乗鞍コロナ観測所 10cmコロナグラフ 論文リスト
- M.Notuki
- "Preliminary Note on Trial Observations of Solar Corona without an Eclipse"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 96, 1949
- M.Notuki, I.Senba, M.Ono, and T.Ohe
- "Recent Solar Activity"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 91, 1949
- M.Notuki
- "On the Coronal Observation in Japan"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 35, 239, 1951
- M.Notuki, S.Nagasawa, and I.Shimizu
- "On a Photometer for the Observation of Coronal Emission Line"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 36, 249, 1951
- M.Notuki, S.Nagasawa, and I.Shimizu
- "A Thallium-Lamp Photometer for Coronal Observation"
- Ann. Tokyo Astron. Obs., 3, 182, 1953
- T.Hirayama and F.Moriyama
- "Observations of Comet Ikeya-Seki(1965f)"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 17, 433, 1965
- E.Hiei and T.Okamoto
- "Coronal Structure in the Green Line over Three Solar Cycles"
- Proc. NSO Workshop, Solar and Stellar Coronal Structure and Dynamics, p.353, 1988
- M.Irie, H.Fukushima, E.Hiei
- "Eruptive Prominence of January 30 1989."
- Publ. Natl. Astron. Obs. Japan, 1, 177, 1989
- K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, A.Yamaguchi, K.Kumagai, Y.Nishino, Y.Suematsu, E.Hiei, and T.Hirayama
- "Solar Flare Telescope and 10cm New Coronagraph"
- in 'Flare Physics in Solar Activity Maximum 22', eds. Y.Uchida, R.C.Canfield, T.Watanabe, and E.Hiei, Springer Verlag,
- Lecture Notes in Physics 387, pp.320-323, 1991
- H.Miyazaki, M.Miyashita, A.Yamaguchi, K.Ichimoto, K.Kumagai, T.Hirayama, and S.Tsuneta
- "Observation of a Large Eruptive Hα Prominence with Soft X-rays on 30-31 July 1992"
- in 'X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh', eds. Y. Uchida, T.Watanabe, K.Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, pp.277-281, 1994
- T.Sakurai
- "Long-Term Monitoring Studies of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- in 'Synoptic Solar Physics', eds. K.S.Balasubramaniam, J.W.Harvey, and D.M.Rabin,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 140, pp.483-495, 1998
- K.Ichimoto, M.Noguchi, N.Tanaka, K.Kumagai, K.Shinoda, T.Nishino, T.Fukuda, T.Sakurai, and N.Takeyama
- "A New Observing System of the Corona at Norikura"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 51, 383-391, 1999
- T.Sakurai, M.Irie, H.Imai, H.Miyazaki, and J.Sykora
- "Emission Line Intensities of the Solar Corona and Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura: 1950-1997"
- Publ. Natl. Astron. Obs. Japan, 5, 121-137, 1999
- T.Sakurai
- "Cyclical Variation of the Quiet Corona and Coronal Holes"
- J. Astrophys. Astron., 21, 389, 2000
- K.Ichimoto and J.Singh
- "Observations of Coronal Oscillations and Waves"
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 205, eds. W.Livingston and A.Özgüç, 11-16, 2000
- T.Sakurai
- "Eleven-Year Solar Cycle Periodicity in Sky Brightness Observed at Norikura, Japan"
- Earth Planets Space, 54, 153-157, 2002
- V.I.Makarov and A.G.Tlatov
- "On a Decrease of High-Latitude Corona Temperature of the Sun in the Last 50 Years"
- Proceedings of the Second Solar Cycle and Space Weather Euroconference, ESA SP-477, ed. H.Sawaya-Lacoste, pp.241-244, 2002
- T.Sakurai, V.Rusin, and M.Minarovjech
- "Solar-Cycle Variation of Near-Sun Sky Brightness Observed with Coronagraphs"
- Adv. Space Res., 34, 297-301, 2004
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, Y.Nishino, and NOGIS Team
- "Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura ``NOGIS'' Coronagraph: A CME Onset"
