Venue of the Workshop
The workshop will be held at the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, Mitaka, Tokyo.
Programme of the Workshop
The workshop will be structured around the following topics:
- Participation of nations in project development for international heliospheric space missions and supporting low-cost ground-based instrument array initiatives for world-wide studies in space science.
- Studies on the participation of developing nations in IHY.
- Access to data of the Sun-Earth system from ground-based and space-borne facilities through data archives and virtual observatories.
- Operation of astronomical telescope facilities in developing nations: BSS TRIPOD.
- Data analysis and image processing techniques for space science.
- Nonextensive statistical mechanics and astrophysics
During the workshop, additional working group sessions will be held to assess past and develop future activities related to the above topics.
The Workshop on Basic Space Science and the International Heliophysical Year 2007 will continue the work initiated during the first workshop in the United Arab Emirates in 2005 ( and the second workshop in India in 2006 ( in taking space science instrumentation, observation, and education to the developing nations of the world.
An important feature of the Workshop is introducing data bases and relevant software tools that can promote space science activities. There have been enormous number of space missions that have been accumulating large data bases of scientific data. Similarly, long-term data bases are available from ground based observations. These data can be utilized in ways different from originally intended for understanding the heliophysical processes. One of the goals of the Workshop is to identify such data bases and make them available to the world community with necessary software tools so that scientists from developing countries can benefit from them.
Authors should state clearly for which programme topic the paper is intended. Contributions that highlight interdisciplinary issues are particularly encouraged. Poster sessions will be organized for the duration of the workshop. Authors are also requested to include with their submission a short, not longer than half-a-page, biography. These will serve as the presenter's introduction prior to the session in the workshop.
Abstracts of no more than 600 words must be headed by the (i) Title, (ii) Author(s) Name(s), (iii) Institutional Affiliation (s), and (iv) Email Address(s). Abstracts must be submitted in electronic format to Ms. Ayoni Oyeneyin, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs,
Email Ayoni.Oyeneyin
Selection of Participants
Participants will be selected by the co-sponsors of the Workshop, through the Local Organizing Committee and the International Scientific Organizing Committee, on a competitive basis from those who meet the qualifications provided in
the Application Form.
Financial Arrangements
Within the limited funds available to the co-sponsors, a number of selected participants from developing countries and countries with economies in transition will be offered
financial support to attend the Workshop. Funded participants will be provided with a round-trip air ticket between their international airport of departure to Tokyo, Japan, and daily subsistence allowance. Any cost associated with en-route expenses or any changes made to the air ticket must be borne by the participants.
Foreign participants who need assistance for their hotel accommodation in Tokyo may contact the organizing secretary.
Language of the Workshop
English will be the working language for the workshop.
Registration Fee
There is no registration fee to participate at and contribute to this workshop.
Visa Application
If you need an invitation letter for applying VISA, please contact Dr. Fumi Yoshida or Mr. Masanori Kakiage at If you feel uncomfortable sending personal information through e-mail, please FAX to us at +81-422-34-3687.
The following information is needed to issue the invitation letter:
- Full Name as appear on Your Passport
- Passport Number
- Nationality
- Institute Name
- Job Title
- Postal Address
- Telephone Number
- Sex
- Date of Birth
- Travel Plan (Your arrival and departure date, your flight information are required.)
The same information is necessary for person(s) accompanying with you.
We will send you an official invitation letter as soon as possible after
receiving your request. Please apply for VISA at the local Japanese
Embassy/Consulate/Visa Office A.S.A.P.! Please check the following
websites of Japanese embassy in your country to confirm the paper
works necessary to apply for Japanese VISA.