Polar Faculae Database: List of Publications
- Li, K., Irie, M., Wang, J., Xiong, S., Yun, H., Liang, H., Zhan, L., Zhao, H.
- "Activity Cycle of Polar Faculae"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 787-792, 2002
- Hagino,M., Sakurai, T., and Miyazawa, A.
- "Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae"
- in 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', ed. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii, ASP Conf. Ser., 325, 157-162, 2004
- Li, K., Qiu, J., Su, T., Irie, M., Gao, P.
- "Periods of Activity Cycle of Polar Faculae"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 56, L49-L52, 2004
- Nagovitsyn, Yu.A., Ivanov, V.G., Miletsky, E.V., Volobuev, D.M.
- "ESAI Database and Some Properties of Solar Activity in the Past"
- Solar Phys., 224, 103-112, 2004
- Li, K.J., Liang, H.F., Gao, P.X., Su, T.W.:
- "High- and Low-Latitude Solar Activities: Who Leads Whom in Time Phase?."
- Solar Phys., 236, 185-197, 2006
- Li, K.J., Mu, J., Li, Q.X.
- "On Long-Term Solar Activity at High Latitudes"
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 376, L39-L42, 2007
- Li, Q.X., Li, K.J.
- "Low-Dimensional Chaos of High-Latitude Solar Activity"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, 983-987, 2007
- Li, K.J., Gao, P.X., Zhan, L.S., Shi, X.J., Zhu, W.W.
- "On the Asynchronization of Hemispheric High-Latitude Solar Activity"
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 391, L34-L38, 2008
- Li, Q.X.
- "Periodicity and Hemispheric Phase Relationship in High-Latitude Solar Activity"
- Solar Phys., 249, 135-145, 2008
- Li, K.J., Gao, P.X., Zhan, L.S., Shi, X.J., Zhu, W.W.
- "The North-South Asymmetry of Solar Activity at High Latitudes"
- Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 394, 231-238, 2009
- Tlatov, A.G
- "The Minimum Activity Epoch as a Precursor of the Solar Activity"
- Solar Phys., 260, 465-477, 2009
- Karlovský, V.
- "Coherence between Polar Faculae on the Sun's Northern and Southern Hemispheres"
- in 'Proceedings of the 20th Slovak National Solar Physics Meeting', Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo, Slovakia, 55-57, 2010
- Deng, L.H., Song, J.Y., Xiang, Y.Y., Tang, Y.K.:
- "The Relative Phase Asynchronization between Sunspot Numbers and Polar Faculae"
- J. Astrophys. Astron, 32, 401-409, 2011
- Deng, L.H., Qu, Z.Q., Liu, T., Huang, W.J.
- "The Long-Term Hemispheric Variation of Polar Faculae"
- J. Korean Astron. Soc., 44, 209-215, 2011
- Deng, L., Qi, Z., Dun, G., Xu, C.
- "Phase Relationship between Polar Faculae and Sunspot Numbers Revisited: Wavelet Transform Analyses"
- Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 65, 11, 2013
- Deng, L.H., Qu, Z.Q., Liu, T., Huang, W.J.
- "The Hemispheric Asynchrony of Polar Faculae during Solar Cycles 19-22"
- Adv. Space Res., 51, 87-95, 2013
- Deng, L.H.
- "Phase Relationship between Polar Faculae and Sunspot Numbers"
- in 'Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity', ed. A.G.Kosovichev, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, and Y.Yan, IAU Symp., 294, 61-62, 2013
- Deng, L.H., Li, B., Xiang, Y.Y., Dun, G.T.
- "On Mid-Term Periodicities of High-Latitude Solar Activity"
- Adv. Space Res., 54, 125-131, 2014
- Hanaoka, Y. and Solar Observatory of NAOJ
- "Past and Present of the Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
- ASP Conference Series 504, eds. I.Dorotovic, C.E.Fischer, and M.Temmer, pp.313-315, 2016

Last Updated: 2024 May 20