
2011年7月20日から31日にわたり、"Japan - Peru: FMT Summer School and Data Analysis Workshop (日本・ペルー:FMT夏の学校&データ解析ワークショップ)"が開催され、その一部の日程を 国立天文台三鷹にて下記のよう開催しました。ワークショップ全体については京都大学のページ https://www.kwasan.kyoto-u.ac.jp/CHAIN/WS/2011Jul/ をご覧ください。

Japan-Peru Solar Physics Workshop in NAOJ

July 28
10:00−Assemble at the Meeting Room 2
Procedures for the travel expenses
Payment for the fee of the Cosmos Kaikan
Tour of the Campus
(The Ishitsuka family will meet the director-general in AM)
13:30−14:00Assemble at the Meeting Room 2
Discussion about the detailed schedule
Introduction to the Ica Solar Station
14:30−16:30Meeting at the Solar Flare Telescope
Practice of the observation with a coelostat
(depend on the weather condition)
Practice of the analysis of spectroheliogram data
17:30−Get-together Party at the Dining Hall (Seikyo)

July 29
09:30−12:00Meeting at the Solar Flare Telescope (continued)
Practice of the observation with a coelostat
Practice of the analysis of spectroheliogram data
13:00−15:00SSP Seminar
Title: Quiet Sun magnetic fields at 0.3"
Speaker: Dr. Orozco Suarez (NAOJ)
Place: Small Seminar Room, Subaru Building 1st floor
15:00−17:00Meeting at the Meeting Room 2
Introduction to the sunspot observation in NAOJ

July 30−31 : Free discussion, data analysis, ...