フレアパトロール望遠鏡 論文リスト
- M.Notuki
- "Solar Eruptions on July 16, 1947"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 92, 1949
- M.Notuki
- "A Short Note on an Expression of sunspot activity and the relation between sunspots and eruptions"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 95, 1949
- M.Notuki, T.Hatanaka, and W.Unno
- "A Very Unusual Flare on February 23, 1956"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 8, 52, 1956
- T.Kakinuma and E.Hiei
- "Unusual Decrease of Microwave Solar Radio Emission during Flare on November 30, 1930"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 12, 117, 1960
- S.Nagasawa, T.Takakura, A.Tsuchiya, H.Tanaka, and H.Koyama
- "A Very Unusual Flare on November 15, 1960"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 13, 13, 1961
- T.Tsumita, K.Mizugaki, and T.Suzuki
- "On the Importance of Solar Flares"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 151, 1973, 1961
- M.Miyazawa, K.Higashi, T.Ohe, K.Yamaguchi, and S.Nagasawa
- "Foreshortening Effect on the Apparent Area of Solar Flare"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 175, 2121, 1967
- S.Hamana and T.Suzuki
- "On the Observation of Solar Flares with the Monochromatic Heliograph at Mitaka"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 174, 2109, 1967
- K.Mizugaki
- "Active Dark Filament on October 20, 1966"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 182, 2171, 1968
- S.Yajima, K.Mizugaki, and K.Yamaguchi
- "Large Flare of October 30, 1968 and Active Dark Filaments Associated with It"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 197, 2283, 1969
- T.Ooe, M.Miyazawa, and K.Mizugaki
- "A Flare on November 19, 1969"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 202, 2359, 1970
- S.Yajima
- "On the Flare-Associated Filament Activation"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 207, 2421, 1971
- F.Moriyama, K.Akabane, H.Nakajima, K.Ohki, and T.Miyaji
- "A Flare-associated Thermal Burst in the mm-wave Region"
- Solar Phys., 33, 431-437, 1973
- M.J.Martres, J.Rayrole, M.Semel, I.Soru-Escaut, K.Tanaka, M.Makita, F.Moriyama, and W.Unno
- "Magnitic and Velocity Fields of Emerging Flux Regions on the Sun"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 34, 299, 1982
- H.Morishita, K.Mizugaki, Y.Nakagomi, M.Miyazawa, T.Natori, and K.Yamaguchi
- "Optical Observation of 13 May 1981 Flare"
- Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 271, 3107, 1984
- E.Hiei, Y.Nakagomi, and H.Takuma
- "A White Light Flare Observed at the Solar Limb"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, 55-62, 1992
- Y.Muraki, K.Murakami, M.Miyazaki, K.Mitsui, S.Shibata, S.Sakakibara, T.Sakai, T.Takahashi, T.Yamada, and K.Yamaguchi
- "Observation of Solar Neutrons Associated with the Large Flare on 1991 June 4th"
- Astrophys. J. Letters, 400, L75-L78, 1992
- T.Sakurai, M.Irie, H.Miyazaki, T.Okamoto, and K.Yamaguchi
- "An X12/3B Flare of 1991 June 11 on NOAA Region 6659 Observed in H-Alpha, White Light, Sodium D-Lines, and He 1083.0 nm Line"
- STEP GBRSC News, 4-1, 13-14, 1994
- Y.Suematsu and N.Tanaka
- "H-alpha and Soft X-ray Activities in NOAA 7321 Region during 26-28 October, 1992"
- Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, eds. T. Sakurai, T. Hirayama, and G. Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, pp.165-168, 1994
- Y.Suematsu, T.Shimizu, N.Tanaka
- "Small-Scale Brightening Events Found with Mitaka H-alpha Patrol System and Their Soft X-ray Signatures from Yohkoh SXT"
- X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh, eds. Y. Uchida, T.Watanabe, K. Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, pp.39-42, 1994
- T.Sakurai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, M.Yamaguchi, and Y.Shiomi
- "An X12/3B White-Light Flare of 1991 June 4 on NOAA Region 6659"
- Proc. Second SOLTIP Symposium, STEP GBRSC News (Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Vol.5, special issue, ed. T.Watanabe, pp.33-36, 1995
- C.Y.Yatini and Y.Suematsu
- "Statistical Studies of Solar Hα Brightening Events and Their Relation to Soft X-ray Events"
- Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere -- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity, IAU Colloq. No.153, eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H.S. Hudson (Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp.453-454, 1996
- Y.Suematsu and Y.Nishino
- "Horseshoe-Shaped Hα Flares on 13 October 1995"
- Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, pp.146-149, 1997
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
- "On the Formation of a Helmet Streamer on January 24, 1992 at the South-West Limb"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India,28, 33, 2000
- G.Aulanier, B.Schmieder, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, T.Kucera, P.Démoulin, C.Fang, N.Mein, J.-C.Vial, P.Mein, Y.H.Tang, and C.Deforest, C.
