Polar Faculae Database: List of Publications

Li, K., Irie, M., Wang, J., Xiong, S., Yun, H., Liang, H., Zhan, L., Zhao, H.
"Activity Cycle of Polar Faculae"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 54, 787-792, 2002
Hagino,M., Sakurai, T., and Miyazawa, A.
"Phase Relationship between the Activity Cycles of Sunspots and Polar Faculae"
in 'The Solar-B Mission and the Forefront of Solar Physics', ed. T.Sakurai and T.Sekii, ASP Conf. Ser., 325, 157-162, 2004
Li, K., Qiu, J., Su, T., Irie, M., Gao, P.
"Periods of Activity Cycle of Polar Faculae"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 56, L49-L52, 2004
Nagovitsyn, Yu.A., Ivanov, V.G., Miletsky, E.V., Volobuev, D.M.
"ESAI Database and Some Properties of Solar Activity in the Past"
Solar Phys., 224, 103-112, 2004
Li, K.J., Liang, H.F., Gao, P.X., Su, T.W.:
"High- and Low-Latitude Solar Activities: Who Leads Whom in Time Phase?."
Solar Phys., 236, 185-197, 2006
Li, K.J., Mu, J., Li, Q.X.
"On Long-Term Solar Activity at High Latitudes"
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 376, L39-L42, 2007
Li, Q.X., Li, K.J.
"Low-Dimensional Chaos of High-Latitude Solar Activity"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 59, 983-987, 2007
Li, K.J., Gao, P.X., Zhan, L.S., Shi, X.J., Zhu, W.W.
"On the Asynchronization of Hemispheric High-Latitude Solar Activity"
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 391, L34-L38, 2008
Li, Q.X.
"Periodicity and Hemispheric Phase Relationship in High-Latitude Solar Activity"
Solar Phys., 249, 135-145, 2008
Li, K.J., Gao, P.X., Zhan, L.S., Shi, X.J., Zhu, W.W.
"The North-South Asymmetry of Solar Activity at High Latitudes"
Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., 394, 231-238, 2009
Tlatov, A.G
"The Minimum Activity Epoch as a Precursor of the Solar Activity"
Solar Phys., 260, 465-477, 2009
Karlovský, V.
"Coherence between Polar Faculae on the Sun's Northern and Southern Hemispheres"
in 'Proceedings of the 20th Slovak National Solar Physics Meeting', Slovak Central Observatory, Hurbanovo, Slovakia, 55-57, 2010
Deng, L.H., Song, J.Y., Xiang, Y.Y., Tang, Y.K.:
"The Relative Phase Asynchronization between Sunspot Numbers and Polar Faculae"
J. Astrophys. Astron, 32, 401-409, 2011
Deng, L.H., Qu, Z.Q., Liu, T., Huang, W.J.
"The Long-Term Hemispheric Variation of Polar Faculae"
J. Korean Astron. Soc., 44, 209-215, 2011
Deng, L., Qi, Z., Dun, G., Xu, C.
"Phase Relationship between Polar Faculae and Sunspot Numbers Revisited: Wavelet Transform Analyses"
Publ. Astron. Soc. Japan, 65, 11, 2013
Deng, L.H., Qu, Z.Q., Liu, T., Huang, W.J.
"The Hemispheric Asynchrony of Polar Faculae during Solar Cycles 19-22"
Adv. Space Res., 51, 87-95, 2013
Deng, L.H.
"Phase Relationship between Polar Faculae and Sunspot Numbers"
in 'Solar and Astrophysical Dynamos and Magnetic Activity', ed. A.G.Kosovichev, E.M. de Gouveia Dal Pino, and Y.Yan, IAU Symp., 294, 61-62, 2013
Deng, L.H., Li, B., Xiang, Y.Y., Dun, G.T.
"On Mid-Term Periodicities of High-Latitude Solar Activity"
Adv. Space Res., 54, 125-131, 2014
Hanaoka, Y. and Solar Observatory of NAOJ
"Past and Present of the Synoptic Observations of the Sun at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan"
ASP Conference Series 504, eds. I.Dorotovic, C.E.Fischer, and M.Temmer, pp.313-315, 2016


Last Updated: 2024 May 20