2003 June-December J.Singh, K.Ichimotp 1. The spectra at higher frequencies were obtained at a fixed location in the solar corona with the slit vertical to the limb with exposure times of 2-4 seconds to study the oscillations in the line parameters of the [Fe X] 6374 Angstrom and [Fe XIV] 5303 Angstrom emission lines. 2. Raster scans were made in [Fe X] 6374 Angstrom, [Fe XIV] 5303 Angstrom, [Fe XIII] 10747 Angstrom, and [Fe XI] 7892 Angstrom coronal emission lines, choosing two lines simultaneously out of these four with exposure times of 10-60 seconds covering coronal regions of about 200 x 500 arcsec to study the variations in line parameters as a function solar cycle phase. Paper: Detection of Cooler Loop-Tops in a Coronal Structure Singh,J., Sakurai,T., and Ichimoto,K.: 2004, Asian Journal of Phys., 13, 245 Complex Variations in the Line Intensity Ratio of Coronal Emission Lines with Height above the Limb Singh,J., Sakurai,T. Ichimoto,K., and Watanabe, T.: 2004, ApJL, 617, 81L 3. Spectroscopic observations were made around [Fe XIII] 10747 Angstrom emission lines in the coronal holes to detect the emission due to the postulated nano dust particles in this region because of relatively low temperature of coronal holes. Paper: Existence of Nanoparticle Dust Grains in the Inner Corona? Singh,J., Sakurai,T. Ichimoto,K., Hagino, M., and Yamamoto, T.: 2004, ApJL, 608, 69L 4. Raster scans were obtained up to larger heights of 500 arcsec above the solar limb with longer exposure times to study the variations in the line parameters of [Fe X] 6374 Angstrom, [Fe XIV] 5303 Angstrom, [Fe XIII] 10747 Angstrom, and [Fe XI] 7892 Angstrom coronal emission lines.