- "3-D Magnetic Configurations for Filaments and Flares: The Role of ``Magnetic Dips'' and ``Bald Patches''"
- Adv. Space Res.,26, 485-488, 2000
- J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
- "On the Disappearance of H-alpha Filaments and Soft X-ray Enhancements as Seen from Yohkoh SXT"
- Bull. Astron. Soc. India,29, 193-202, 2001
- Y.Hanaoka
- "Long-term Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 440, Eds. P.Cally, R.Erdelyi, and A.Norton, 012041, 2013
- 積田寿久、水垣和夫
- "爆発現象に付随する暗条の視線速度について"
- 東京天文台報, 10, 241, 1953
- 清水保夫、徳家 厚
- "カルシウム羊斑の面積と太陽電波強度との相関について"
- 東京天文台報, 12, 289-295, 1960
- 野島幸雄
- "K2-3カルシウム羊斑の面積とコロナ5303Å輝線との関係について"
- 東京天文台報, 12, 298, 1960
- 大城義名、清水一郎、浜名茂男、馬場 斎
- "エレクトロニック・アイソホトメーター"
- 東京天文台報, 13, 75, 1962
- 浜名茂男、矢島昭一
- "エレクトロニック・アイソホトメーターによるフレアの測定"
- 東京天文台報, 13, 162, 1963
- 野島幸雄、岡本富三
- "K2-3 カルシウム羊斑と太陽電波 1420Mc/sとの関係について"
- 東京天文台報, 13, 193, 1963
- 宮沢正英、宮崎英昭、東 康一
- "太陽フレアのHα線輪郭連続記録装置"
- 東京天文台報, 15, 291, 1970
- 浜名茂夫、矢島昭一
- "モノクロマティック・ヘリオグラフの改善について"
- 東京天文台報, 17, 292, 1975
- 守山史生、森下博三、水垣和夫
- "高分解能太陽単色像の観測"
- 東京天文台報, 18, 187-197, 1977
- 森下博三、水垣和夫
- "1979年5月22日のサージについて"
- 東京天文台報, 19, 134, 1980
- 名取 正
- "1984年4月25日の白色フレア"
- 東京天文台報, 20, 471, 1985
- 宮沢正英、山口喜助
- "1984年4月25日の白色光フレアとモールトン波"
- 東京天文台報, 21, 101, 1987
- 山口喜助
- "白色光フレアを起こした活動領域の変遷"
- 東京天文台報, 21, 280, 1988
- 山口喜助、日江井栄二郎
- "暗条の突然消滅について"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 1, 1990
- 山口喜助
- "東京天文台におけるHαフレアのルーチン観測について"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 101, 1991
- 入江 誠、山口喜助、桜井 隆
- "1989年3月の大黒点群(NOAA5395)について"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 193, 1991
- 田中伸幸、山口喜助、末松芳法
- "Hα単色太陽写真儀カメラ機構の改良"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 349-364, 1993
- 田中伸幸、末松芳法、山口喜助
- "太陽Hαフレアの自動検出システム"
- 国立天文台報, 1, 365-374, 1993