Full-Disk Line-of-Sight Magnetograms
Maps (gif file, 768x727 pixels)
- Panels show the intensity distribution (top left), the line-of-sight magnetic field (top right), and the line-of-sight velocity (bottom left). The image orientation is celestial north at the top and west to the right.
- Red and blue in the magnetic map indicate positive (N-polarity) and negative (S-polarity) magnetic fields, respectively.
- Red and blue in the velocity map indicate motions away from us and toward us, respectively.
- The signal in the bottom-left panel is mostly due to the rotation of the Sun, and the bottom-right panel shows the line-of-sight velocity with rotation removed.
- The files are named "ssYYMMDD.hhmm.gif", where 'YYMMDD' is the date of observation and 'hhmm' is the UT time of observation.

Last Updated: 2011 December 10