- in 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics',
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 325, ed. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii, pp.415-420, 2004
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
- "Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph I: A CME Onset"
- Astrophys. J., 618, 1001-1011, 2005
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, T.Sakurai, I.Sano, and Y.Nishino
- "Flare-Induced Coronal Disturbances Observed with Norikura "NOGIS" Coronagraph"
- IAU Symp. 226, eds. K.Dere, J.Wang, and Y.Yan, pp.36-41, 2005
- M.Rybanský, V.Rušin, M.Minarovjech, L.Klocok, and E.W.Cliver
- "Reexamination of the Coronal Index of Solar Activity"
- J. Geophys. Res., 110, A08106, 2005
- Z.Kobylinski, A.Baranska, and A.Ajabshirizadeh
- "On the Long-Term Variability of the Green Corona Accordingly to Four Existing Databases"
- Kinematika i Fizika Nebesnykh Tel, Suppl, 5, 129-133, 2005
- I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Three-Dimensional Motion of Plasmas Associated with a Coronal Mass Ejection Observed with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 58, 165-175, 2006
- K.Hori, K.Ichimoto, and T.Sakurai
- "Flare-Associated Oscillations in Coronal Multiple-Loops Observed with the Norikura Green-Line Imaging System"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, pp.213-220, 2007
- I.Suzuki, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "Observation of a Coronal Mass Ejection and its Source Region with NOrikura Green-line Imaging System (NOGIS)"
- 'New Solar Physics with Solar-B Mission', eds. K.Shibata, S.Nagata, and T.Sakurai,
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 369, pp.543-546, 2007
- T.Sakurai
- "Sixty Years of Norikura Solar Observatory"
- Astron. Soc. Pacific Conference Series 454, eds. T.Sekii, T.Watanabe, and T.Sakurai, pp.439-446, 2012
- Y.Hanaoka
- "Long-Term Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- J. Phys. Conference Series 440, eds. P.Cally, R.Erdelyi, and A.Norton, 012041, 2013
- 中込慶光、西 恵三
- "乗鞍における5303Aring;輝線測定値について"
- 東京天文台報, 10, 264, 1953
- 野附誠夫、清水一郎
- "コロナ5303A 輝線強度の高さに対する逓減率について"
- 東京天文台報, 10, 258, 1953
- 宮沢正英、森下博三、矢島昭一、代情 靖、今井英樹
- "乗鞍コロナ観測所における池谷ー関すい星の観測"
- 東京天文台報, 14, 93, 1966
- 今井英樹
- "乗鞍コロナ観測所におけるコロナ単色像撮影(1)"
- 東京天文台報, 15, 280, 1970
- 清水一郎、清水保夫、深津正英、脇本、永山
- "散乱光の少ない非球面レンズの試作"
- 東京天文台報, 18, 198, 1978
- 熊谷収可
- "太陽コロナ、紅炎単色像の撮影装置"
- 東京天文台報, 19, 288, 1980
- 宮崎英昭、岡本富三、福島英雄
- "コロナ緑色輝線測光方法の改良"
- 東京天文台報, 19, 532, 1982
- 岡本富三
- "5303Å コロナ輝線の強度分布"
- 東京天文台報, 20, 547, 1986
- 一本 潔、山口朝三、熊谷収可、西野洋平、平山 淳
- "乗鞍コロナ観測所の新コロナグラフ"
- 宇宙放射線シンポジウム, p.123, 1991
- 熊谷収可、山口朝三、一本 潔、西野洋平、平山 淳
- "10cm新コロナグラフの製作と実験"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 139, 1991
- H.Miyazaki, A.Yamaguchi, K.Ichimoto, M.Miyashita, M.Kumagai, T.Hirayama, I.Sano, S.Tsuneta
- "Observation of Large Eruptive Hα Prominence and Soft X-Ray"
- 宇宙放射線シンポジウム集録、宇宙科学研究所, pp.142-145, 1993
- Miyazaki, H., Yamaguchi, A., Ichimoto, K., Miyashita, M., Kumagai, K., Hirayama, T., Sano, I., and Tsuneta, S.
- "Observations of Large Eruptive Hα Prominences and Soft X-ray"
- 宇宙放射線シンポジウム集録(宇宙科学研究所), pp.142-145, 1993
- 野口本和,一本 潔,田中伸幸,熊谷収可,篠田一也,西野洋平,加藤偵博, 桜井 隆,西野徹雄,福田武夫,武山芸英
- "乗鞍コロナ観測所における緑色コロナ輝線撮像装置の開発"
- 国立天文台報, 4, 221-229, 1999
- 野口本和, 一本 潔, 田中伸幸, 熊谷収可, 篠田一也, 西野洋平, 加藤偵博, 桜井 隆, 西野徹雄, 福田武夫, 武山芸英
- "乗鞍コロナ観測所における緑色コロナ輝線撮像装置の開発"
- 国立天文台報, 4, 221-229, 2000
- 山崎高幸、一本 潔、乗鞍コロナ観測所所員
- "NOGISによる速度場観測"
- 「太陽コロナ研究の現状と展望」研究会集録,国立天文台, pp.105-111, 2001
- 山崎高幸、一本 潔、日江井栄二郎
- "太陽コロナ速度場観測で得られたフレア"
- 明星大学研究紀要(理工学部), 38, 15-23, 2002