フレアパトロール望遠鏡 論文リスト

"Solar Eruptions on July 16, 1947"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 92, 1949
"A Short Note on an Expression of sunspot activity and the relation between sunspots and eruptions"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 13, 95, 1949
M.Notuki, T.Hatanaka, and W.Unno
"A Very Unusual Flare on February 23, 1956"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 8, 52, 1956
T.Kakinuma and E.Hiei
"Unusual Decrease of Microwave Solar Radio Emission during Flare on November 30, 1930"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 12, 117, 1960
S.Nagasawa, T.Takakura, A.Tsuchiya, H.Tanaka, and H.Koyama
"A Very Unusual Flare on November 15, 1960"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 13, 13, 1961
T.Tsumita, K.Mizugaki, and T.Suzuki
"On the Importance of Solar Flares"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 151, 1973, 1961
M.Miyazawa, K.Higashi, T.Ohe, K.Yamaguchi, and S.Nagasawa
"Foreshortening Effect on the Apparent Area of Solar Flare"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 175, 2121, 1967
S.Hamana and T.Suzuki
"On the Observation of Solar Flares with the Monochromatic Heliograph at Mitaka"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 174, 2109, 1967
"Active Dark Filament on October 20, 1966"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 182, 2171, 1968
S.Yajima, K.Mizugaki, and K.Yamaguchi
"Large Flare of October 30, 1968 and Active Dark Filaments Associated with It"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 197, 2283, 1969
T.Ooe, M.Miyazawa, and K.Mizugaki
"A Flare on November 19, 1969"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 202, 2359, 1970
"On the Flare-Associated Filament Activation"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 207, 2421, 1971
F.Moriyama, K.Akabane, H.Nakajima, K.Ohki, and T.Miyaji
"A Flare-associated Thermal Burst in the mm-wave Region"
Solar Phys., 33, 431-437, 1973
M.J.Martres, J.Rayrole, M.Semel, I.Soru-Escaut, K.Tanaka, M.Makita, F.Moriyama, and W.Unno
"Magnitic and Velocity Fields of Emerging Flux Regions on the Sun"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 34, 299, 1982
H.Morishita, K.Mizugaki, Y.Nakagomi, M.Miyazawa, T.Natori, and K.Yamaguchi
"Optical Observation of 13 May 1981 Flare"
Tokyo Astron. Obs. Bulletin, 271, 3107, 1984
E.Hiei, Y.Nakagomi, and H.Takuma
"A White Light Flare Observed at the Solar Limb"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 44, 55-62, 1992
Y.Muraki, K.Murakami, M.Miyazaki, K.Mitsui, S.Shibata, S.Sakakibara, T.Sakai, T.Takahashi, T.Yamada, and K.Yamaguchi
"Observation of Solar Neutrons Associated with the Large Flare on 1991 June 4th"
Astrophys. J. Letters, 400, L75-L78, 1992
T.Sakurai, M.Irie, H.Miyazaki, T.Okamoto, and K.Yamaguchi
"An X12/3B Flare of 1991 June 11 on NOAA Region 6659 Observed in H-Alpha, White Light, Sodium D-Lines, and He 1083.0 nm Line"
STEP GBRSC News, 4-1, 13-14, 1994
Y.Suematsu and N.Tanaka
"H-alpha and Soft X-ray Activities in NOAA 7321 Region during 26-28 October, 1992"
Proc. Second Japan-China Seminar on Solar Physics, eds. T. Sakurai, T. Hirayama, and G. Ai, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, pp.165-168, 1994
Y.Suematsu, T.Shimizu, N.Tanaka
"Small-Scale Brightening Events Found with Mitaka H-alpha Patrol System and Their Soft X-ray Signatures from Yohkoh SXT"
X-ray Solar Physics from Yohkoh, eds. Y. Uchida, T.Watanabe, K. Shibata, and H.S.Hudson, Universal Academy Press, Tokyo, pp.39-42, 1994
T.Sakurai, M.Irie, M.Miyashita, M.Yamaguchi, and Y.Shiomi
"An X12/3B White-Light Flare of 1991 June 4 on NOAA Region 6659"
Proc. Second SOLTIP Symposium, STEP GBRSC News (Solar Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya University), Vol.5, special issue, ed. T.Watanabe, pp.33-36, 1995
C.Y.Yatini and Y.Suematsu
"Statistical Studies of Solar Hα Brightening Events and Their Relation to Soft X-ray Events"
Magnetodynamic Phenomena in the Solar Atmosphere -- Prototypes of Stellar Magnetic Activity, IAU Colloq. No.153, eds. Y. Uchida, T. Kosugi, and H.S. Hudson (Kluwer Academic Publishers), pp.453-454, 1996
Y.Suematsu and Y.Nishino
"Horseshoe-Shaped Hα Flares on 13 October 1995"
Workshop on Solar Flares and Related Disturbances, eds. E.Sagawa and M.Akioka, Hiraiso Solar Terrestrial Research Center, pp.146-149, 1997
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, K.Ichimoto, and E.Hiei
"On the Formation of a Helmet Streamer on January 24, 1992 at the South-West Limb"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India,28, 33, 2000
G.Aulanier, B.Schmieder, L. van Driel-Gesztelyi, T.Kucera, P.Démoulin, C.Fang, N.Mein, J.-C.Vial, P.Mein, Y.H.Tang, and C.Deforest, C.
"3-D Magnetic Configurations for Filaments and Flares: The Role of ``Magnetic Dips'' and ``Bald Patches''"
Adv. Space Res.,26, 485-488, 2000
J.Singh, T.Sakurai, and K.Ichimoto
"On the Disappearance of H-alpha Filaments and Soft X-ray Enhancements as Seen from Yohkoh SXT"
Bull. Astron. Soc. India,29, 193-202, 2001
"Long-term Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
J. Phys. Conf. Ser., 440, Eds. P.Cally, R.Erdelyi, and A.Norton, 012041, 2013
東京天文台報, 10, 241, 1953
清水保夫、徳家 厚
東京天文台報, 12, 289-295, 1960
東京天文台報, 12, 298, 1960
大城義名、清水一郎、浜名茂男、馬場 斎
東京天文台報, 13, 75, 1962
東京天文台報, 13, 162, 1963
"K2-3 カルシウム羊斑と太陽電波 1420Mc/sとの関係について"
東京天文台報, 13, 193, 1963
宮沢正英、宮崎英昭、東 康一
東京天文台報, 15, 291, 1970
東京天文台報, 17, 292, 1975
東京天文台報, 18, 187-197, 1977
東京天文台報, 19, 134, 1980
名取 正
東京天文台報, 20, 471, 1985
東京天文台報, 21, 101, 1987
東京天文台報, 21, 280, 1988
国立天文台報, 1, 1, 1990
国立天文台報, 1, 101, 1991
入江 誠、山口喜助、桜井 隆
国立天文台報, 1, 193, 1991
国立天文台報, 1, 349-364, 1993
国立天文台報, 1, 365-374, 1993