-up Based on Vector Magnetograms"
Solar Phys., 113, 137-144, 1987
"Computational Modeling of Magnetic Fields in Solar Active Regions"
Sp. Sci. Rev., 51, 11-48, 1989
S.Kawakami, M.Makita, and H.Kurokawa
"Detailed Comparison of Transverse Magnetic Fields of the Sun with Hヲチ Fine Structures"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 41, 175-195, 1989
L.van Driel-Gesztelyi and K.Petrovay
"Asymmetric Flux Loops in Active Regions I."
Solar Phys., 126, 285-298, 1990
M.Semel, Z.Mouradian, I.Soru-Escaut, P.Maltby, D.Rees, M.Makita, and T.Sakurai
"Active Regions, Sunspots, and Their Magnetic Fields"
in 'Solar Interior and Atmosphere', eds. A.N.Cox, W.C.Livingston, and M.S.Mathews, University of Arizona Press, pp.844-889, 1991
H.Zhang, G.Ai, T.Sakurai, and H.Kurokawa
"Fine Structures of Chromospheric Magnetic Field and Material Flow in a Solar Active Region"
Solar Phys., 136, 269-293, 1991
T.Sakurai, K.Shibata, K.Ichimoto, S.Tsuneta, and L.W.Acton
"Flare-Related Relaxation of Magnetic Shear as Observed with the Soft X-ray Telescope of Yohkoh and with Vector Magnetographs"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, L123-L127, 1992
S.Kawakami and M.Makita
"Magnetograph Observations of Solar Faculae"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 45, 255-261, 1993
M.Makita, T.Sakurai, K.Shibasaki, and H.Koyano
"Ten Years of the Okayama Vector Magnetograph"
in 'The Magnetic and Velocity Fields of Solar Active Regions', Astron. Soc. Pasific Conference Series 46, eds. H.Zirin, G.Ai, and H.Wang,
IAU Colloq. 141, pp.180-183, 1993
J.L.Culhane, A.T.Phillips, M.Inda-Koide, T.Kosugi, A.Fludra, H.Kurokawa, K.Makishima, C.D.Pike, T.Sakao, T.Sakurai, G.A.Doschek, and R.D.Bentley
"Yohkoh Observations of the Creation of High-Temperature Plasma in the Flare of 16 December 1991"
Solar Phys., 153, 307-336, 1994
"Solar Optical Instruments at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
in 'Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics', eds. T.Sakurai, T.Hirayama, and G.Ai, National Astron. Obs. Japan, pp.11-16, 1994
T.Sakurai and E.Hiei
"New Observational Facts about Solar Flares from Ground-Based Observations"
Adv. Space Res., 17(4/5), 91-100, 1995
T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, Y.Nishino, K.Shinoda, M.Noguchi, E.Hiei, T.Li, F.He, H.Lu, G.Ai, Z.Zhao, S.Kawakami, and J.C.Chae
"Solar Flare Telescope at Mitaka"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 47, 81-92, 1995
M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
"Hemispheric Helicity Asymmetry in Active Regions for Solar Cycles 21-23"
'Multi-Wavelength Observations of Coronal Structure and Dynamics -- Yohkoh 10-th Anniversaty Meeting', eds. P.C.H.Martens and D.P.Cauffman,
COSPAR Colloquia Series 13, pp.147-148, 2002
T.Sakurai and M.Hagino
"Magnetic Helicity of Solar Active Regions and its Implications"
J. Korean Astron. Soc., 36, S7-S12, 2003
M.Hagino and T.Sakurai
"Solar-Cycle Variation of Magnetic Helicity in Active Regions"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 57, 481-485, 2005