Solar Flare Telescope: Active Region Vector Magnetograms
Maps of Vector Magnetogram (gif file, 612x585 pixels)
- Red and blue contours indicate positive (N-polarity) and negative (S-polarity) magnetic fields along the line of sight. Green arrows indicate the strength and direction of transverse magnetic fields.
- The image orientation is celestial north at the top and west to the right.
- The files are named "fbYYMMDD.hhmm.gif", where 'YYMMDD' is the date of observation and 'hhmm' is the UT time of observation.
Maps of Vector Magnetogram (FITS-format data)
- The files are named "fbYYMMDD.hhmm.fts", where 'YYMMDD' is the date of observation and 'hhmm' is the UT time of observation.
Maps of Vector Magnetogram (Apr 2006-, jpg/FITS)
Observing Status Plot (gif file, 800x500 pixels)
- The files are named "ftsYYMMDD.gif" where 'YYMMDD' is the date (UT) of observation.
Observing Region Plot (gif file, 640x400 pixels)
Raw Data (original format data)

Last Updated: 2024 January 16